Wednesday, Dec. 24th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Episode #10,992 Director – Herb Stein

Boy, we run the gamut of emotions today, smiles, giggles, fear, tears, anger, nostalgia, hysteria, heart tugs. Nicole is sleeping, slowly waking up to find a shirtless EJ standing at her bedside. She smiles, he comments on how peaceful she looks while sleeping. She rubs her tummy, as is horrified as she sees her fake rubber belly sitting on the bed, with EJ pointedly staring at it. A very angry EJ begins yelling at her, how she lost their baby, and did not tell him. She says she can explain, but he grabs her by the throat, yelling between clenched teeth that she kept this from him because she just wanted the DiMera money. She protests no, but he yanks her off the bed, throwing her at the door, screaming at her to get out of his house. Nicole wakes up with a start…..only a nightmare. She still is frightened.

We repeat Bo hanging up Zack’s stocking, getting a flash of an injured child, hearing a woman’s voice. We also get a repeat of Lexie sitting with Theo, suggesting they go home for hot chocolate, turning for her packages, and Theo running off. Bo gets more flashes, of a child not breathing at the hospital, and can hear a woman’s voice calling for Theo. He realizes it is Theo, rushes to the door, to find Abe there, asks where is Theo…….with Lexie. Hope & Chelsea have come out, wondering what is going on. Lexie has run thru the crowds at the pier, asking strangers if they have seen her boy. She calls the cops, who come, promising to find him. Abe calls her, to learn Theo has run off, and she is at the pier. Lexie is crying. Abe, Bo & Chelsea arrive, ask a few questions, Abe comforts the hysterical Lexie, who fears Theo has gone into the river. Chelsea spots the toy dog, Charlie, at the edge of the pier, Bo is going to call the harbor patrol, Lexie collapses to the ground, holding Charlie, crying as she recites the 23rd Psalm (The Lord is My Shepard). Meanwhile, Bo has arrived at a deserted area of the pier, calling Theo’s name, and suddenly, he sees a boy running up the nearby stairs. The boy turns, and an incredulous Bo sees it is Zack. He calls to him, Zack runs up the stairs, Bo follows. A bit later, we see him still calling Zack, who comes out from behind those ever present crates. Zack holds out his hand sideways, Theo comes out, Zack grabs his hand, runs off. Bo chases after, finally cornering Zack. He kneels down, holds him close, tearfully hugging him…….and we see he is hugging Theo! He smiles, hugs him again, calling Abe to tell him he has Theo, he is fine. Abe tells Lexie, who grabs hold of Abe, crying, “Thank God, over and over and over.

Marlena comes into the Pub, a vision in white, happy that John has agreed to spend Christmas with his family. Brady arrives, surprised to see John, who comments that Blondie says Christmas is for family, even those you don’t like. Brady takes offense, John assures him, he did not mean him, then asks them both to give him his Christmas present. And next, we see them at the door to DiMansion, with John explaining that he just wants Stefano to know he is not broken, nor is he alone.

Inside, Nicole has come down to find Stefano in a tuxedo, they exchange greetings, EJ comes in. Stefano is suggesting boys’ names for her baby, starting with Stefano, EJ thinks Elvis is even better. In comes Tony, who jokes about not receiving an invitation, Stefano assures him he is his son, his door is always open. Tony explains that Anna went to visit Carrie & Austin for Christmas, Stefano is surprised Tony did not join her, but he insists he wanted to be around in case anything untoward came up. Stefano assures him EJ is there to take care of anything. Stefano answers the door, surprised to find the Black family, but invites them all in. He shares some recently acquired cigars, very expensive and illegal, his favorite things. John replies “like whiskers and kittens”. LOL. They smoke cigars, bantering a lot, of course. John finally tells Stefano they have to leave, he doesn’t want to try Blondie’s patience any longer. And tells him he came for 2 reasons. One was to bring his family so Stefano could see he is not afraid of him…..but if any harm ever comes to anyone in whom he is “invested”, “you will be very afraid of me”. And secondly….just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! LOL. Marlena has chatted a bit with Tony, who tells her that EJ thinks he is on top of things with Stefano, but Tony knows he is up to something. Nicole has told Brady of giving the $20,000 vase to Dr. Baker as a down payment, and has to come up with more, but wants Brady to remain mum. Marlena & John have taken their leave, (and I have no idea why they left Brady behind, that was very rude, IMO). EJ finally sees Brady to the door. With everyone gone, Stefano goes to bed to give EJ & Nicole some time alone.

