Wednesday, May 9th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, May, 9th, 2007

Once again I am reiterating that Days SHOULD have devoted the entire show to the wedding, but, water under the bridge. The show open with Kayla frantically calling for help as there is pounding on the door to her hotel room. Camera slides over to the church & Father Kelly having asked if anyone has any objection to why these two should not be married. NOW, for 3 minutes, the camera goes back and forth between the two scenes, in excruciatingly slow motion. The goons break in the door, one grabs Kayla, the other goes after Steve. Sami looks to the back of the church at Kate, and the door opens, with EJ coming in. Back to Steve punching out his goon, and going after the one holding Kayla. Back to the church, where everyone turns to see what Sami is staring at. Over to the hotel where Steve is punched, grabbed and hustled out of the room. And then to the church where EJ slowly walks up the aisle, but sits down in a pew. Thank goodness it was just 3 minutes. I wanted to scream. LOL
Father Kelly now says that with no objections, the couple will now say their vows. Lucas knows this by heart, and lovingly recites them. Sami, in turn recites hers, as she puts the ring on his finger. They really go in for a big kiss, as Father Kelly introduces Lucas & Sami Roberts. Let me say that I found myself tearing up throughout the show, and as these two walked down the aisle, beaming at their family & friends, could not help it. Bagpipes are playing Amazing Grace. People begin leaving, tho some remain. Roman gets a call, learns Steve has been kidnapped, and leaves. Kate chastises EJ for not coming through as promised, but he tells her to have patience. She stands by the candles, as Lucas comes up, and asks him if she can come to reception. Up to Sami, who says sure, why not. Stephanie asks Max for a ride, but he has the car full with his parents & presents, so she will hitch with Nick & Chelsea.
Back to the hotel, where one thug takes off with Steve, the other ties and gags Kayla. Steve in the van, and they take off. Security officer arrives, unties Kayla, who urges him to call Roman. When he arrives, she urges him to get EJ, but he had the perfect alibi, being at the wedding. Kayla is frantic. She urges Roman to return to the wedding, dance with his daughter, give Sami & Lucas her love. Later, we see her pick up a drill, holding it like a gun and saying “perfect”. We see Steve in some dark room somewhere, we see Steve tied up, EJ walking in, threatening Kayla, but Steve seems to be resisting him. EJ puts the pressure on, tells him he has a mission, and that is Tinda Lao, stop Shawn from signing a paper that would “be problematic” for him, and to kill Bo.

For some reason, Nick & Stephanie are in Chelsea’s car, (still boggles the mind how she can afford one, has a license, can pay insurance, and still has not learned a lesson). Chelsea is going a bit too fast, Nick is telling her to slow down, Stephanie tells her to “turn left here”, they are going up to Old Abbot’s farm, evidently someplace high up, as they can see Salem below. Nick is worried about getting to the reception, as Chelsea is maid of honor. Stephanie wants the sun roof down, and gets up there, waving her arms around, whoopee, and tells Chelsea to go faster. Nick tries to get her back in, but Stephanie is not to be deterred from her “fun”. Chelsea steps on the gas, we hear sirens, Nick tells Chelsea to slow down, she steps on the brakes, and evidently Stephanie tumbles out the sun roof….as Chelsea yells her name.

At the reception, a very happy Lucas & Sami dance the lst dance, to applause from the guests, except the scowling Kate. Lucas recites an old Irish prayer to Sami. Marlena & Hope have a special gift for Lucas & Sami, and father of the bridge is mentioned, who arrives just in the nick of time to dance with his daughter. Afterwards, he fills in Marlena & Hope, who decides to go be with Kayla. She asks Marlena to deliver the gift alone, & leaves.(And for those of you who voted in NBC's poll about various gifts to be given to Sami, there is no sign at all of those) It was mentioned earlier that Alice has a really bad cold, and so could not be there. Maggie reads a note from Bill Horton to Lucas on his wedding day. Marlena mentions that Eric helped with the “gift” and on goes the huge plasma TV screen, with snapshots of Lucas & Sami, through the years. A very young Sami & Lucas, lol. As the pictures progress, they dissolve into a series of video clips of Lucas & Sami. (This is supposed to be them “remembering“) Among them, Lucas arriving at Sami’s in his military uniform to take her to the dance, one of them outdoors in a park or forest, the scene on the Titan office floor when Will was conceived, another of them dancing, the time they fell on the bed, and it broke, lol. Back to the TV screen, and suddenly, up comes the picture of Sami & EJ in Lexie’s car. Marlena notes the date is the day John was shot, Lucas accuses his mother who says not her, but she wishes it was. She now launches into the big attack on Sami, while Roman is telling her to back off. But no one shuts Kate up. Sami is crying and saying she can explain, and all she wanted was to be with Lucas. Roman wants her to tell him everything that happened, Sami is saying I am sorry, I am sorry, as she sits down, crying. :cry:


