Wednesday 12/22/2010



At K-Mansion, Vivian says read it and weep I’m the majority stock holder. Vic says he won’t let her get away with this. She thinks she got the last laugh. Brady says he was the one who put her in the box, leave everyone else out of it. Vivian says she can’t wait to boss everyone around and rub salt in their wounds. Then we see Philip, Brady, and Victor all on their cell phones apparently with various people from Titan blasting them for not informing them of the takeover. Vivian gleefully watches. Mel walks in wondering why Viv is there. Vivian tells Mel she is the new CEO of Titan. Kate and Nicole say they don’t work for Titan so have no problem throwing Vivian out. Vivian scoffs at this. She says she owns this house too and calls it Chez Vivian. LOL. Philip says you may own Titan but this house is not owned by the corporation. Victor says “well…” Philip: “Tell me that “well” doesn’t mean what I think it means?” Vivian says that Victor and his accountant had the house turned into Titan headquarters so therefore it all belongs to her now. Victor walks out of the room. Viv taunts the others. Nicole says she’s leaving since she was kicked out. Viv says oh no she has special revenge for both her and Kate. Kate says she’s not worried because Viv’s plans always fall apart. Victor comes back in saying his lawyers are looking into this. Viv doesn’t seem worried. Philip says he and Mel are leaving. Vic tells them no, I don’t want anyone leaving because then Viv will have succeeded. Brady doesn’t believe they have to all live there with Vivian. Victor says I guess we’re all going to be roomies. Philip doesn’t like it. Melanie tells Vivian that she doesn’t think she has quite thought this through living in a house with people who love each other and actually carry on regular lives with friends. She calls Viv a dried up over the hill useless old crow. LOL. Victor tells Phil that Mel has earned a permanent place in his heart for that comment. Nicole stands up to leave. Viv begs her not to go saying that’s an order. Viv walks over to Nicole and taunts her. She orders her back in the room then calls for Henderson. She asks for eggnog all around. Kate says she’s died and gone to hell. Victor says she’s never going to shut up, ever! Viv blathers on then starts singing the 12 Days of Christmas trying to get everyone else to sing too! Henderson comes in with a tray of eggnog as Viv tries to get everyone to sing Good King Wenceslas. Melanie declines the eggnog saying she thinks she’s going to be sick and walks away. Philip follows her to the foyer saying they don’t have to stay here. She says no, let’s stay here and torture Viv together. Philip says I love you. Mel asks if he wants to go make out. They head upstairs. Brady says he’s leaving too. Nicole gets up and walks out too. Vivian bids Victor and Kate a Merry Christmas and walks out. Kate asks do you know what would make my Christmas really merry? Victor: are you going to start your Christmas baking? LOL. She says the next time Viv goes into a coffin she needs to be dead first! Victor agrees. Nicole is standing outside as Viv walks out. She says she and Brady can’t stand the sight of each other so she’s leaving. Viv wonders how Santa would feel about her lying as she pulls out the pics of her and Brady at Casa DiMera.

