Twitter week June 22

Who the heck selects the "best dressed". Whomever it is must like ******** clothes since that's what most of the younger female characters wear that are chosen for this.

Yep, I got bleeped by the program so just went with the asterisks. You all know how Ciara, Gabi, etc. dress anyway. Though Gabi seems the worst most of the time.

So this is Brady, stepmother Marlena and current girlfriend holder of his ahh.... heart, Kristen.

Are we supposed to forget about this stage of Brady's life??
No, that's not Brady; it's baby Elvis. Brady was bigger by the time this wedding fiasco happened. But still, yeah, Kristen did bounce little Brady on her knee back in the day.

This picture of John, Brady and Kristen was from around the time of that wedding:


Here's Brady and baby Elvis together:
