Wednesday, March 19th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Episode 10,786 Taped 2/18 Director – Albert Alarr

We are still spending our time in the hospital, as the surgery to transplant a portion of Chelsea’s pancreas to her father begins. Chelsea is on the phone with her mom (Yayy, and thank you, Days!) telling her she understands Billie has no control over weather, knows she would be there if she could, and promising that Kate will call her every hour on the hour. She hangs up, Kate is worried about her, and sort of is still trying to talk her out of it, telling her how dangerous, etc. Dr. Jonas comes in, agreeing with Kate, but Chelsea is adamant, no one will talk her out of this, she signs the consent form and hands it over to the doctor. She talks of how her dad has always stood by her, no matter what, and she is returning the favor. Max & Stephanie come in, wishing her good luck, leave, and Hope arrives. She thanks Chelsea for what she is doing, is so proud of her, loves her, gives her a hug and kiss. Now Nick arrives, sorry that he was not there earlier. He had to look all over his apartment til her found this……..a teddy bear…..called Teddy. LOL. His mom gave it to him when he was having his appendix out – Chelsea says it was exactly what she needed now, and they agree to share it in the future. The nurse comes in, it is showtime.

Hope is at Bo’s bedside, telling him she is not done loving him yet, and he has to fight even harder in the O.R. Victor & Chelsea come in, both wishing Bo well, and Godspeed. The time comes for Bo to be taken to the O.R. He is wheeled out, and those in the waiting room, all say something to him…Roman, Steve, Shawn, Belle (who gives him a kiss from Claire) Philip, Marlena, and even John says to “hang tough”. As he is being wheeled to the O.R. Chelsea is being wheeled past him. She stops and talks to him (Bo is out like a light all this while), saying a nurse told her Bo did not want her to go through with this, but she is going to anyway. And so, he can holler at her all he wants later on at home, when this is all over. But for now, she loves him, and tells him to take good care of her pancreas, as she doesn’t have much more she can share with him. Both are taken to the O.R.s. Lexie is assisting Dr. Taylor is removing the portion of Chelsea’s pancreas, and Kayla will be assisting Dr. Jonas with the transplant to Bo.

Now begins the long wait for the family. Max, Stephanie, Steve & Nick play poker, Belle has brought back burgers for her and Shawn. He cannot eat, his stomach is in knots. She notes that he cannot get sick from being stressed out. Phil comes along, Shawn is wishing he could have been a match. Belle says he knows Shawn loves him, and look how happy Shawn made him when he told them of their plans. Phil’s ears perk up, but Belle covers by just talking of how they plan to do family things when Bo recovers. Kate runs into John, saying we have not had a chance to talk since your return. He is puzzled…..who are you? She smiles, says she is Kate, his ex-fianceé. John smiles, saying sorry, asking if they are are good terms. Yep, and because of that she is giving him a warning. Her son Philip told her of his intention to tackle Kiriakis shipping, and that would be a mistake. Philip & Victor are formidable opponents, and one can never underestimate them, as she learned much to her sorrow. John smirks saying he is formidable himself. Kate walks away, saying don’t say I didn’t warn you.

We cut back and forth between the two operating rooms, and the waiting room. Roman mentions talking to Sami who wanted to come down, but he told her to stay with the twins. He tells Hope he wishes it was his pop sitting with his mother, Hope tells him that Shawn is looking down, and undoubtably is happy Caroline has the support she needs. She tells Roman that it is just Bo’s parents worrying together about him. She leaves to light a candle in the chapel. The poker players exchange small talk, and some of the players change, as Steve leaves, Kate joins, later Roman does. John gets antsy, not liking the waiting around, and wants to leave. Marlena goes with him, and they walk down by the docks. She tells him this place was very special place for them, explaining how they reunited there after being separated for many years. She talks of how wonderful their life was, their many adventures, and how they traveled the world. He says she must really miss the “old me” and she admits that is true. He gets a call from Paul Hollingsworth, who wants to meet and discuss the shipping stuff, but he puts Paul off, and then tells Marlena it was Stefano’s lawyer, needing more papers to sign. She asks how Rolf is handling the butler job…….not well, hates that the lab is locked up, misses his Bunsen burner. LOL. She asks if John has asked Rolf about his programming. Nope, not really. John doesn’t like to think about it, just remembers the pain, and is why he doesn’t like hospitals, full of needles, machines, monitors, things that beep. Marlena wonders why he came to the hospital for Bo, but John claims he could care less really, and that the deaths of his mother, Shawn and now Bo’s illness mean nothing to him. Mrlena thinks that down deep someplace, he knows it was the right thing to do, that he cares, and says it is time they get back to the hospital.

In Chelsea’s O.R. the doctor finds her pancreas is viable, and word is sent to the other O.R. to begin on Bo. Dr. Taylor removes the portion needed and it is packed and sent to the other O.R. A nurse comes out to tell everyone that Chelsea has come thru fine, the pancreas portion was removed and now the transplant to Bo has begun. Hope asks Steve to pray with her. They hold hands, asking God to watch over Bo, and help everything to go right. In the O.R., doctors coping with some unexpected veins. Lexie comes in asking how everything is going, and can she help. Dr. Jonas says so far, o.k. but to hang around, they are not out of the woods yet. The camera pans back from Bo’s face, bathed in bright lights.

