Update about me


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2009
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For those that know, I thought I'd update a bit.

When I left in September, I truly had no intention of going back. I knew it would be a long, hard road. But the more I saw Hubby put forth real effort into correcting his mistakes and behavior, in seeking counseling of his own initiative before even hiring a lawyer, and the many, many talks we had, we set about a tentative plan for me to come back and he moved out and stayed with a friend. That way Annabelle was back in the school district we wanted both her in (and out of the one we both couldn't stand), he'd be close enough to see the girls, and we could ease our way back at a pace that was comfortable to me. He did eventually move back with us and the biggest issue we've been having since is just learning how to communicate better. He was diagnosed as bipolar II and has been taking medication. That's a huge step for him because he was always so vocal about his belief that mental health issues are 'excuses' and he didn't think there was validity in therapy or medication. In no way does the bipolar excuse what happened, but it does help me understand what happened along the path to that point. Hindsight is always 20/20. The diagnosis also gives me some clear signs to watch out for in the future in case of relapse. So he has his counselor, I have mine, and we have one that we see together so we've got three professional opinions on our situation. Hubby's court date was last week. 1 year deferred sentence, fines, court fees and such, and mandatory continuation of his counseling (which is redundant since he had no intention of stopping his counseling). We also filed bankruptcy, in part because of the strain the separation put on our finances. So there's been a lot of stress and adjustments but we're making it through fairly well.

This is one of the many, many reasons I loathe the EJ/Sami story. Not only does it demean Sami and real victims of abuse as well as perpetuating the cycle of abuse as romantic, but it also belittles the real effort that some men do put into, dare I use the phrase, being a "better man". Gah, that phrase just sounds horrid! LOL! I don't expect Days to be accurate in the portrayal and show EJ in therapy, but to completely ignore the abusive history of EJ/Sami (and his abuse of Nicole as well) is sickening. Even if I take a step back and viewing EJ/Sami from a writing standpoint, to not give a clear storyline where the viewers see the real struggle EJ would have to change his attitude and behavior is just poor writing and even poorer storytelling. Making a leap from A to C doesn't make sense if you don't see B anywhere; same thing with the lack of character development. Not to turn this into the whole EJ/Sami issue....
Thanks for sharing that, Rock. It's not often someone would put forth that much effort to get better (denial and all). I hope things continue to work out for you and your family. Take care!
I'm glad things are working out for you.
Continued happiness for you
Rock you sound like a beautiful person, thank you for sharing such a personal issue in which i can completely empathize with. I appreciate your last paragraph as well. Only the best for you and your family. God Bless.
I'm sure it was quite hard for you to express all this to everyone, but...you did and now you can reap the best wishes and prayers of your fellow readers.
We all have burdens and most of us just tuck them deep inside and "put on a happy face"--You've stepped out and expressed and I can have nothing but admiration for you and your husband.
Wishing you BOTH much success.
Thanks everyone. RS, my parents have really been great through everything and the girls loved being able to spend time with them. I don't think I would have had the courage to even think about leaving if it hadn't have been for my parents' support. I will say it does sometimes feel like I'm being hypocritical because I came back. I know the statistics of domestic violence, I know the statistics of relapse for people with bipolar II, but I'm not coming back blind to all of that. I know it's going to be hard work for both of us, but I do feel it will be worth it. And if he wasn't putting forth the effort that he has been, then there is no way I'd be staying with him.
Yeah, bipolar disorder is one of the ones where it's common for people to become non-compliant with their meds. I thought about it once and I can understand why that would be. After all, the meds blunt the highs and lows, and while bipolar II does not have full manic episodes, they still have the hypomania, where they feel really, really good. Just imagine a time where you felt on top of the world. Now imagine you're taking a medication that will prevent you from feeling that good, ever again. After a while, you might be able to convince yourself that things weren't really that bad, that you can manage the symptoms and that the lows weren't that low. That being said, there are plenty of people, who once they go on their meds, stay on them, because they know that things really were that bad.

I really hope that the work your husband has put into turning his life around and having you back in his life will be the motivation he needs to stay compliant with his meds for the rest of his life. I really and truly hope things work out for the two of you. And, for the record, I don’t think you’re being a hypocrite. Your husband’s willingness to seek counseling and accept his diagnosis, despite his long held beliefs about mental illness, speaks volumes for me. You're not going back to someone who's done nothing to change, you're going back to someone who has put in a ton of work. If he'd done nothing to become a better person, husband and father, then you would be a hypocrit.

As for mental health issues being an “excuse,” I consider them a reason, not an excuse. Each and every one of us is ultimately responsible for our own actions. If we have a mental health issue, then we are responsible for getting treatment for that issue and for managing the symptoms. I have Inattentive ADHD, which means I’m not hyperactive and or as impulsive as someone with Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD, but I do have many of the other symptoms. I’m disorganized, forgetful, scatterbrained, distractible, occasionally temperamental, have no time management, and procrastinate something awful. I also take my meds and take steps to mitigate the symptoms because while the meds help, they don’t come anywhere near correcting the problem. My condition is the reason I have these problems; it’s up to me to manage them. I hope that makes sense.
Good luck with your situation... it must be a difficult one, but you sound like you are being very rational about it. I'm sure there is a fine line between being a repeat victim and taking your vows seriously, but I do respect you for giving your husband another chance. It sounds like you have already drawn a line that has yet to be crossed. It also sounds like, with the help of and support you have in your parents and your therapists, you will make the right decision - whatever that might end up being. I will be thinking of you and your family!