Twitter week July 26

This must be it. Hopefully, everyone can get Peacock

Oh with Billie Reed as the ISA agent in charge of a case and fan favorite Victoria Konefal (Ciara) involved I'm sure to be tuning in.... which Ciara will show up??? at this point who cares I've seen too much of the overly cruel mean woman, Bo's daughter has been destroyed. The entire summary of the "Adventure" sounds vaguely familiar, but if it helps keep Days on the Air for me daily that is good for me as long as I don't have to watch...
Well, I am curious as to who, from the past in Days, will be showing up, but unfortunately, don't get hope someone is able to tape & post videos.........
You can get Peacock on the internet like you do NBC. Have you looked at your
cable company. They may have it.

Hopefully, someone will post somewhere.
This must be it. Hopefully, everyone can get Peacock

When does it start?
So far, they have not said........only........"soon".
But they just began filming