WEDNESDAY, June 13th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Episode 10,591 Taped 5/21 Directed by Herb Stein

Ahhh, what could be better than having Doug, Julie, Bo, Hope, and even OUR Patchman all in one show, and let’s not forget Adrienne, too, plus a bit of “The Way We Were” flashbacks thrown in for good measure. Yep, a keeper.

We have a repeat of a drunken Nick walking into the Brady house, and challenging Jett, when he sees him hugging Chelsea. They roll around on the floor a bit, with Chelsea yelling to stop, which they do. Yes, Nick has been drinking, and now he is going to be sick, and fortunately for us, leaves the room to do so. Chelsea apologizes to Jett, and again brings up the fact she loves Nick, but cannot trust him, as she cannot seem to get past him sleeping with her mom. (O.K. this is really too lame). Nick comes out, apologizes to Jett, who leaves. Chelsea starts to try and talk to him, but ol Nick needs to be sick again. He returns, says something or other about her not wanting to sleep with him, because of Jett, who is interested in her. She denies, tells him he has to sleep it off, they will talk later, and makes him crash on the sofa. He goes out like a light.

In Chicago, Belle & Philip arrive at the room in which the baby pageant was held, but it is all over. Their delay at O’Hare cost them. In comes Doris Koppler, a pageant worker, they tell her all about Claire, showing her the picture. She does recognize it, but cannot remember from where. She will contact headquarters in Minneapolis, as they have pageants all over the country. She leaves, Belle thanks Philip for all he has been doing for them, they hug, in walks Shawn. A few snide remarks are exchanged, Shawn tells Philip he can leave now, since he is here. Now we get some arguing, with Philip reminding Shawn that Claire’s last name IS Kiriakis. Yada, Yada, as they fuss with each other, then Doris returns, remembering where she saw Claire. It was in this pageant, only she was entered as a boy, Jeffrey Gray, and they all go over to the picture board. And there is Claire, in a fireman’s hat.

And now we get to Jeremy opening the door to our Steve, yes, our old Steve, who seems to be back in fine form. Jeremy makes a smart crack, is about to close the door, when Steve stops him, asking who he is, and what he is doing in “MY home”. Stephanie comes out saying “DAD”? She introduced her friend, Jeremy Horton, but Steve keeps calling him son, or Jerry, or Jason, lolol. He tells him to go put some pants on and they will talk outside. Stephanie is unhappy, Jeremy is calling Steve Pops, and smart mouths as usual. He finally goes to get dressed. Adrienne has come in, and introduces herself to Steph who wonders where mom is. At a medical conference. So, are you “cured” asks Steph. Steve reminds her that her mother would not have left him, if he wasn’t Stephanie & Steve go back and forth, she loves Jeremy, is a big girl now, yada, yada.Steve is not happy coming home to find her and her boyfriend with no clothes on. Out comes Jeremy, Steve takes him out in the hall, and wants to know his intentions. Jeremy says no diamond ring, Steve doesn’t expect it. Jeremy says he and Stephanie recently hooked up, like each other, and that is it. They will see where it goes. Steve warns him that mistreating his little girl will bring him down on Jeremy, who, in turn, is ready to take Steve on, any time. Inside, Adrienne talks to Stephanie, who is resenting her father’s interference. She claims she loves Jeremy. Adrienne asks if he loves her, and Steph says they have not used those words, but she can feel it. Her aunt replies that words are important, and that if she wants to be treated like an adult, to begin acting like one, and not like a child having a tantrum. Steve returns, and Jeremy has left. Steph is upset, they have a few words about her deciding not to move back to Dayton.She tells her dad she is grown up, and will not be like her mom. She will have sex and plenty of it, that growing up with her mother only was like living in a nunnery. Steve promises he will be making that all up to Kayla. Later Steph is dressed and leaving, saying she will find a place.

Now we are over at what used to be Doug’s Place. We hear the voices of Doug, Julie & Hope entered the darkened place, Julie asking Doug about the window. He pulls a curtain aside, and opens the window, and all 3 exclaim over the beautiful view of the lake. Bo joins them, and all talk of memories. Julie talks of how often she & Doug would look out at the moon on the water, and now Doug remembers once……..and we see a flashback of Bo & Hope in bed. It was her 18th birthday, I believe. Doug is pounding on the door, wanting to be let in. A really young and bearded Bo hurridly dresses and goes up the stairs to let Doug in. He demands to know where his daughter is, and out comes Hope in a blue dress, saying she is right there. Boy fast dressers in those days. LOL. Doug says it makes you want to sing, and goes over to the piano, still there, taking off the sheets covering it. He plays a few notes, and then begins to sing…”I love you as I never loved before, When first I saw you on the village green…………when you were sweet, when you were sweet…..sixteen” And old and lovely song. All are smiling and nostalgic. Julie talks of the many folks they loved who came through the doors every night, mentioning various names, including Robert. Oh, my. We now see a whole series of clips, Maggie & Neil Curtis, Tom & Alice dancing, Marie, Bill Horton, there is more. Julie exclaims that maybe they should buy the place again, but Doug says…and what happens the next time you decide you want to visit Italy again. All laugh.
Now Bo wants to get into the tunnels, but Doug tells him everything is bricked over now, and the only way in is probably from the mansion. Bo is ready to knock walls down. He tells them of the latest attempt on Sami’s life, and the reference to Colleen. All are determined to get into the tunnels. Julie remembers a dumbwaiter, Bo goes to his truck to get all his tools, flashlights, etc. including a stud finder. He locates the opening. Kind of narrow, so Hope says she will go down. Nope, and they argue for a bit, finally deciding both will go down. They all hear some sort of wailing, or moaning (My CC called in warbling, it was NOT warbling, lol). They wonder what it could be, and animal. All are looking down the opening, with Hope commenting that it sounds like “someone”.

