Upcoming Marlena storyline

I started watching days with my Grandmother years ago. Now I am 76 and the G'ma as well as the GGma! I have rarely taken a break of more than a few days. Even at work my co-worker and I both listened. No matter how dumb the main storyline was there was always some sub-plot for me to like. Not this time. So, I might check in now and again .but for now I'm out. Hope and pray serious changes are made. I would really love for Days to have a future.
I started watching Days after I retired around 2009 it’s really the only soap I’ve ever watched. It was pretty good when I first started enough so that I’ve recorded everyday in case I missed it. But now is a different story literally I can’t see myself watching much longer. I’m not sure you’d call it watching right now because I’m not really paying attention while it’s on lol. The writers are clueless if they think people are enjoying this so called storyline. I can only hope something changes soon otherwise I’ll just check the daily summaries occasionally to see what’s happening.
It's nice she is having fun, too bad the viewers aren't as well. Am surprised she thinks Re-ron is such a fantastic writer, that is disappointing. But, perhaps, as usual, the actors have to toe the line, do the P.R. stuff, sound enthusiastic, etc. etc.
Great to see that the majority of viewers do not like this ridiculous garbage story line. In the most recent issue of Soap Opera Digest, it lists the results of a poll that was conducted regarding whether people like this story line- over 70% said NO!! I hope everyone who has said they will stop watching actually does, although even if viewership declines significantly I don't think it will matter. Days has sucked for a long time now, viewership has been on a downward spiral for years yet somehow the show got a 2-year renewal?? It looks like this show is immune from cancellation, no matter what crap they air or how many viewers they lose, the show keeps getting renewed- insane!

I don't really like any current story line, none of them are the least bit entertaining and at this point I am merely watching to see how low it can go. This head writer has driven Days into the ground yet he is still employed- how is that possible?!
Since they are so far out, and the fans are not enjoying this story these interviews have to be difficult as she knows the fans aren't fond of this but she has to appease Corday and Re-Ron so she puts on a happy face?
Or maybe she did have fun doing a story that people don't like, for various reasons.
From interview

They decided to have Marlena be possessed again instead of Sami or Allie.

He thought it would be interesting to use Doug and everyone think it was a dementia story than
it turned out it wasn't.

Ciara is pregnant and he wanted Ben/Ciara in the storyline so the devil wants the baby.

Marlena goes to town on Halloween.
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I enjoyed Beyond Salem bring those stories back to the main show: fun capers, trips abroad, mystery. Those are more than just gimmicks and can sustain the show. They can’t have the devil on all the time. If they start retreading this more than once every three decades, I’m out.
@katmouse, was he saying that the character Ciara will be pregnant (or already is), or that the actress is and they are working it into the story? Didn't they have that time where she forgot her pills or something when they were traveling?
Here's a sneak peek at Baby Weston's nursery (from The Addams Family Values movie):

I know I'm in the small minority here. I am enjoying this storyline and everyone it seems to be touching. Not only because of my normal reason for liking anything that gives my Doc story, but also because ( I can't believe I'm typing this) the writing is pleasing me, so far. I like it being interspersed all around, touching the older and newer generations. Fitting in with other storylines is, in my humble opinion, good writing.

I know we all have our opinions on the possession storyline, this has been a bit of mine.
Ciara is going to be pregnant. The way it was talked about she probably got pregnant
when the wind came in the window.

He also mentioned this was a love story. John will save Marlena at some point. Maybe
Ben saves the child.