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She walks out just in time to see her brothers fist slam into Nathan's face, as she rushes towards them she wants answers. Mel:Max what the hell are you doing? Before he can respond Daniel walks up. Dan:That's what I'd like to know. As Daniel looks sternly at them, Max knows he's in trouble. Dan:This is a hospital and you 2 are behaving like idiots on a playground. Nath:I did nothing, Max is the one who start.. Dan:I don't care who started it, I'm writing you both up. Now get out of here, your shifts are officially over. As Daniel walks away Mel can't help but notice the look of satisfaction on her brothers face, and she turns towards him. Mel:What's going on Max? As Nathan starts to walk away, Max moves to block him. Nath:Get out of my way. Max:I don't think so pretty boy, not until you tell my sister what you did. As Mel looks at the two warring boys, she's had enough. Mel:For Gods sake Max! You tell me, what did he do? As Max looks at Nathan, he knows he's to gutless to fess up. Max:He cheated on you Mel.
As Mel takes in everything he's just said, she's in shock. Max:Are you okay Mel. She looks at Max and can see the worry in his eyes. Mel:I'm fine but you should go, I want to talk to Nathan. Max:I'm not leaving you alone with him. Mel:Max I'm a big girl, I'll be fine. Max knows there's no point in arguing with her. Max:Okay I'll go but call me later okay. He sends one last glare Nathan's way, and walks out. She watches him leave and straight away turns to face Nathan. Mel:So tell me Nathan, did you sleep with someone else before or after I slept with Philip? As he looks to the ground he tries to find the right words. Nath:Look Mel, I can expla.. Mel:I don't want you to explain, I want you to answer my question. Was it before or after I slept with Philip? Because I already know it was before you watched people say horrible nasty things about me behind my back. As he looks straight at her, she has her answer. In that moment she slaps him hard across the face. Mel:That's for causing my brother to be reprimanded.
woa you go melanie thats my girl. I cant wait for more zep.
Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you ZR! That was very satisfying.
As Mel leaves the hospital she can't stop the tears from running down her face. When she gets to her car, she decides she's not going to head home. She loves Maggie dearly, but she knows she can't talk to her about this. As she reaches her destination and knocks on the large door, she prays that he'll be the one to answer. As the door opens and she sees him standing there, she breathes a sigh of relief. Mel:Brady I'm so glad your home, I need to talk to you about something. As Brady ushers her into the living room he can tell she's upset. Brady:Come and sit down and tell me whats happened. As she takes a seat on the sofa, she turns to face him. Mel:Brady I need to ask you a question and I would of asked Max but he's my brother, and I need a males perspective that's not related to me. As he places his hand on top of hers, he realizes she's completely worked up and close to tears. Brady:Okay Mel ask your question. She looks directly at him, and the tears once again start to fall. Mel:Brady what's wrong with me?
awwww melanie nothings wrong with you. your beautiful, funny, and smart. never forget that.
she is just upset because this is the 2nd guy that she dated that cheated on her. been in them shoes i understand that pain. plus she is pregnant so that does not help all of this. anyone think maybe she should be with brady???
You go girl. So glad that Mel smacked Nathan. Poor Mel. Brady tell her that nothing is wrong with her. She is great the way she is. Philip knows that and is so sorry for what he did. I am sure if Mel gives him another chance he will never cheat on her again. Thanks for the chapters ZR. Oh have you chosen a name for this story yet or is it going to stay untitled.
Melanie should be with Philip and only Philip. Brady is her best friend and should stay that way. Can't wait for the next installment. You are doing a great job ZR - keep it coming.
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