I think it is safe to assume that they are going to find Lexie, since Thursday is when she is supposed to return to Days.

We wil have to wait and see if Lexie is going to show her true colors once she knows that Papa is alive.

Now this is an episode that I can really get into...I'll just fast forward through Stef and Jeremy.

I might be able to stomach Belle, Phil and Shawn, but chances are I'll just FF through them also
Good Morning..............Knowing the history with Lexie and her ( father ) it should be very interesting where this story line goes. Remember a very long time ago I think before the so called killing of all the main actors ( The Salem Serial Murders ) a rumor was out that Lexie and Tony would fight over who would become the head of the FAMILY. LOL that would be so great for the show if that happen even better if EJ joined her side. :OT: LOL its great that Kate is not around :clap: I know she plays a part but if she pops up and add her so called 2 cents it would spoil everthing the way this show is going unless she had something positive to say.....
Just Claire in the fireman's hat where the picture came from that is in the image gallery? I know it's been in there quite a while.......... :duh:
Now THAT is a show worth watching! Just curious, which Bill Horton Did they show? Ed Mallory?
Buckaruze......same outfit, slightly different pose. The hat seems to be more centered and on the back of her head, instead of tilted to the side, as in the pic here.
starbaby, I think that is who was shown, it did not look like Chris Stone.
so, o.k. If I have not made it plain, we have our old Patch back. Honest. Cannot believe no comment on it at all. O.K. you have not seen it yet. Dialogue between Steve & Jeremy (why, when I begin to type that name, do I want to just add a k after the JEr. Maybe I don't because it is not strong enuf. )
is just too cool. Loved it. too bad Stephanie did not hear it, and understand how much her PaPa cares about her.
I am looking forward to the old "Steve" coming back. Will he remember the crap EJ put him thru? Will he press charges? Or will all that be dropped too?
I loved seeing the real Steve back today (buh-bye to whoever that guy was we've had to watch for far too long). Jeremy was so rude to him,he just keeps getting more and more annoying to watch, I'd bet on Steve taking him down in a fight anyday!
me, too, arm, one leg, one eye, as Steve says.
I am curious, too, as to what Steve will remember, or react to, in regard to that EJ Tarot card, brainwashing, etc.

But I just absolutely LOVED having my Steve back in full Patch mode. Hallelujah!
so no more brainwashed steve :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun:
I can't wait for tomorrow....the scenes with Doug, Julie, Hope and Bo with flashbacks sound great...!!! This is the way Days should be....
And can't wait to see Steve. I was wondering if we were going to see Adrianne again. And someone is going to have to knock that Jeremy down a peg or two...if Steve needs help, I'm sure Kayla can handle it...!!! Personally, I think Stephanie is a jerk and deserves Jeremy....
I hope the brainwashing poop is over....
I agree that Stephanie and Jerkemy (just for you Poirot!) deserve each other. But.. she'll be pregnant before ya know it!

Be interesting how they loop Lexi back in, as far as how she got there, etc.

No more Nick drunk! :angry:
I find it a little odd that after everything Kayla's been through, and finally getting her husband back completely after 16 years, she felt the need to run off to a medical conference. You would think her number one priorty would be making up for a lot of lost time.
I have to say, I rather enjoyed Wednesday. My only problems where Nick and Stephaine. Steph was just a brat today. Please, bring back the old Stephaine, because the new one sounds a lot like Chelsea. Once again, sorry if I've offended anyone, I'm just voicing my opinion.
I've actually started to like Chelsea. It seems like she's really turned her life around from a few months ago. Also, Nick was just totally unfair to Chelsea. He didn't even give her the chance to explain, he just jumped to his own conclusions! Now, I realize that he was drunk/hungover, and it was probably the beer talking.
In general, though, it was a pretty good show. I can't wait to see Lexie again. Though, I have a funny feeling about the woman Philip and Belle met at U.S.Adorable. Does anyone else think she could be the kidnapper?