Wed. Feb. 17th

Just exactly what ARE all the uses of bumpits???

Who knew those bumpits had so many uses.

I'm disappointed in the way they left Chloe's non-pregnancy. I hope they don't just drop the story. At the very least she should have a physical exam.

I had to laugh at Anna saying she'd used very strong bleach on Sydney's clothes and then to see that the dress was bright pink. I also wondered how anyone's dna would have gotten on the dress. Did someone use it blow their nose or something?

I loved Maxine's concern for Melanie. And watching Bo try to restrain Carly when she tried to go after Viv. Carly is becoming quite violent. Maybe she got a taste for killing when she offed old Larry.

I really find it hard to believe that people can B*^%H about not receiving a gift. A gift what I feel I receive when I read the wonderful summaries we are gifted. Please do not allow the inconsideration of some folk discourage you. If we woke up tomorrow and you said you would not be doing this anymore I would understand. Your devotion is admirable. Thank you for the time you spend for our pleasure.
I too, thought that Stephanie was gonna fall out today (yesterday)....and poor Nathan (actually it is hard to say if it was the character or the actor), could not keep his eyes at eye level. He had to keep raising his chin, because his eyes were about to pop out from looking below.

Like others, I thought Philip's lunge at Carly was so very real. Great acting!

With all the bleaching to do away with any DNA for Anna or EJ, how could they find Sydney's DNA? Don't they know we all watch CSI, or others shows such as that now? We are ALL educated!
Oh, and I almost forgot, I also think the actress did a great job with Chloe today. She showed more emotion than I have seen is a long time. It really made me feel for Chloe.