Wednesday, November 21st


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Episode #10,703 Taped 10/24 Director- Phil Sogard

Stephanie is surprised to see her dad, and covers the pregnancy stick she was brandishing around yesterday. As she hugs her dad, she hands it to her mother over his shoulder. Kayla hides it inbetween pages of a book. Steve pretends he does not know what is going on, Stephanie wants to talk to mom in private, he goes for hot chocolate. Kayla & Stephanie retrieve the stick, and no, Steph is not pregnant, the test is negative. Now Kayla tells her she has to have an HIV test, but Steph already has done that, and it is negative, too. She has to return in 6 months. Kayla offers to go with her, for which Steph is greatful. She checks her cell, sees a message from Chelsea that the girls are at the Cheatin Heart, and asks if it is o.k. to go, she will be back and spend the weekend. Kayla tells her to invite Cordy. Steve returns, Steph dashes out the door, promising she will be back for the weekend. Now Kayla admits the PG test was not for her, and no, Stephanie is not pregnant. And Stephanie was just embarrassed, which is why she did not want her dad to know. Steve is not happy to learn it was from a one night stand, and they talk again about perhaps having a baby themselves now. LOL, as Steve thinks that first they should practice getting pregnant…a lot.

At the Cheatin Heart, the sorority girls are talking about all the places they have put up the Date Rapist flyers. Adrienne comes by, tells them to put one up on the jukebox, and they put them in the ladies room. They talk of going over to the mall and plaster them up there. Billie comes in, and warns the girls they could be asking for trouble, but they are sticking together like glue. Chelsea figures that maybe Ford will leave the area, but Billie reminds her there are girls in other areas. She mentions talking to Abe, but Chelsea says Ford’s father has the DA in his back pocket. Suddenly, Ford comes storming in, clutching a flyer, asking if they are responsible for putting these up all over the campus. Billie tries to calm him down, but he is very angry. She tells him he should just leave, but he says it is not over until he says it is over. And he can take all the time he wants, isn’t that right, Cordy. Chelsea gives him a right cross to the jaw, surprising Ford, who now has a bloody nose. Adrienne arrives with a baseball bat, telling him to get out. He makes threats, he has witnesses. Billie, Morgan, Carmen, Cordy, & even Adrienne all claim they did not see a thing. Stephanie has arrived, not saying much, but has another of her flashbacks. Ford leaves, Billie wants Chelsea to move back home with her for a while. No dice. She has her hand wrapped in ice, no it is not broken. The girls all are going to leave, Stephanie invites Cordy to her home for the weekend, and Cordy accepts. Everyone leaves except Chelsea & Stephanie.

Shawn arrives at his parents’ home, thinks the place looks gorgeous. He & his mom yak it up, as she brings him a bowl of pretzels, and begins to munch. Bo comes home, Hope insists Shawn try on his tux, Bo has already done so. When Shawn leaves, Hope tells Bo about slipping to Belle that she had told Kayla about Belle & Philip. She & Bo argue a bit in whispers, with Bo telling her this is Shawn & Belle’s lives, commitment and to let them make their own decisions and mistakes. Shawn comes in, catching a few words about Philip, assures them he will not be at the wedding. Yes he invited him, but Belle uninvited him. Bo wants to call Philip himself, and make sure he does not come, but Shawn insists he will do it himself, and calls Philip.

At the Titan office, Philip is on the phone, doing a good job of imitating Victor being hard nosed about million dollar business deals. Belle arrives, sees he is busy, and says she will leave. Philip is rather flippant with her, and seems like he cannot be bothered. She is marrying Shawn tomorrow, so what is she doing there. She tells him he was right, Hope told Kayla about them, and she probably told Steve, and she does not know how she can face them all tomorrow. She wanted to talk to him, he is her only friend. No, he tells her, he is not. Then he goes into this big thing how she will be kissing Shawn and thinking of him, his hands on her skin, etc. etc. Belle is melting, of course, and before you can count to three, they are passionately kissing, and are down on the sofa. Philip’s shirt is half off, and Belle’s dress open in the front, when the intercom buzzes, and Donna (Philip’s secretary) says that Shawn Brady is on line 1, saying it is urgent. Philip gets up to take the call. Shawn is telling him not to come to the wedding, not to send a gift, Philip says he gets it. Shawn warns him if he tries anything, he & his family will be ready. Philip replies not to worry, he hears him, and hangs up. He turns around, but Belle is gone. He runs out into the hall, but there is no sign of her.


