Wednesday, August 22nd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Episode #10,639 Taped 7/30

At the Pub, the bickering Bickersons continue the argument, with Philip listening in, tho seated at the other end of the place. They go back and forth, back and forth. Shawn says Philip is trying to come between them, and have Belle & Claire for himself, using his money. Belle denies it. Yada, Yada. Shawn says Philip has a plan and is following it, is a soldier, knows his enemy and takes them out. And Shawn is his target. Belle can’t see it. They call Philip over, more yada, yada, some talk about Lauren, and Shawn’s involvement, then Belle wants to talk to Philip alone. Shawn goes back in the kitchen, and Philip now makes his pitch. Very smooth. He mentions being unable to find Lauren, or his son, and Belle notes that he does not know if the boy is his son or not. Oh, he is, says Philip. The DNA report came back on the bib Billie found, and confirm the baby is his. (So, DAYS did it! They have rewritten the egg & sperm switching at the in vitro!) They chat some more, Philip claims he just does not want to lose his time with Claire, they hug, Shawn comes out of the kitchen and sees them. He comes up, Philip leaves. Belle tells Shawn she will move into the Pub on one condition, that Philip gets to spend time with the invisible Claire. (Am guessing that next time we see Claire, she will be somewhat older than when we saw her last, lol. After all, yesterday, she was pestering to see some movie. Ha. ) He agrees, Hug, Hug, she goes to pack their stuff, alone. She doesn’t want Shawn there as Philip will be saying goodbye to Claire.

At the Brady house, John & Marlena, Doug & Julie come over for more letter reading of the Colleen/Santo letters. (Is there no end to these letters? Sigghhhh?) The scenes go back and forth between the group in the Brady house, and the saga. Colleen is in the church with young Shawn (wearing her nun’s habit) and telling him to do his chores, Da has been in a very bad mood of late. She also wants him to tell Father Mallory that she will be unable to go door to door with Sister Mary Ann, as she has to look in on their sickly Aunt Nan. Young Shawn just saw her, she is not sick. He knows she is going to see Stefano’s father, and begs her over and over not to go. Colleen makes excuses, and talks about her happiness. We learn Da has been saving money so that young Shawn can go to America and have a good life, (something that has been Colleen’s dream all her life) while Da has also determined that Colleen should be in the church. She leaves and Father Mallory comes out with Sister MaryAnne, asking Shawn where is his sister. He bolts out the door.

In Santo’s room, he is nervous, not knowing if Colleen will come, but she arrives. She is in regular clothing now, and had thought he was inviting her for dinner. Nope, he has just this room, but they can go down to the Pub. She is horrified, everyone knows her. (She snuck up, as it was) He pours her some wine, and she accuses him lightheartedly of trying to get her drunk. She wonders where Stefano is…..upstairs with Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Now Colleen talks of Santo having other women there, and a built in sitter. Santo gets angry, ripping open his shirt, that she has his heart. He is a man in mourning (Ha!) and never cheated on his wife throughout the years of her illness. Colleen reminds him that he was flirting with her. Now he jumps up taking off his tie (Boy this guy is smooth) and she asks him to fasten his shirt. He flings open the door, telling her it is her life and her happiness, and if it is within those convent walls, then go. She goes to the door, hesitates, then closes it. She turns around, and with a smile, goes to Santo and they kiss. They kiss again, and he sits her on the edge of the bed, kneels down, and takes off her shoes. He picks her up, lays her on the bed, and lays on top of her, as they kiss. And then, knock, knock at the door. It is Sister MaryAnn, calling through the door for Mr. DiMera, and looking for Colleen, who sits up in a panic. She cannot find her there.

I thought Belle had already realized that Philip was trying to come between them? So why is she denying it now?? It makes no sense to me and Im totally :?: :duh:
Why that Santo/Colleen Scene reads horrible and hokey ... was it really that bad?
@Kassy......confused me, as Belle HAD seemed to realize what Philip was doing. Complete about face, to me. honestly appears pretty hokey. I have no idea if they were going after a 1940s type movie scene, with a bit of updating..or what. By the way.....noisy kissing, too. LOL
Is it me or does it seem like Belle seems much more "in love" with Shawn when other women are after him? I thought the island experience brought them closer together but they are making Belle seem like she'll follow the money not love. And why again does Philip HAVE to spend time with Claire? He's not her father and there is no obligation there! I'm confused and sick of this storyline.
Hi everyone! This is my first post, so please forgive any errors. Thank you, thank you and thank you to Poirot and all the posters for sharing your time and info on Days. You allow me to keep up with "my show" of several decades. Please know you are appreciated.
I'm losing interest in the DiMeras. Hogan has tried to do something with this family, and he has tried to pay attention to history, but he just doesn't get it.

This silly Santo/Colleen nonsense will never explain the ruthless Stefano who arrived in Salem 25 years ago and ended up in a cat-and-mouse game with Roman. He enjoyed the competition and viewed Roman as his equal. He admired Roman as an adversary. Now I wish they'd never tried to rewrite this story. It wasn't necessary.

Anna made a huge splash when she arrived, and now she's pretty much absent. Tony is already looking at other women (huh??? Anna's Tony???). Andre is looking sillier and sillier.