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Well we all knew Kate was going to try something! :rant: But I hope it backfires on her and Lucas does what he always threatens to do, dis-own Kate!! :rotfl: He needs to stand by Sami for once as does Will! And Someone needs to put both Kate and EJ out of the reception and let Sami enjoy her wedding! :wine:
Poirot, did you happen to catch which song the newly-weds were dancing to while the slideshow/montage was going on?
Actually, they were not dancing.....they were sitting down, watching!
And the song playing during the montage was a guy, a guitar, and lyrics that went something like " I don't wanna live without you, baby, I don't wanna find somebody new, I can't stop loving you, I can't stop lovin you".
I turned on the CC but the artist is not named.
I read the Chelsea and Stephanie thing on another site and did not think it was true..but if it is on this is
Ok, thanks! One of the pics in the gallery shows them dancing with a screen in the background so I just assumed they were related. I suppose we'll see the dance on Thursday. :sun:
thought that was odd myself, after seeing the snapshot in the gallery. But unless they rerun the slide show on Thursday, that pic up there has already been shown. And no one was dancing. In fact, Ben Ford was no where in sight at that point.

And the couple's first dance is to what sounds like some classical music...violins...did not recognize it. Same goes for Roman & Sami dancing. And by the way.....he says "Sami GENE, may I have this dance"

So, I love that Days remembers NOW that Sami's middle name is Gene.....NOT Jean, (as EJ once mentioned). The name came from Eugene Bradford, as a tribute.
I am so happy that Sami gets to marry Lucas FINALLY! Thanks for the episode
HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to see this episode!!! Thanks for the "sneak peak I know I will probably blubber like an idiot, too. The freakin' phone commercials can make me teary eyed...LMAO
Hi there. As I was reading this, the beginning of the show reminds me of The Godfather. When Michael's sister's baby is being christened, and there are all these hits going on around town - they kept going from the innocent christening/wedding, to the violent hits/Kayla & Steve scenes. I can't wait to watch it!
What stinks is that I will probably miss it due to the pres. being in the state for the tornado that hit last Fri. They always have news conferences at 1:00 and that is what time the show comes on here.

:OT: I'm glad that there wasn't more fatalities than there was. My prayers and thoughts go out to the victims.
I am hoping it does not all go down the tubes and that Lucas sticks with Sami this time!
thanks for the post poirot!!!!! :sun: I can't wait to see it!
Does anyone reading here recognize the song by the lyrics I quoted? And perhaps then, know who the artist might be?

It sounded country western to me, but then, what do I know. LOL

abs mom.......if you are pre-empted, check with your station. They may just air it a bit later, or perhaps in the wee hours and you can tape it then.
I've been googling away on that all day, Poirot. Still no luck. :?:

I thought the song & lyrics were lovely, though.
Hi, new here. Been waiting for time to write. I noticed that Kate was not the person causing the problem at the wedding. I had forgotten that EJ took that photo from Kate. I see here what Wednesday is going to bring. I saw the promo after the show today and they said that Lucas lives happily ever after. Wow, I wonder if he finds out about Sami and EJ or what. Sounds like a good week. I was bummed tonight to find that the SoapNet channel on my Comcast is on a tier channel I don't get. So I can only see the first half hour of the show every day. Doggoneit.

Me too, Ponz. I went and listened again, wondering if it might not be Peter Reckell singing perhaps a song by his wife..but it just does not sound like him. At least to me. I want to try and get all the lyrics down. It really is a very lovely song, and it fits into the scene very well.
Is the song "I don't want to live without you" by Chicago? That's an oldie, but with the way music is being revived, it could be coming back, lol.

Or could it be "Nothing's gonna change my love for you"?

Was it something it sounded like you've heard before, or totally new?
I'm not a Sami fan and this wedding is awful. Why didn't Kate release the picture before the wedding to stop it?