Wednesday, August 1st

If we are giving Sami excuses to why she was bad, what about Eric? He was her twin. He definitely was not bad at all! One of the good male characters DAYS has ever had.
New to posting but been reading for quite awhile...
The whole thing with the paternity doesn't ring true with me either. What about Celeste's Ritual? I don't believe in Voodoo but the writers at Days usually give it a lot of credabilty. Unless they are suffering from adult ADD again.

Kristen DiMera -
Eric didn't walk in on Marlena cheating on their dad like Sami did. Nor did Eric live in the "perfect" Carrie's shadow (gag!). Sami has always done really bad things driven by really good motives. Yes, somewhat selfish at times but wanting a "whole" family is something she has never had because of the DiMera's. I love that she is getting some redemption but I don't think the good life with Lucas will last. The writers at Days have something in mind for in the future somewhere with Ejami. Have you noticed that they are often matching their outfits (i.e. his tie with her shirt...soemthing's in the early stages of brewing and that's what makes Days GREAT!)

Now if they could just do SOMETHING interesting with the rest of the cast.
How is drugging your best sister's man and sleeping with him a good motive? How is stealing your baby sister a good motive? There are so many to list. Sami is driven by selfish motives. She is selfish thats all. Selfish motives are not out of love its for one's own needs. Lucas has constantly told Sami that she is selfish. As for her siblings:
Eric experienced the same things that Sami did. He never walked in on Marlena and John but he sure did know about it, but he didn't hold it against Marlena. Carrie didn't hold it against Marlena for cheating on her father. Carrie's mother, Anna, walked out on her for all of her life so that she could live the glamourous life of Europe in luxury and left her with Roman, John and Marlena. How about that for trauma? Carrie ended up being a good girl. She could have been wild and crazy but she didn't.
And Eric was not bulimic, nor was he raped by someone stalking a sibling, nor was his best friend sexually abused by a parent. There is a difference between hearing about something, and seeing it. Sami never told anyone about seeing them for a long time. and I seem to remember Carrie returning from Europe after living with her mother for a while, and trying to seduce the much older Lawrence Alamain. I also recall a very married Carrie falling in love with Mike Horton and eventually sleeping with him. Remember the trip to Vegas. LOL.

Most people with children, or several siblings, knows that even though raised exactly the same way, there can be and ARE vast differences.
Celeste tricked EJ. It's that simple! She wanted to find out where her daughter was so like an idiot, EJ fell for it hook, line and sinker!
Does it drive anyone else crazy when Stephanie calls Steve "Papa"?
It just doesn't sound right to me, too redneck or something.
Actually us rednecks don't say "papa" We say Pop or daddy ;)
Calling him papa sounds more like a day player on "Little House On the Prairie" lol
It is rare that I hear anyone call their father Papa. Now I hear little kids calling their grandfathers Papa....just as they call their grandmothers Nana.

It does sound odd. I am from the midwest, called my dad, Daddy. My children call their father Dad.

More than anything on Days, I hate when the characters call their parents by their first name.
crazydazy wrote:
Actually us rednecks don't say "papa" We say Pop or daddy ;)
Calling him papa sounds more like a day player on "Little House On the Prairie" lol

Lol Crazydazy, I was thinking more like one of the girls on hee-haw, but Little House works too!
Hi,I'm new to posting today but not to reading. Love this site. I must say that making Lucas the babies father doesn't make sense. Sami and EJ are what makes Days exciting and worth watching. I have watched Days since the beginning in 1965. I loved Doug and Julie, Micky and Maggie, Bill and Laura all the early super couples. Lucas is a aboring angry loud mouth. Sami And EJ are exciting together. Something is not right with with this twist to make the babies both Lucas babies. No excitement.
well, it was exciting to me for the babies to be lucas'!! i was giggling like a little girl!! it brought tears to my eyes to see lucas' face when he found out that the babies were truely and honestly his!!

oh and about the whole celeste voo-doo ritual, i think her prediction has two reasons behind it, 1. she told ej that the babies where his to mess with his mind and bring him complete and utter pain when he found out that they were in fact not his kids and he disobeyed his dear old daddy for nothing and 2. she said that dimera blood ran through the babies, i think this IS true because i think lucas will turn out to be a dimera after all!!
Does anyone think that EJ will become mean and evil again and be a real Dimeara? Take over for his father. Kate is so evil. I wish Stefano would hook up with her again and then toss her aside like a hot potato.
And Nick. Poor Nick. He will end up leaving town someday. Don't you all think? Ok I feel bad as no one ever answers me or my question or welcomes me. Hmmm. Maybe you are all sleeping when I post and never read my post.
Goodnight all.
They could go either way with EJ. AS for Kate, she will get hers in time. When this blackmail comes out(and It always does), and Stephano finds out he wasted all that time kidnapping Sami because of kate, he won't exactally be very happy. Not to mention that this should be the last straw to make Lucas cut her out of his life for good.
Chelsea and Stephanie have become quite the whinny twosome. Everyone seems to be looking out for their best interests and all they do is complain. I don't see the sense of Nick giving the money to Kate when shortly after that he sees Chelsea himself. Go figure.
I am really sick of chelsea and stephanie and the whole for ej...he's possibly the father of the twins or possilbly twin...remember andre has said he wants to control the family when stefano dies...well no stem cells no stefano..also it "gets" ej too...this could come out in a week or years later if the show is on that long...but don't think it won't because this after all is salem....and anything can change...and usually does...not that i hate lucas but the chemistry etc between sami and ej is far better.....
I think there is something to Andre and the amnio. There was a spoiler awhile back that said that Andre messed with a few tests. He wants Stefano dead so he denies him the stem cells. He wants payback for EJ, so this does it.
It would explain why he was peeking in the window when Sami called Lucas.

Nick is turning out to be one of my favorites, except when he is being stupid for Chelsea. That girl has done nothing but treat him like crap and give him a one night stand. I guess that is all it takes for some guys.

Hey Mae Mae! I enjoy reading your posts. Don't think that people don't recognize you when you are on the board! I do. Keep up the commentary.
Kristen Dimera - If I knew how to private message I would but I just wanted to say that Carrie wasn't little miss innocent either. People just tend to forget what a royal brat (because the other b word isn't nice in polite company) she was for a while. Getting acid in her face is what cured her - mostly.

I don't think EJ is a saveable character, however. I think he's gonna try and take Stephano's place in the world. He seems to be better at the truly evil than Andre. (He doesn't depend on Bart and Rolf for one thing.)