Wednesday, December 12th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Episode #10,717 Taped 11/09 Director – Kathryn Foster

Another rather slow moving show, as the reunion continues, and what should have been a fun and light, perhaps humorous event is just more sturm & drang for a Salem triangle. We have a repeat of Chloe telling Shawn all about Philip & Belle’s rondeveau’ at the airport hotel. Mr. Woods is announcing Belle & Shawn for some award, with them ignoring him as an angry Shawn asks if Belle is sleeping with Philip. They are facing off, the alumnae all shouting, and for some reason Chloe grabs the mike away from Mr. Woods and coaxes them up there. Now they get crowns, and have to give happy speeches about how it feels to marry high school sweetheart. Shawn is clearly unhappy, (does he EVER smile?). The ordeal finally ends, Shawn goes out on a balcony, where Belle joins him, explaining about the gun. Shawn has a fit, knowing Philip set him up again, and how this is the 3rd time Belle interfered in something, at Philip’s urging, and it turns out badly. He reminds her of the interview in Cincinnati, the letter, and now the gun. She does not want him to tell Bo, he insists he has to.
Inside, Cynthia is hitting on nearly every guy there, definitely drinking a bit too much. Jason is injecting himself somehow into any picture being taken, Kevin is acknowledged as having made a huge donation to the school for the new science lab. Cynthia is impressed that he is now loaded, tries to hit on him, but Kevin tells her he is taken. Penny, who looks gorgeous is taking pictures, Susan offers to lend an ear to what appears to be an upset Belle. Chloe tells Philip that she told Shawn about him & Belle at the hotel, just as Philip received some award for his two tours of military duty. (Still is amazing how everyone recognizes him immediately, when he was supposed to have a new face. LOL) Philip eavesdrops on Shawn & Belle, then comes outside, telling Shawn he cannot tell his father, or he will involve Belle, who would be considered an accessory, or accomplice and could be charged.

At the Pub, Bo & Steve have gone over the car, ascertained that it was an amateur job. They find a gasoline sieve (???) that was left behind and realize that DiMera’s goons would not have been so sloppy. They go inside, telling Hope & Kayla how the mechanic got in the car, started it up, only ran for a little bit, and died…..out of gas. Kayla says she filled up that morning. They are all puzzled, as to why anyone would drain the gas tank. (and so WHAT did Kate do with all that gasoline? She sure did not carry it off, as she was running Hope offers to drive Steve & Kayla home, but wants to talk to Bo about Shawn & Belle, so she will be back. He will wait there for Billie, as he had Hope call her down there, wants to ask her about where Lucas was when EJ was shot.

Lucas is on the phone with his mother, scolding her for what she did with the brakes, and anxious to leave. He has to get down to the warehouse. Across the hall, EJ has confronted Sami, asking if he can trust her. She is shocked, where is this coming from. EJ goes into full accusatory mode, and is clearly angry. She is his wife, yet does not live there, and every time he goes across the hall, he find Lucas in some state of undress. He thinks Sami knows who shot him. Sami reminds him she has a bullet hole in her dress. Sami is astonished, tho somewhat evasive in her replies. He tells her he knows he promised her a house, but he doesn’t think a good idea to separate her from Allie, or separate the twins from each other. He wants her there in his apartment, wants her to hold him in her arms again as she did in the hospital, and talks of lying next to each other in bed. He says there is an intimacy there, in bed, one that cannot be forced. And even if only a kiss, is better than nothing at all. He talks of the apartment being a bachelor pad, and her fixing it up any way she wants to accommodate them as a family. She says she has to have time to think about it, meanwhile wants to take the twins and go across the hall, where she has everything all set up, and can relax. Sami comes around the front of his chair, and kisses him, just as there is a knock at the door.
Billie arrives at Lucas’s as he is about to leave. She tells him Bo wants to see her, to ask her where Lucas was the night EJ was shot. Lucas wants her to give him a couple more days, she will not. She cannot jeopardize her career. Lucas is clearly upset by this, tells her he did not shoot EJ, does she think he would do anything to take him away from Allie. As it is, his wife is now married to EJ DiMera, his daughter is napping in his apartment across the hall, and his son is half way around the world, all due to EJ. Billie assures him she loves him, hugs him, and leaves.
Sami answers the knock on EJ’s door, and it is Lucas, tell her he has to leave, but will be back. She wants to talk to first, he doesn’t have time, but she insists it will only take a few minutes. She tells EJ she will be right back, goes with Lucas to their apt. and questions him as to why Abe & Bo wanted to search their apt. for a gun. They do not keep guns. Lucas is silent, as Sami realizes he did have one, and yells at him about there being children in the house. He says there is no gun in the house……and that before he kept it locked up. She realizes he DID come to the church. He assures her he did not shoot EJ, solemnly swears to it. Across the hall, EJ is listening to every word on the baby monitor. Sami begin to kiss Lucas, not wanting him to leave, but as much as he would love to stay, he absolutely has to go to the warehouse to pick up a package, claiming it is business, contracts, etc. (WHAT business is Lucas in????) He leaves, and across the hall, EJ says…we will see about that. He picks up the phone, punches a few numbers (amazing how Salemites but have the entire phone book programmed into their phones, lol) and to whoever is on the other end, says…..”This is Lucas Horton”.