At the hospital, EJ asks Lexie to find out what’s going on. Sami is on the phone with Allie. She talks to Rafe and is worried it’s taking too long. He tries to reassure her. EJ comes over wanting to talk to Sami about when Johnny wakes up. In Johnny’s room Daniel is asking Dr. Kim if the cancer spread. Lexie comes in too. Dr. Kim says you better take a look at this. EJ wants to strategize on how to handle the situation. EJ thinks they should set ground rules. Will walks up and calls EJ a jerk. Sami tries to calm him down. The doctors come out with typical long faces as Sami and EJ ask how Johnny is. Dr. Kim says the surgery went well and Johnny is in recovery. They are still waiting for lab reports but think the cancer is gone. Sami hugs Rafe and Will. Lexie comforts EJ. Daniel thinks the prognosis is good. EJ wants to see him but Daniel wants to go over some things. EJ looks over at Sami and tells her to make herself scarce (OMG!). Daniel says no, I need to speak to all of you as this is a family situation. Dr. Kim says Johnny is waking up. Sami wants to see him, saying they are his family and will be there for him. Sami and EJ go into Johnny’s room. Poor little guy has a patch on his eye. EJ tells him that the DiMera’s are strong and can overcome everything. Outside Rafe talks to Daniel. He asks about some cancers being genetic. Rafe thinks Allie needs to be checked, Daniel agrees. Rafe says he needs to know everything before it’s too late. Daniel wonders what he means. Back to Johnny’s room, Sami tells EJ that Maxine said she could stay in Johnny’s room tonight. EJ is against the idea. He says I allowed you to be with him during the crisis. It’s over now and you will go back to the way things were. He thinks they are using this as an opportunity to get back into Johnny’s life and he won’t allow it. Back to Rafe and Daniel. Rafe tells him that EJ currently has custody of the kids. He has concerns that EJ may withhold information about Johnny from them. Daniel says he will watch out for both Johnny and Sydney. Back to Johnny’s room. Sami is incredulous at EJ. She says she is not walking away from Johnny. EJ says he will throw her out if necessary. He says Johnny is his life and that Sami is toxic to Johnny (wow, talk about pot calling kettle black…). He threatens her that when Johnny wakes up she will tell him goodbye for good otherwise he will take the evidence to the police. She asks why the turnaround when earlier you said you could see how much Johnny needed me. Was he just trying to raise her hopes so that he could crush her again. He claims he said what needed to be said at the time. Johnny then wakes up. EJ calls him a pirate. Sami says she brought him a book to read to him. EJ takes it from her and tells Johnny that he will read it to him while Sami goes home with Rafe and Will and Allie. Sami tells Johnny to never forget how much mommy loves him as EJ glares at her to get out. Sami walks out of the room looking completely distraught. Rafe takes her in his arms. Back in Johnny’s room EJ watches over a sleeping Johnny. Sami and Rafe arrive back at the loft. Sami is in shock over EJ banning her from Johnny. Rafe says they’ll figure it out. Sami says she’s through with figuring it out she just wants it to end.
Here's the Prison Storyline...

At the prison, the warden is showing Jennifer the infirmary. She’s there in disguise. She tells the warden she has a background in journalism and also has medical experience as she once worked at a free clinic in Africa. The warden says they’re pretty well staffed but they could use an admin to handle the press. Jen says that sounds great. They go to head to the office but an alarm goes off signaling they are in lockdown. The warden leaves. In Hope’s old cell, Lee wakes up wondering what happened as the warden comes in asking what the hell she’s doing. She tells her Hope hit her from behind. She suddenly realizes it was Bo that broke Hope out. Jennifer is still standing at the infirmary worried about Hope and saying maybe Bo was right and this is too dangerous. The warden and Lee come back into the infirmary. Lee’s going on about some new guard in Hope’s cell. Warden says she didn’t hire a new guard. They realize it was Bo coming in to save Hope and escape. Jen interrupts them asking if this escaped prisoner is dangerous. Lee scoffs at Jen asking the warden who the hell is this? She says she’s a new hire with a background in journalism. Lee says just what we need spin control. Warden asks to write up a press release and hands Jen a photo of Hope. Lee asks if she knows her. She says she recognizes her from the trial. She leaves saying she’ll get right on it. Warden warns her to run everything by her first. Lee then tells warden it was not so genius of a move to hire someone with a journalism degree with what they got going on there. They discuss Bo being disguised as the guard. Jen busts back in saying there’s a problem at the office with the computers. Warden and Lee leave. Jen says she hopes she bought enough time for you Bo. Later she walks back into the room with Warden and Lee asking if there’s anything else she can do. Warden says this has never happened before on her watch. A guard comes in saying they got video of the fake guard. They take a look and the warden says yep that’s the commissioner. The warden tells the guard to add Bo Brady to the APB and that he’s armed and dangerous. They say his career is over, or maybe his life is over. As Jen looks on worried.

Over to Bo and Hope trying to escape. She doesn’t think they can make it. Bo says “cut the crap” we’re in this together now let’s go! They continue down the corridor. She keeps trying to get him to leave her and save himself but he insists. He eventually just picks her up as she passes out. Bo carries Hope into a cabin somewhere and lays her on a bed telling her it will be ok. She wakes up. He made her some broth to drink. She asks what happened. He tells her she passed out from the pain and exhaustion. She says she is starting to feel better and asks where they are. He says they’re at an old fishing cabin that Pop Shawn used to take him to as a kid. Hope can’t believe he did this for her. He apparently carried her there the whole way. She says you risked your life for me, I’m so sorry. He says don’t be, I’d carry you to the ends of the earth. Hope asks Bo if he believes her about what’s going on at the prison. Bo says he’s always believed her instincts as a cop. Bo says they completed stage one of their plan, getting Hope out of there. She asks what’s stage two. He says I was afraid you’d ask that. She’s worried about Ciara. He tells her they’re with Doug and Julie. She says it’s Christmas. Hope asks if they know what he is doing. He says no. She’s worried the warden has already got the Feds on the case saying that now both of their daughter’s parents are in mortal danger. She says you can’t do this. Leave me. She wants him to go home to Ciara. He says she needs both of us. He’s going to get the charges dropped and both of them will go home to their daughter. Later Bo goes outside the cabin to check things as Hope takes his cell phone.
I'm glad to Bo/Hope improvong, but can't someone just kill EJ? E vil incarnate. He can't have anything called a heart.
Ooh, thanks for the play-by-play, Sparky! Sounds like a can't-miss episode. I can't wait to get home and watch.
Oh kpatch, you will love the Kiriakis scenes! They are a hoot! And I thought the prison stuff and Bo/Hope stuff was good too.

