Wednesday, July 4th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, July 4th

Whatever your plans are for the 4th, be sure and set your recorders so you can catch this show. Just a “feel good”, with the beautiful and wonderful Alice Horton in attendance at the backyard BBQ.

Hope and Lexie are setting festive tables in the backyard, with Hope trying to convince Lexie to go see Abe. Lexie can’t get up the nerve to do so, but says she cannot stop eating since Bo & Hope rescued her. Caroline arrives, telling Hope that Shawn is not coming, he just is not up to it, and is afraid the subject of Colleen will come up, and he does not want to talk about her. Bo tends the grill, Max comes in with “designer” gifts for Ciara, and Bo gets him to admit that he & Jerkemy have a sideline business, thus all the extra cash. Bo warns him about the illegal end, but Max says it is not like running drugs or anything.

Over at the Cheatin Heart, a repeat of Chelsea arriving in the ladies room in time to hear Danielle’s conversation with her other boyfriend. She pretends to just be coming in, asking her about her nail and manicure, Danielle returns the file, and goes back to join the group, asking Jett to dance. Chelsea comes out, fills Nick in, is eager to tell her friend Jett, that is girl is cheating on him. Jett & Nick already have had a conversation, wherein Jett expressed his concerns that Danielle may have another guy, things just are no longer the same. Nick lets Chelsea know that Jett already suspects this, so keep her nose out of it, none of their business. Meanwhile Steve is controlling his temper, calls Jeremy over and apologizes for his previous treatment of him. He says if Stephanie thinks he is o.k. then he must be, they should start over, and they shake hands. Adrienne smiles, later reminding Steve how everyone viewed him when he first began seeing Kayla, and what he thought of Justin when she first began dating him.

On the beach, Marlena and John are having a lovely time, nuzzling a bit, enjoying themselves, and spot Belle. Marlena is about to go say hello, but sees she is with Philip. This concerns her a bit, so she stays put. Belle & Philip are enjoying a couple of ice cream cones, talking of Shawn, then of Claire. Philip wants Belle to use his guest pass at the Country Club so Claire can play with other kids in the day care program. (for crying out loud, Belle’s father is rich beyond belief, why should Belle have to use Philip’s pass). She is not sure, but will think about it, and talk to Shawn. She gets a call, Shawn has returned, so leaves for the Brady picnic.

Back at the Brady’s Kayla arrives, happy the conference is over. She cannot find Steve, so Hope tells her he might be at the DiMera mansion. Hope tells her Steve is keeping tabs on the DiMeras for them, shows her the photos of the Santo letters, and fills her in on what they know. Kayla learns her dad is not there, and leaves to go get him. Now the Fly High group arrives, all set to party. Lexie beats a fast retreat, telling Hope that Abe’s nephew, Jett is there, and tho they never met, he may have seen pictures of her, so she wants to leave before he sees her. Doug & Julie arrive, and the back yard is getting quite full. Bo tells everyone to look who just arrives, and there is Alice, escorted by Maggie. Gosh, she looks just beautiful! Everyone gathers round, kissing her, etc. Later, she is seated, and the Jerk comes over (by the way, Stephanie is now calling him“J”), asking is she remembers him. Oh, yes, Alice says he reminds her of her great grandson, Jeremy Horton, who never comes to see her. LOL. (and shame on him for being in town and failing to do so). He makes excuses about his business, blah, blah. Hope brings Ciara over, followed by Shawn with Claire, so Gran can meet her great-greats. Belle arrives, spots her mother, and tells her of seeing her on the beach with dad, making out like teenagers. LOL. Bo comes up, Belle leaves, & he comments about how Philip seems to have changed. Marlena says the operative word is seems, and wonders if he really has or is pretending to do so. (my thoughts, exactly)Kayla returns with Shawn, Sr.
A photographer arrives, and everyone gathers around Alice, saying Happy 4th. The shot is framed……great pic.


P.S. In the previews that follow, we see Colleen as a NUN, asking an unconscious, obviously injured Santo, if he can hear her.
AND in another preview, Bo is saying she was not a nun yet, as she had not taken her final vows.

Days will be pre-empted on Thursday & Friday for Tennis, so there will be NO Day Ahead either on Wednesday or Thursday this week.
After Belle leaves Philip at the beach, he is sitting alone and his cell rings. He answers, and just hears a baby crying, and crying really loudly.
I wonder if the nun part is what the spoiler meant when it said something about Colleen being involved when Santo met her.
Max is talking to Bo about the illegal involvement with the business and Bill warns him??? Was that a typo or am I having a blonde moment of who Bill is?
Looks like I had a blonde moment of my own, lol. it was a typo, and I fixed it. Thanx, Jess.
Lexie making an excuse for Jett to not see her is so phony. I think we all know that Lexie is going to run to Stefano to let him know that Steve isn't on the DiMera's side after all don't you all think?
She does not know this yet. However she DOES know that Colleen Brady was involved with her "grandfather", Santo. She was shocked!
i thought grandpa shawn wasn't at the picnic? he is in the family picture.
He must come later. It says that Kayla goes to get him.
It was so nice to see Alice, I'm glad she still has her spunk!
where is Roman? I have looked twice, not seeing him....he should be in the picture too!
Not in attendance......Roman,Sami, Lucas,Abe, Celeste, Kate & Billie (Thank goodness!), Victor, Philip, Adrienne.....

I am thinking that roman is guarding Sami & Lucas.....He really is the only Brady who is missing. Oh, yeah, since it is also a Brady/Horton celebration.........No Mickey. makes you wonder what Mickey could possibly be doing on a holiday, huh? LOL
Thanks Poirot for posting the summary! I enjoy it everyday! I used to be a fan of Shawn and Belle's but the story line they have is terrible! I would rather see the "old" Philip with Belle, when he was not "evil". I do not like the young version of Days. They seem so fake compared to the veterans. Happy 4th!
Ya know, I tend to sort of space out when Belle, Shawn, etc. are on forgot to mention...Shawn talks to Max and is given the job of running the garage. Seems business is slow, and the "HEAD MECHANIC" doesn't seem to be pulling in any business. LOLOL
I'm glad they didn't forget about Lauren and the Mimi/Phil baby!
I too hate the Belle, Shawn and Philip storyline. Ugh.
Marlena is still overacting to me. Does anyone else see that?
I love Lucas. He has really gotten hotter since he has started on Days. EJ as bad as he is makes my day too as he is easy to look at. :) Such is life for an old lady like me. Hahahahaha. I Tivo Days and skip all the boring parts.
Hope everyone had a nice 4th.
I think that the phone call to Philip is about his and Mimi's baby. Shawn had to go to Indianapolis instead of OH after the call from Mimi so I think that the surrogate changed her mind about keeping the baby. I think that Mimi called him to let him know and that was the baby crying.
I agree with that. Philip will have his own baby. Will they recast Mimi, do you think?