Wednesday, May 2nd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Here is a show you could easily not see, and you would undoubtably not miss a thing. Yawwnnnnn. Abby & Chelsea exchange catch-up and girl talk about Nick. Stephanie joins them, and her new “look” surprises Chelsea. (and the rest of us, as well). More girl talk as they catch Stephanie up on what has been happening in their lives……Nick, Dr. Rebert, etc. etc. Stephanie suggests they go out and have fun, but Abby has an 8:00 a.m. class, as does Chelsea. No problem, sez Steph, she will have them home by 7 a.m. 7:30 at the latest. They all take off.

Abe is readying Theo for bed, when Kate arrives at the door to apologize for interrupting his & Celeste’s dinner the other night. Abe has the Salem Brain tonight, as he knows Kate has an ulterior motive for being there. Tho he doesn’t invite her in, she insists, & we hear Theo calling Dad. She tells him to go on up, she has calls to make. Abe leaves, she rummages around the desk, with Abe catching her. She pretends to be looking for a note pad, which Abe finds right in front of her. Now she pretends to faint, then asks Abe for tea. Abe is sooooo skeptical, but finally agrees, & now she rummages in the desk drawers, finding the picture of Sami & EJ in Lexie’s car, with the December 29th date on it. She is ecstatic, remembering it was the night John was shot, and Sami rescued Lucas. She shoves it in her purse, Abe comes out with tea, she makes excuse to leave, & Abe reminds her she did not write the note to Celeste. She opens door to leave, there is Celeste, who is onto her, too. (I have no idea how Kate has the nerve to do & say the things she does!). Abe tells Celeste Kate was rummaging in her things, & Celeste wants Kate to open her purse. Kate refuses, they go back & forth, Abe says let her go. Kate leaves, Celeste checks her drawer, goes after Kate, they struggle over the purse, & Celeste sees that Kate has the picture. She tells Celeste she knows their dirty little secret, and tells her she hopes to see her at the wedding.

Replay of Sami about to tell Lucas the truth, & EJ coming into the hospital with his flowers. Lucas threatens, EJ claims it is preposterous to think he tried to poison Sami, then concocts some fantasy of him & Sami on the French Riviera, claiming it is just as preposterous. Lucas orders him gone, they begin to argue, Sami gets upset, the machine begins to beep. Finally EJ leaves. Sami now says she wants to be alone to calm down, & he goes for coffee. Alone, Sami suddenly seems to cramp up, & in comes EJ again. (that guy is like a pesky mosquito that just won’t leave your bd.rm. at night!) She cannot find the call cord, since EJ pulled it from the wall (glad they remembered that) and she cannot breathe. EJ has her taking deep breaths, which help, and now they argue. Sami tells him she is tired of the torture, the gas cans, threats, poison pretences. Kill her and get it over with. He says if he wanted to, she would be dead already. She reminds him he raped her, threatens her constantly, and cares nothing if she loses this baby, which just might be the result of his demon seed planting. He is silent, and Lucas arrives with a guard. He saw EJ double back to the room, and now he will be escorted out. EJ leaves, Sami asks Lucas to hold her, just hold her, as he again asks her to tell him what is going on. He loves her and nothing will change that, and he just wants to help. Please tell him.


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Sounds like one of those shows I will be glad I missed.
An interesting note, tho. Tuesday's show was filmed on March 30th. Today's show was filmed on April 16th, so is the first one filmed after the studio was shut down for two weeks.
We can always hope it is the start of something great! One that will end the Island scenes and end the not letting sami have a life!
I hope this story line with Kate ends soon, I'm getting tired of her, she needs to be kidnapped again and be on a fishing boat cutting up fish guts. lol maybe that would humble her again.
EJ creeps me out. I think he is more evil/sinister than Stephano ever was. I can't wait for Tony to show up and put him in his place.
I, too, cannot wait for the Tony/EJ moments! EJ needs to be told off by big brother!
I'll watch to see Kate and Celeste....Kate always perks things up even if it's only to irritate us...!!! The Sami/EJ scenes, I will definetly skip....they make me sick.....
Why was the show shut down for two weeks?

The show usually shuts down for 2 weeks during Spring break. It's a cost-cutting measure.
I actually thought Corday shut it down for two weeks to re-vamp things. Wasn't that on another forum here? :?:
I actually thought Corday shut it down for two weeks to re-vamp things. Wasn't that on another forum here?

As far as I know, that's just speculation. Plenty of soaps have rewritten stories without having to shut down the studio. This break was always in the schedule.
Ponz is right.......the two week break was always planned. What happened is advantage was taken of the timeout to do some revamping.
As long as they did revamp. That's all I was trying to find out.............Thanks!!