Twitter week May 3

The DNA test proved he was Forrest Alamain, who was adopted by Lawrence's parents. The original story was that John's birth mother was Daphne DiMera, who had an affair, so she gave her baby to her sister, Philomena Alamain, to adopt. They somewhat rewrote that just to say that Philomena and her husband Leopold still adopted John (Forrest), then he "died" as a child (drowned), but was really spirited away to that weird Hunger Games type boarding school (Winterthorne Academy) where he met Eduardo Hernandez when they were kids. There were a lot more twists and turns to the story, but that's it in a nutshell.

For a while there, Vivian was quite fond of her nephew John.
As last it stands with John, Yo Ling, whose real name was Timothy Robicheaux, was John's bio dad. Maude was John's bio mother. Timothy went to the war, more or less lost his marbles and became Yo Ling. Maude thought he was dead and couldn't afford to take care of John alone, so she either gave him up for adoption or placed him with someone temporarily (can't remember) and that's how he ended up with Philomena and Leopold Alamain. But somehow Yo Ling was involved with that Winterthorne Academy and had a hand in John being taken there as a kid. It was all pretty murky.

Again, this is all in a nutshell.

Next week John could have an entirely new set of bio parents and a brand new backstory.
Lucas and Sami looked cute together back in 2007, however I do not want to see them together now. She is in love with another and I think Lucas deserves all of someone's love (although his last stunt is disgusting) not jut a settlement.
