Wardrobe, hair & makeup


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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This past week or so, we saw both Allie & Gabi in some heavy duty unattractive purple eye shadow.
Today..(9/23) Nicole really looked bad, in my opinion. Her hair was terrible, looked as tho she woke up, did not bother brushing or even combing it. I don't know what to say about the dress.......just that I cannot say anything positive. Wherever wardrobe shops, they truly need to go somewhere else. Oh, wait, I do have something positive, her dress was not LOW CUT in the front or back, actually had sleeves.
I still for the life of me can't understand why Days doesn't show people in actual clothes. Not everyone has to be soooo dressed up or in heavy makeup all the time. I mean, Lucas and Rafe are arguably the most casually-dressed men of their age group (40s and up), and even they are sometimes too dressed up. Does nobody wear jeans, khakis or sweatpants? Or conversely, shorts and a normal t-shirt, or a t-shirt with a logo or something on it? I get that being dressed up in the office or a fancy dinner out is something that's normal and expected. But when one is just at home, having a drink with friends, or sitting on Benchie in the Square or Park, why bother? And that's not even getting into the ugly styles some of these characters seem to have.
Poirot said exactly what I was thinking. Nicole looked terrible today, only good thing was that she was covered up with sleeves and a decent neck and back line. What was up with her hair? A total mess!

As for the eye shadow worn by Gabi and Allie, it needs to go!
Not only Nicole looked terrible today, but I noticed Chloe's dress had some sort of an area near her shoulder that looked like it was frayed, but after checking it a 2nd time, i guess it was some kind of decoration and not a fraying at all. :tsk:
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It does bug me that "casual" doesn't seem to exist in Salem. Marlena comes the closest with her slacks, usually a jacket over. I have lived in big city Chicago, I know many here have either lived or are currently living in big and small towns/cities, etc. Business attire aside (& even there I see guys without a suit jacket or tie, but usually a buttoned shirt in business office) but females just don't sit around the house, go to the store, mall, for a haircut, all dressed up for a party! Unless I was going out to dinner with hubby, it was slacks, jeans, casual tops when taking care of babies, kids, cleaning hse, dishes, fixing meals, dropping something off at a relative's, friend's, and I could go on. Heck, I see people in church on Sunday in very casual attire. Wonder what it is about Salem that everyone is always so formally dressed?