Twitter week Dec 7

I love the this day in history when it's the 80's and ALL THAT HAIR...... I remember telling one young lady as she was getting ready for her school/yearbook picture that she would come to dread that photo.... she laughed at me as only a young teen could because, well, they know everything.... as she is a family friend and I see her often and I have a copy of the picture.... you don't think I don't enjoy bringing it out not to her 8 year old daughter do you..... oh the giggles and glares......
Wait... What.... Eli and Lani had the best wedding??? of all SOAPS??

I thought Lani's hair was gorgeous, Eli was extremely handsome.... but it was a typical Days wedding.... stunt casting, guns, law enforcement and a pregnant bride with a bare midriff..... there weren't any other choices???
Lani looked gorgeous from the shoulders up, but that was it. The rest of the dress was awful. The actual ceremony was wonderful, though. The other drama surrounding it, not so much.