Stefano's teamwork with Andre, the man who murdered Stefano's beloved daughter Renee, makes no sense. Stefano's quick romp with Kate makes no sense after all that the DiMeras have done to her and her family.

And I'm getting more and more ticked off about characters like John and Marlena sitting around in someone else's living room (they don't even have a home anymore) reading letters about two characters in which we have absolutely no investment.

In the old days, an umbrella storyline meant that numerous characters were involved, but what was so great was how they were involved. Several characters would be in their own storylines, and suddenly the plots started interweaving until they were all brought together. When four or five couples were involved in the same story, they still had their own individual drama to play out.

The '80s were my favorite "Days," but, as an example, the Cruise of Deception from the 1990s comes to mind. It was about Ernesto's revenge against Victor and involved Victor, Julie, Bo, Hope, Jack, Jennifer, Roman/John, and Isabella. Meanwhile, Steve and Shane were back home trying to find the others. But although this story was about everyone trying to survive Ernesto's danger, it was also about Victor getting close to Julie, Bo losing Hope, Jack and Jennifer admitting their feelings for the first time, Isabella learning that Ernesto was not her father, Roman realizing the depth of his feelings for Isabella, Jack's friendship with Isabella. Steve and Kayla were involved because of Steve's first wife, Marina.

Nowadays, we are given a silly story like Santo/Colleen and we are treated to the vets sitting around talking about it and how they're going to stop the vendetta. But there's no real story.

I've been watching since 1980, and I'm so frustrated. I hated what JER did to our show, but I'm especially frustrated now because I think it has so much potential once again. I just don't see that old sparkle that I'm looking for.

(So, DAYS did it! They have rewritten the egg & sperm switching at the in vitro!)

I thought we knew all along that the baby Lauren was carrying was Philip's? It was Philip and Mimi's baby, which is why Bonnie was paying Lauren? I'm lost.
With all the egg switching, it's entirely possible that Lauren's baby is actually Belle and Philip's. It was supposedly Mimi and Philip's only because a surrogate was used.
Again, please read the Egg SWitch in Daily Days forum.
If that baby is phillps and was conceived at the same time Claire was can someone explain the age difference? The baby looks to be 6 months or so and Claire looks to be almost two. I'm confused
I am so damn glad that the baby is philip's, i really used to be a big belle and shawn fan, but i can hardly stand them together anymore, he gets on my nerves so bad, and she needs to have the stupid smacked out of her....

Let this baby be a product of Mimi and Philip and bring a hot new Mimi to town for Philip, and let Shawn and Belle sit in the corner and just shup up for awhile!

Please bring Victor back, and make Stefano the Stefano of old, a real villain not some {bleep}. We love to hate Stefano, get the real him back fast.

This Santos and Colleen is boring too! Help write the end soon, you're boring people to death.

Give us some adventure, like the old days with Kayla & Patch, Bo & Hope, and Jen & Jack.

Get John up off his *bleep* and back to work with the ISA, please bring some spirit back to this show!
If that baby is philp's and was conceived at the same time Claire was can someone explain the age difference? The baby looks to be 6 months or so and Claire looks to be almost two. I'm confused

Philip's baby was not conceived at the same time. Belle lost the baby when she was pregnant at the same time. Claire was conceived in that barn after Shawn was kidnapped.
They were not conceived at the same time. Claire was a couple years ago; Belle miscarried the baby she conceived at the same time as Tyler.
Philip's baby was not conceived at the same time. Belle lost the baby when she was pregnant at the same time. Claire was conceived in that barn after Shawn was kidnapped.
Thanks everybody for clearing up my question about Claire and Pockect. Iguess I had one of those senior moments
So if Claire was conceived in the barn "after" Shawn was kidnapped, then who is really Claire's father?
I always assumed Tyler was Philip's and Mimi's baby because of the eggs being switched by EJ, or someone that works for EJ. I'm still assuming that the Tyler is Philip's and Mimi's baby. This egg and sperm switching things is confusing the hell out of me!

Belle is your typical rich girl. She's practically had everything she ever wanted so she doesn't want to understand or see Shawn's point of view. She claims she's only thinking of Claire's happiness, when in fact, she was actually talking about her happiness at being in a nice mansion with everyone catering to her. Belle talks about being independent, but I don't think she really understand what that means. Don't get me wrong, I think Belle is a decent person and a good Mom, she's just been spoiled all her life, so she doesn't know she's coming off as being unreasonable. And worse of all, I don't think Belle is completely aware that she still has feelings for Philip, who was so great to her before the whole Claire custody thing happened. Belle's turning into a prima donna!
Hi everyone this is my first post so hopefully I am doing this right!

If I remember it right than the doctor said it wasn't the eggs that were switched it was the sperm so Shawn's sperm was in put with Belle's egg in Belle, and Philip sperm and Mimi's egg were put into Lauren! So the baby is Philip and Mimi's
I'm really glad Doug and Julie are involved in this storyline, BUT I didn't think the "return" was only going to be to read letters!!!!

I'm hoping Ed Scott will breathe some life into this sick show. Hmm...I said that about Sheffer too...ooh. :?: