Twitter week Oct 22

The little girl who played Noel (Liz and Neil's daughter) later made an appearance at the Last Blast Dance in 2001 as a student named Heather (the girl in blue).

I still don't think she is dead.
I think she will be back some day.
I just hope the do not change actors. It seems they are starting to change actors like they change their underwear! I'm not up for that. Pretty soon it will look like an entirely different soap and I will have no need to watch it.
Don't TITB(the idiots that be) understand how much we associate the character with the actor if they've played them for any length of time?
Yes, considering Danny was murdered. But in Salem, that doesn't mean anything.

Danny was killed by Richard Cates, a crooked cop, who at one time romanced a widowed Marlena. Theo Carver (Abe's brother) came to Salem to investigate Danny's death (they were friends) and figured out who did it, but Richard killed Theo before he could tell anyone.
Just noticed Ali Sweeney's shoes, egads!! Really? What was she thinking. Sweatshirt with hoody, dark pants, and cocktail party shoes??? Huh? Yep, just the thing for running around a warehouse, looking for a dead man, and stepping in broken glass, ashes, cement & steel debris, let alone the flames, smoke. Gee, even her polished toe nails are still perfect.
Not to mention, they are leather (or fake leather) pants.