Wednesday, August 8th

At this point I am willing to see both Shawn and Belle written off the show, there is too many people already. They are focusing a lot of attention on this triangle and I just think there are more important storylines that can be made with other characters. Also Kirsten's character looks like she might end up dying on GH. I wonder if she is leaving the show? If she does, DAYS better snag her quickly.
There is so much that could be done with Kristen! It would be a shame if they brought her back and put her in some ridiculous s/l though! Like they have done with Steve. I remember him being so exciting and on so many adventures, the writers really haven't done him justice. I would hate for that to happen to Kristen.
C'mon guys...try to keep the faith just a little longer. DOOL may be ailing, but it ain't dead...not yet; there's still time to save it.

One more thing about EJ locking Lucas in a freezer truck...he's setting it up to look like Andre did it, so he can swoop in and be Sami's savior. And let's face it, nobody does crazy like Andre!
I think they should have kept Belle and Shawn out of this story line... just let it be philip and money hungry Lauren. Lauren was doing a fine job getting money from Bonnie...
Any ways!!.. I thought Bonnie had told Victor about the baby... thats how she got bailed... .. I don't know...
Maybe they can still save the story by saying that Shawn just went to visit Mimi..... or something..and not include the baby... maybe he visited mimi to get back the wedding ring he gave her.. so he can give to belle.. wasn't that his Grandma Caroline's ring???
As far as Days story was shown, Bonnie never told Victor a thing. Viewers figured she did, that is why she got bail money, but it was never mentioned on the show.

So, Philip, the bright young war hero, who supposedly is canny enough to run a huge corporation while his father is out of town, cannot buy a clue.