P.S. There is no Days on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, so there will be no new Day Ahead on Wednesday.

AND, on Thursday morning, the Friday Day Ahead will undoubtably be posted much later in the a.m. as I have a turkey to get ready and into the oven first. :kiss:
Enjoy your turkey and thanks for all you do! Reading your recaps is like reading a good book chapter by chapter. Most of the time, it's better than the tv.
Could you imagine your guests waiting while you type the days-ahead?

I hope Sami is at the wedding and talks of all the things she HAS to do to save her "I have no choice!"
Thanks, Poirot, for typing this all up! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful that you take the time to maintain this board...although I probably won't mention that during the dinner prayer...nobody in my family knows I am a closet die hard Days fan! But I will think it!
*thanks Poriot also* you are MUCH appreciated. I don't know what I'd do w/o these read aheads... having a 14 month old running around with Days on in the backround is frustrating sometimes, but I can follow along b/c I already know what's gunna happen.

YAY! The college crowd! LOL! I'm kinda owning the fact now that I am the only fan they have. I'm getting used to it I guess...

Yay! Maybe with Cordy and Steph having a lil sleepover, Steph's rape will come out and some healing and CHARGES will begin> finally. Nothing is worse with these soaps than these rape s/l... THEN the offenders don't go to jail! Arg.

*******Can't WAIT to see Chelsea deck, huh, Decker! LOL~ She's such a little thing and she's a total scrapper. Can't underestimate her anymore... she's always talkin tough and it's great to see her prove it now!********

And Belle, oh man, Belle DO NOT GET MARRIED! Is this wedding really gunna happen? I mean I love any excuse to see wedding dresses on Days beautiful actresses, so pretty with their hair done special and make-up to boot, but this is one wedding I am really not rooting for.

I'm really surprised Steph isn't pregnant. Whatta dramatic s/l that could've been... it could've been Max's baby, Jeremey's (this is a soap so anything's possible) or of course Deckers, but I would die if ANOTHER girl had her rapist's baby... *sighs in relief*
Thanks Poriot for writing the Days Ahead. :smile: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I think someone needs to give Sami a plaque for Christmas that reads " I have no choice". I am so tired of hearing her say that, it is obvious she is trying too hard to hide the fact she is HOT for EJ. Well, who wouldn't really!
Happy Thanksgiving, Poirot, and God Bless you and your family!!

Cherrieeee, I'm with you girl. My sister and I looked at each other the night and we couldn't believe we wanted to fast forward through S/B/P and S/L/EJ but stop at the college kids.

I think hats off to two of the new girls, Cordy and Morgan because I like those two characters. They aren't cookie cutters. I'm actually enjoying the 4 main girls, Steph, Chelsea, Morgan and Cordy. Sure beats the whole Vegas crap! And boy oh boy didn't you just want to slap that smug look off of Ford's face!?! I must say, I even enjoyed that because at least I care enough to get passionate about wanting to see him get what's coming to him.

Not true with most of the other s/l's right now. But, maybe it all seems so interesting because the other two couples (or actually triplets) are soooo boring and their s/l's can't be over soon enough for me.

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE!!! :hug:
:rotfl: Triplets!

Yup that's wjat we all should call them from now on if TPTB continue down this never ending road, I never really thought I'd get tired of the storyline because I do other things while the show is on and only pay close attention to the storylines I like but my! The two sets of triplets habe kind of been trying my patience, especially the PBS ( :rotfl: ) aet.
may each and everyone of you days addicts fill your hearts with the love of family and friends while you fill your tummy with turkey (or a resonable facsimile, thereof). enjoy the holiday in your most favorite and special way.

peace n love

ps: thanks of the most high, poirot!