Sounds like another great epi! I am still catching up on watching last weeks least I have something to look forward to for the weekend.
Marlena wonders why he came to the hospital for Bo, but John claims he could care less really, and that the deaths of his mother, Shawn and now Bo’s illness mean nothing to him. Mrlena thinks that down deep someplace, he knows it was the right thing to do, that he cares, and says it is time they get back to the hospital.

If these events really mean NOTHING to John, why does he keep following Marlena around (almost) all of the time?? Shouldn't he be off slaying more in the boardroom, as I think he mentioned in Monday's show?:D

Yeah, that is why Marlena has hope for him. LOL.
He doesn't tell her that it was Paul H. on the phone.........lies about that. Which seems to be the first time he has done that to her. Guess he doesn't trust her since she told Philip what he was up to.
She tells him in this episode that old John just never would have gone after the Kiriakis.
Great summary! Poirot, I know that you have been writing these for quite awhile, but you are really, really succinct in getting all the important details in just a few sentences. Thanks for your daily work--I read them first thing in the morning when I check my email!! These shows are really moving along fast! I really hope that Peter gets the recognition he deserves for these wonderful days he has spent "dying." :)
I have read spoilers in several places and have seen nothing about Ava except that she kidnaps Hope--do we think she is going to be on the show for awhile leading the storyline to her father? think nuJohn will get involved with him since he is now so interested in the docks?
Thanks for the write up. So the surgery begins :smile: The rapid detox worked even if it was done the wrong way. So glad that they remember Billie. It would be nice if she could come back for the recovery peroid. Looking forward to noon so I can watch it.

I still have a sneaky feeling that John is really back. In Monday's episode when he said "hang in there Beaureguard" and when he showed up and Belle saw him there was just something there. Also I can't believe Belle would plan to sail off with her dad in the state that everyone thinks he is in. I think she knows more than others. JMHO. Thanks for the excellent write ups!
Saw the show. Belle did say that Bo would be proud of Shawn when he graduates from the police academy and sails around the world. (first time their classes were mentioned. wondering how he is going to do it in so short a time. Nothing was said about Belle's nursing school) Love the talk with Chelsea to her dad. Reminded me of when I did CPR on my Mom I told her the same thing only she did not recover to yell at me.
I think John said something to Belle about getting into nursing. She said she wanted to help people. He makes some snide "little Miss Sunshine" remark, and Shawn says that in time of crisis like this, it is good to have someone around with a positive attitude.

I know it surprised me about the mention of graduating from the police academy. Maybe Shawn intends to do that via the internet or something. LOL. Like those banner ads we see for the U. of Phoenix. ???????
Shawn couldn't realistically be around so much, and neither could Belle, with their respective academy/school obligations -- but oh well! They are going to sail around the world! What's admirable about that? They are certainly sure about Bo's - and Chelsea's - recovery even to be thinking about it right now. If they let their instructors know of their plans they'd be bounced from their programs! LOL And what will happen re: Morgan's dad? Great descriptions of the last several emotional days Poirot - thank you! The performances have been excellent - and I think John is back -- at least partially. We've seen so many plots take months to unfold that I now will just relax and let them develop -- but I still get annoyed at Shelle!!!!
Shawn does tell Belle privately that they may have to hold off on the sailing plan...until they see how everything goes.
I just read the Spoilers for next week, and time sure is flexible on Days! Thanks again Barb!
I still have a sneaky feeling that John is really back. In Monday's episode when he said "hang in there Beaureguard" and when he showed up and Belle saw him there was just something there. Also I can't believe Belle would plan to sail off with her dad in the state that everyone thinks he is in. I think she knows more than others. JMHO. Thanks for the excellent write ups!

I agree I think John is really back and he is just trying to bust some of the bad guys. I do love the sarcasm between John and Marlena:) I can't wait to see how this all plays out.:clap:
Saw the show. Belle did say that Bo would be proud of Shawn when he graduates from the police academy and sails around the world. (first time their classes were mentioned. wondering how he is going to do it in so short a time. Nothing was said about Belle's nursing school) Love the talk with Chelsea to her dad. Reminded me of when I did CPR on my Mom I told her the same thing only she did not recover to yell at me.

How terrible for you!
Hi want to say I love the write ups and really appreciate all your time and effords. Just want to say that no one seems to have any concern for Chelsea or her saftey except Kate. No matter what she has done this is supposed to be very serious so show that you care she might die.
Sprite, I suspect that when they explained the risks of being a donor, they thought that was clear and expressed their concern for her health at that time. When they went to tell her she was the donor and couldn't find her, probably they had to move so fast and were so annoyed that she caused the delay that they didn't deal with the risk to her -- and instead of reiterating the risk and his concern for her safety, Dr. Jonas had no choice but to try to make her mad to get her adrenaline up to flush the toxins faster. How silly it was of her to know the IV was infusing fluids to speed it up, and she takes off and goes to Bo's room and removes the IV! Love Lexie's comment! For someone who doesn't really seem stupid, she does NOT process info well and behave accordingly! That girl has a huge problem with impulse control! I bet she DOES make a move on Dr. Jonas and Nick finds out about it, and she's left with ANOTHER apology to make and reform to promise!
If this is such a rare procedure, why did they let a local doc take the partial pancreas from Chelsea? Wouldn't Dr. Jonas be the best one to know exactly where to cut?