Wednesday, May 16th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, May 16th

Nick stands outside Chelsea’s door (Brady house) pounding on the door and asking Chelsea to let him explain. She will have none of it, he rejected her, yada, yada. She opens the door once, slams it in his face hurting his nose, he pounds some more, they yell back and forth, and finally she gives him 5 minutes. They go back and forth, he did not reject her, loves her, blah, blah. He tells her was not right time, and Aunt Maggie was home, she hovers, and might have walked in any time.:bored: Chelsea says she could sneak out, but Nick is against that. Chelsea suggests he get a place of his own, he makes excuses about money, buying furniture, etc. but finally says he will begin looking, cuz he wants to be able to hold Chelsea all nite long. Meanwhile, back at his place, Maggie comes in with a basket of Nick’s laundry, causing Willow to go hide in the bathroom again. Maggie is putting away Nick’s clean clothes, and spots a tiny pair of sheer black panties on the floor. (just the thing all pregnant women wear). She looks around a bit, but finally leaves. Willow pulls her bag from under the bed, shoves her stuff into it from some shelf, and goes out the window. Nick comes home, glad to find Willow gone, and finds a note from Maggie pinned to the black panties. (If that is not super lame)

Philip is on deck, admiring the stars, calling for Belle to come up and look, too. But she is busy making sure that GPS is working, and praying Shawn finds them. He comes down into the cabin, and they proceed to have a long conversation about Claire, who is her daddy, more yada, yada we have heard it all before. Philip wants them all to be a family, Belle says no, he whines about loving Claire and she doesn’t know him, admits they are going to Australia, and once there, Belle can stay with them, or go home. :bored: He wants Claire to only recognize him as Daddy, not Shawn. She is folding clothes at times as they talk, refusing to let Philip help. He finally takes Claire up to see the stars, returns with her, Belle goes to put her to bed, Philip claims she needs a sweater, Belle says no, just another blanket, nope, he goes into the duffle bag, finds the GPS and asks what is this?

On Tinda Lao, Bo is trying to convince Shawn not to trust Steve, but Shawn is desperate to get to his girls. Steve comes down, wanting to get the show on the road, Bo says they are not going, they argue a bit, Bo finally agrees and tells Steve to gas up the plane. Steve leaves, and now Bo tells Shawn about the brainwashing and torture, about EJ controlling Steve, about taking John and removing his kidney to give to Stefano. Gabby appears, with a gun she found in Steve’s room. Bo empties the clip, gives the gun back to her and says to put it exactly where she found it, so Steve won’t suspect she is snooping. Now Shawn is convinced, and Bo shows him the paper he wants him to sign in order to get Lockhart to turn on EJ. Shawn says he never knew what was in the packages he delivered between them, but Bo says neither Lockhart or EJ know that, and EJ always makes sure he closes all the doors. Shawn is about to sign the paper, when Steve returns, saying the plane is gassed up. Now Bo tells him they will not be going with him, they think it better to go by water. They argue the pros and cons, with Steve finally saying, o.k. he will go with them in a boat. Nope, says Bo, we will handle it ourselves. This not not set well with Steve.


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Thank you for your recaps! It's great to have someone take the time to update those who can't watch every day. Now I know not to waste my time watching tomorrow's show. :kiss:
Hey sf4581 :wave: Welcome to SalemSpectator!!!!!!!

Thanks Poirot, sounds kinda boring to me, but i'll watch
He wants Claire to only recognize him as Daddy

Note to Philip: You have a different face, she's not going to recognize you. Deal with it.