And over at Alice’s house, Maggie is bustling about, as Chloe munches on her delicious cookies. Maggie spots Chloe’s gorgeous necklace, learns it was a gift from Kate. Chloe wants to call her parents, and goes out in the hall. And now we see Dr. Perv, laying on his bed in the dark, watching a football game in his torn jeans, (don’t doctors make enough money so they don’t have to wear rags??) swilling booze, and flashbacks to Chloe in her teddy. Yep, his phone rings, it is Chloe, “checking on his finger”. He assures her it is fine, she apologizes again, he says he knows it was an accident, hears Lucas’s voice telling Chloe to wish her parents a Merry Christmas from all the Hortons, and knows she has to hang up. They wish each other a Merry Christmas, and after hanging up, he tells himself she is not available.

Doug & Julie (oh, man, wonderful to see them!) come in, having left Allie with Alice & Mickey. Alice is reading a story to her, and she looks so cute on Mickey’s lap. Now Julie spots Chloe’s necklace, admiring it, too, and gets the news. Lucas is busting buttons over his mom accepting Chloe into the family. Bo, Hope, Chelsea & Ciara arrive, along with Abe, Lexie & Theo. And at last the moment everyone loves is at hand. Maggie announces that Alice fell asleep, so Mickey is keeping an eye on her. And folks, Among all the people there, the only “Horton’s are Julie, Hope and Lucas, plus Ciara. And the inlaws, Maggie, Bo, & Doug. But……it is a beautiful and moving. The box of ornaments comes out, and are handed to Hope, Julie, Maggie who hang on the tree, the ones from those not there. Doug & Julie hang theirs, Bo & family put theirs up. John & Marlena are there, watching it all. Lucas wonders where his is, Julie brings a wrapped box, telling Lucas to have Chloe open it, and there we see two ornaments, one is Lucas’s, the other for Chloe. She is thrilled, Lucas hangs his, Chloe is hanging hers, but drops it, and it lays smashed on the floor. She is apologizing, but Maggie assures her they will have another one made for next year.

Now Doug makes a most heartfelt little toast, talking of how grateful and happy he is to be a part of this family, that extraordinary woman upstairs, everyone in the room, that tree, and this family, and lifts his glass of eggnog. Marlena is concerned about John, who looks at the tree, a bit sad, as he says it just hit him… much everyone needs to remember. Now Doug sits down at the piano, calling Chloe over. He begins to play, and she begins to sing, Silent Night. The camera slowly pans over everyone there, and as she sings “Sleep in heavenly peace”, the camera has panned to the tree, to Lucas’s ornament, and down to the smashed one of Chloe’s on the floor, and then to Daniel, downing another cup of Christmas cheer.

She begins the 2nd verse, as Marlena looks around for the missing John. Marlena goes out in the hall, he is not there. She goes outside, but cannot spot him. And then we still are hearing Chloe’s voice as we see John, on the phone, calling Dr. Taylor, saying “it is Christmas, I want……, actually, I NEED to remember my life. I need to know who I am.

And as we still hear Chloe’s voice, singing “Jesus, Lord at Thy birth…” we see a distraught Nicole, pacing, and then kneeling down in front of the manger, hands clasped together, whispering “help me, please help me”, as EJ watches from behind her.


Thanks for the write up. I thought it was a good show. My only complaint is no Alice wishing us a Merry Christmas like she always does. I was hoping to see a replay of the fallen tree with Bonnie's big ball. Oh well. I think EJ should get the picture by now that Nicole lost the baby. She has told him once that the baby was not ok, he has now felt her tummy, and sees her asking for help.
I also thought it a good show, sentimental where it should be. The only Alice we really get to see is Chloe picking up a framed photgraph of Tom & Alice, talking of how happy they look.

Ah, but the smashed ornament.....and the later camera work lingering on it....definite omen.
Beautiful job with the summary, Barb. Thank you. I will be watching it for real in 15 minutes as the show is on at 1:00 here in my time zone.

Funny that John can't remember his life, but he does remember the lyrics to "My Favorite Things." LOL.

Merry Christmas to all!

Post Script: Watched the show. Chloe has a beautiful voice. They should let her sing more often.
It sounds like a very good show...thanks for the write always, very nice job.
I can't wait to watch the episode...haven't been able to watch this week, so tomorrow afternoon I'm going to have my own little Days Marathon and catch up....can't wait...!!
just bumpin this up for all those who have not seen/read over the Holidays