EJ of course is still a monster! What an evil bleepity bleep! :mad:
Thanks for the great write-up.

A totally minor point, but that book Sami gave Johnny -- Johnny Tremain -- is most definitely NOT something I would ever give anyone to make them feel better. Quite the opposite, actually. I sill have nightmarish flashbacks to middle-school and a weekend devoted to marathon-Johnny Tremain -analysis. Blargh. The horror.

At least it will put him to sleep and help him relax through his recovery. =)
I just watched the Bo/ Hope clips from today. Woo hoo - this story has the potential to be a true adventure story. I might get my Christmas wish for DOOL after all!
Gee, I thought Johnny Tremaine was supposed to be some strong hero or something. I never heard of him before.......and it was truly nasty of EJ to take advantge of the book SAMI thought to bring, and read it instead. He even tosses his head at her, to get the hell out of the room. Grrrrr.

Thanks, Sparky, really good writeup. Loved Viv trying to get everyone to sing 12 Days of Christmas, that half-hearted, disjointed ....partridge in a pear the sarcophagus clan was too funny. Loved kate telling Vic that next time Viv is put into a coffin, she should be dead. And Vic ..."Great minds think alike". And him telling one of office workers that he no longer has the power to fire him, but suggests he commit hari kari. LOLOLOL

I wish Jennifer had left after she "bought Bo & Hope some time" with the computers being down in the warden's office area.
Can't wait for Abe & Roman to get the word of Bo being armed and dangerous.
Thanks for the write up!!
I missed a big chunk of today's episode due to the President's news conference. So glad to be able to catch the whole episode here.
Thank you for the writeup, Sparkster. I appreciated it. The Kiriakis bunch was fun to watch. And I enjoyed Bo and Hope. I hope Jennifer doesn't get in trouble but what are the odds?
Oh kpatch, you will love the Kiriakis scenes! They are a hoot!

You are correct! I did love those scenes. So many great lines and facial expressions. I wish I could remember all the great lines, but some of them were more in the way they were delivered than what was actually said. I laughed at the half-hearted singing, and when Vivian said, "People, over here. Listen to me." Or words to that affect. So, Victor was trying to write off the mansion as a business expense. And he took Titan public! When did that happen? Anyway, I'm satisfied with the explanations they gave.

I loved it when Bo told Hope he would carry her to the ends of the earth. Sigh. Glad the old fishing cabin was stocked with broth. Forty-year old broth, but Hope seemed to like it.
I have not seen the show ... but ...

Could Melanie be showing signs of pregnancy? when she said she thought she was gonna be sick.

did anyone else catch that?

was she sick because of the thought of vivian or maybe shes pregnant?
i just re-watched the Bo/ Hope scenes on YT. Sigh......
Could Melanie be showing signs of pregnancy? when she said she thought she was gonna be sick.

did anyone else catch that?

was she sick because of the thought of vivian or maybe shes pregnant?

That's the first thing I thought too. Just the sight of the eggnog made her ill. Personally, I love eggnog. But she rebounded pretty quickly when she suggested that she and Philip go upstairs and make out. I knew that man had curative powers.
Melanie wasn't really sick, she said that to get out of the room.
Melanie wasn't really sick, she said that to get out of the room.

or was it morning sickness while looking at the egg nog?

Now I am not a stock expert but I don't believe you can become a major shareholder without someone knwoing about it.. you need permission to buy the shares or at least the shares are up for sale. Even in a hostile takeover it takes time for that to occur and still Victor would be aware of it.
The thing is that they went public, that means anyone can buy stocks. They were so busy they were not paying attention to who was buying all the stocks. Normally the smart thing is to make sure you are selling less then 50% of the shares.