Tuesday, September 25th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Episode #10,662 Taped 8/25 Director – Kathryn Foster

Steve lies, eyes closed, in his hospital bed, when there is a knock at the door. Stephanie arrives, saying she had to know how he was doing. Steve is glad to see her, but teases her about giving up diaper duty with Pocket. She called Gramma Caroline to watch him. He asks about Jeremy, she slips up, saying he must be halfway to Seattle by now, then makes Papa promise not to tell the police. She just says he told her before he left that was where he was going. As they chat about Jeremy, and her feelings, Max arrives outside, just in time to hear Steponme say she guesses she is still in love with him. He comes in, kibbitzs a bit with Steve, as Kayla then arrives. They all talk of Andre having Roman, and then Steve tells them that Bo called, Andre has Lucas & EJ. Kayla asks when will this all end. Cue Stefano to arrive with a police guard, saying he also wants an end to it. Andre has his son, and this must all stop. Steve lets everyone know that Bo has the folio, with the terms of how to end the vendetta. (Stefano seems to know already) Steve orders Max to take Stephanie home. They leave, and Stefano promises that he will diffuse Andre, if the vendetta terms are met. Steve & Kayla feel the terms are impossible to meet, but Stefano felt that it IS possible.

Max & Stephanie are at the Johnson hotel suite, with Stephanie holding the door, saying goodbye and thank you to an invisible Gramma Caroline, lol, shutting the door. They chat back & forth, with Max referring to her still loving Jerkemy. She asks who mentioned love, and he tells her she did, in the hospital room. He heard her as he arrived. She looks rather sheepish, saying something about not knowing what she feels. Yada, Yada, he lets her know he thinks she is special, really would like to kiss her, but doesn’t.

At Nick’s apartment (yes, folks, we actually SEE another home, lol) Jeremy is on the floor with the boys, showing them magic card tricks. Nick sends them off to get ready for bed, brush their teeth, and don’t forget the 60 seconds rule. Jeremy grabs a bag of chips and gets comfy on the sofa, but Nick says no eating in the living room, and takes the bag away. They argue a bit, Nick is taking care of the boys, and thinks Jeremy should go. Knock , Knock, it is Chelsea. Jeremy hides in the bedroom, Nick opens the door, she wants to hang out, brought comic books for the boys. Not a good time. He tries to get rid of her, but she insists on coming in. She thinks she handled their breakup badly, said some things that were not true, but now sees how he is with the boys, and they adore him, and so just wants to start over. Nick lets her know he still loves her, but she wants him to love her like she loves him. As a brother, no thanks, says Nick. He wants Chelsea to leave, she suspects he has a woman in the bedroom, he denies it, but says she cannot go in there. Out come the boys, all ready for the bedtime story and wanting to know where Uncle Jeremy is. Aha! Jeremy comes out, Chelsea berates Nick for harboring a fugitive, one of the boys wants to know what harboring is. Nick says fishing in a harbor, but the other one knows it means hiding someone. Chelsea argues a bit with Jeremy, and another knock, knock at the door. Jeremy goes back in the bedroom, Nick opens the door to Mr. Panama Hat, who says he is Umar Abboud, and is there about the boys. Nick plays dumb, saying they are not there, but Mr. Abboud knows they are. He talks of China Lee, and what she told Nick about the boys’ powerful father. Mr. Abboud says something about him being a very powerful Sudanese man, and that China was paid to get them to the States. He is there to collect them. Nick says no way. Mr. Abboud says that the boys are in great danger, and that Nick does not seem to understand the gravity of the situation.

At the Pub, Sami is frantically calling Lucas, leaving a message saying Andre claims to have him and EJ, and she doesn’t believe him. Call her and tell her he is all right. Bo comes in, and reports that they have not been able to find Roman, and that Andre now has Lucas & EJ, too. The scene shifts over to the cemetery, close up of the grave, and pans down to the dark inside of the coffin, where Roman is weakly calling Bo, help me, Bo, Bo, down to nearly a whisper. (shuddering here). Sami wants to rush out and find Roman, and her husband…..but Bo stops her, pulling the folio out from behind him. (Where the heck was it? too big for a back pocket….very odd) He show it to her. Later, she cannot believe what is inside, and all the more determined to go find them all. Bo tells her she has to stay put and take care of her babies. She insists it is for them, for her husband, her father, all her family, she has to find them and put an end to this madness. He tries to calm her down, she claims to have a pain, he goes to get some toast and gingerale, telling her to stay put. He leaves, Andre phones, she is late. Sami panics as he threatens, she is on her way.
Bo returns, finding Sami gone. Doug & Julie arrive, with the last batch of letters, and learn of the kidnappings, and Sami being gone. Bo decides to go find Grampa Shawn, and make him tell them all what happened to Colleen all those years ago. Sami arrives at the warehouse. She calls for Lucas, over and over, adding EJ’s name in at times. Andre finally appears, chiding her for being 40 minutes late. He pats her down to make sure no wires or weapons. Now he taunts her, telling her of the choice she has to make, accusing her of having feelings for EJ, in spite of what he did to her. She says the only feelings she has is hatred, and she continues to call Lucas’s name, over and over, adding EJ’s in once or twice.. Now Tony tells her if she hates him, why call for him. She asks what he wants, and he tells her he already told her. She will decide who will live and who will die. He takes her over to where there is apparently Lucas & EJ wrapped up in sheets. She calls for Lucas, no answer. What do you want from me, cries Sami. Andre says they have already discussed this. In exchange for her father’s life, she will have to make the choice of which one of these two will die.

Was there a confusion between André and Tony, Poirot? I noticed the name change at the end of the summary.
Thanks, Kristen, just a mistake on my part. I also left out the appearance of Doug & Julie, and rectified that, too.

Sorry, Folks.
No prob. I almost thought the story threw us a curve ball with Tony turning evil at that point!
Does anyone know if this storyline is going to end soon? Is sweeps in November?
2 DiMearas are suppose to die? For sure it won't be Stefano or EJ. So my guess is Benji and Andre. Anyone else know any more.
By the way thanks Poriot for posting every day. I forget to thank you, but know we all appreciate what you do for us.
Ok goodnight every one.