To all the Day Ahead readers, & board members! Just reminding you that this Friday evening, this site will be taken down, while we install new software, which should fix the problems being encountered since October when the hacker wreaked havoc here. It will also fix the registration problems that many have been encountering. The site will go back up on Sunday, and will retain the same URL.
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Forgot to add, tho it does not mean much......really long flashback of the Philip/Shawn confrontation at the Pub, and the entire fight. This is when Shawn steps out on the balcony at the reunion.

LOL, as there is snow on the ground, obviously cold, and all these gals keep going outside in their strapless dresses. Hardy souls they are, for sure.
Poirot wrote:
Chloe tells Philip that she told Shawn about him & Belle at the hotel, just as Philip received some award for his two tours of military duty. (Still is amazing how everyone recognizes him immediately, when he was supposed to have a new face. LOL) he had Hope call her down there, wants to ask her about where Lucas was when EJ was shot.

I don't think I understand what you meant by this Poirot. Jay K Johnson was the actor that portrayed Philip in HS, why would they think his face was any different now compared to HS?
I have a question about the babies. Have they had their DNA tested separately since they were born? If not, how can they be sure the boy is the DiMera baby? Just because EJ looked at him and said he was??
Kristen DiMera wrote:
Poirot wrote:
Chloe tells Philip that she told Shawn about him & Belle at the hotel, just as Philip received some award for his two tours of military duty. (Still is amazing how everyone recognizes him immediately, when he was supposed to have a new face. LOL) he had Hope call her down there, wants to ask her about where Lucas was when EJ was shot.

I don't think I understand what you meant by this Poirot. Jay K Johnson was the actor that portrayed Philip in HS, why would they think his face was any different now compared to HS?
Because Philip was supposed to have been injured and gotten a new face...but up until that point, he was just if he had always been portrayed by the same actor. While we, the viewers, know that Philip got his old face back, the CHARACTERS should think his face is new and unfamilar. It's confusing!
I gotcha! Well, seems like they forgot that storyline huh? Even Chloe recognized his gorgeous face. :rotfl:
@KD........The story on Days is that Philip had his face destroyed during his 2nd tour of duty and that he had a face transplant. He was wheeled into a courtroom with his head swathed in bandages, and they were removed right there. Just because Jay Johnson previously played the role, does not mean that Philip does not have a new face. It was a very important plot point.....(tho stupid) the face transplant, and how Victor would bring Claire to visit with the bandaged man.
It makes no difference which actor was portraying Philip when. The fact remains that the character of Philip has a new face, one that is different from when he was in high school.

@gramcracker. Marlena convinced Sami & Lucas to have both babies tested when she was in the hospital after the birth. Marlena left instructions that no one was to get those results except her, and accompanied the lab tech to the lab, to insure they arrived there safely.
However, it seems Kate got the "results" first, and told EJ.
Poirot wrote: Another rather slow moving show, as the reunion continues, and what should have been a fun and light, perhaps humorous event is just more sturm & drang for a Salem triangle.

Ok, so that's what you meant when you said there was something which should have been fun and light but was a strum and drang....

Yes, you would think a HS reunion would be fun.
Quote: He leaves, and across the hall, EJ says…we will see about that. He picks up the phone, punches a few numbers (amazing how Salemites but have the entire phone book programmed into their phones, lol) and to whoever is on the other end, says…..”This is Lucas Horton”.

I have to ask this question. When EJ says "this is Lucas Horton", is he speaking with a british accent?

I know, I know, silly question. lol

What if Sami went in with Lucas to plan to kill Ej and Stefano at the wedding, but it just went awry.
LOL, as EJ DOES mumble something to himself about speaking "American". In fact he sort of whispers a "practice" This is Lucas Horton, before saying it aloud to the person on the other end.
The Shawn Belle and Philip triangle is awful. They did this before except Belle was dreaming about Shawn and now its Philip. Please enough already. Why do we have to repeat storylines and why do they have to make Belle look like a cheating little ..... I really thought they brought Chloe back to change that. But as I read the spoilers it only makes Belle jealous. It seems she wants both guys and no one else is allowed to be with them. I really don't like where this is going.
lol I will have to watch if only to see Ej speak "american". lololol :rotfl:
Thanks for the write up, Poirot! This looks like an interesting one!

I just love how when Sami wants to convince EJ or Lucas of something, she kisses them. You would think that woman would have a little guilt or "ew" factor with that!

PS - Poirot, I think you gave me your cold. I have bronchitis too! I thought of you when the doctor told me! You must have coughed on one of your posts! LOL!
LOL, Alligato, as I have accused a friend of giving me her bronchitis over the phone (long distance).

As to Sami, it did seem overkill for her.....First to try and convince EJ of her sincerity...though have to say that for as angry as he seemed, he folded pretty quickly. She did not even need the kiss. Then....after telling EJ she will be "right back" she wants to seduce Lucas. I half expected her to be tearing off Lucas shirt again, and EJ to come barging in, as he usually find Lucas "half naked" use EJ's words.
Hope you feel better Poirot. I think Sami runs back to Lucas and seduces him to convince herself that she really only cares for Lucas. Notice she can't stay with EJ too long. Her feelings are starting to surface and she is so afraid of them.
yup, chloe still makes me sick! how can anyone stand her? it's easy to see how her marraige didn't work, she's a total biotch!

belle has turned into a whining, smithering idiot! i used to really like belle and wish the best for her and shawn, but right now, i'm just wishing she and chloe would go and take a house by the sea together, then we'd all be happy!