Wednesday, November 7th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Episode #10,693 Taped 10/12 Director – Albert Alarr

EJ is insisting on the wedding tomorrow night, as Sami protests that she still needs time, at least a couple of weeks. She has to get the twins settled in, on a schedule, etc. EJ will not take no for an answer, all arrangements have been made. He says she has had the twins, has gotten the divorce, and the sooner the better, reminding her & Lucas that once they are married, the vendetta is over, and things like what happened to John Black or Kate would be a thing of the past. Sami finally agrees, and Lucas says, o.k. Then I will leave so you can make your wedding plans, & he goes out. Sami is frustrated, but EJ goes on about the 3 of them being a family, and insists that Samantha bring his son to him NOW. She gets the baby who has just woken up, (and has the biggest mass of curly dark hair I have ever seen on a new born. LOL, cute baby!). EJ thinks the baby is wonderful, Sami reminds them they both are, but he goes on and on of how the THREE of them will be a family, Sami, EJ and their son. (Sounds like Will of yore, lol). Later, the baby has been put back to bed, and Sami argues a bit with EJ, who talks of them being man & wife in 36 hours. He finally leaves, and a frustrated Sami plops on the sofa, muttering “This is not what I wanted”. And suddenly there is Colleen, appearing in some kind of daydream, telling Sami that yes, it is. That she has these feelings she does not want to admit to, but they are there, and that she will wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night knowing they are there. Sami argues this is not so, and questions Colleen as to what it was about Santo that made her turn her back on her family and everything else. Colleen replies “the danger, the excitement” and that she is the one who HAD to marry a DiMera. Just look in the mirror to see why. Colleen vanishes.

Philip is sitting in his office, pretending to be Victor. (sorry, folks, but hearing Philip using dialogue that Victor would say so much more effectively….) when Kate comes barging in. They get into a whole big conversation about Shawn & Belle, with Kate telling him to butt out, while Philip insists Belle loves him, and not Shawn, and the fact they have not married yet proves it. Kate is telling him to leave them alone, Philip asks like she leaves Lucas & Sami alone. Kate protests that is different, she wants to protect her son. They argue a bit more and Philip leaves, but not before Kate tells him that Sami & Lucas got the divorce and she is going to marry EJ. Next,
Lucas has gone to see Stephano, wanting him to call off the wedding, and then berating him for trying to kill his mother. Steph is shocked, he would never harm Kate, and has no idea what Lucas is talking about. When, where, he asks, but Lucas takes off, and shows up in Philip’s office to confront his mother. (now how the heck did he know where she was, lol). He tells her Stephano knew nothing about that attack, and he realizes she plotted with EJ to set it up. She denies, he tells her she is not a Brady, and she wanted to force him into divorcing Sami for her, which he did, because he cares about her. She tells him John Black was not a Brady either, but Lucas knows that he was always considered an honorary Brady. He calls EJ, saying his mother admitted plotting with EJ to set up the attack. EJ just says “it was her idea”. That is all Lucas needed to hear. He hangs up, telling Kate that once again she betrayed him, and…….for the 10, 983rd time, she is out of his life for good. He leaves, and Kate sighs.

Bo & Hope are still speechless at the news that Shawn & Belle are being married on Thanksgiving, but finally regain their voices, congrats all around. Bo asks Shawn to go downstairs for a father/son celebratory drink, and they leave. Downstairs, Bo sort of beats around the bush over this sudden decision, and wonders if the couple should not wait just a bit. Shawn is suspicious as to the why, but Bo just talks of Shawn getting settled into his career, finding a place for them to live, etc. (I love the way Bo holds his beer bottle, with his forefinger wrapped around the top and his other fingers under. Facinating, lol) Upstairs, Hope is talking to Belle, making sure she is sincere, and won’t be hurting Shawn in the long run. Belle realizes that Hope has told Bo, but Hope tells her she only promised not to tell Shawn, and that secrets have a way of coming out. Belle says this wedding was Shawn’s idea, and how could she say no. Hope replies that is how secrets and lies grow, til they get too big. Belle promises again to cut Philip out of her life, etc. Bo & Shawn return, hugs all around, and the parents leave. Shawn & Belle hug, kiss, and she comments on the beer on his breath. Shawn goes into bathroom to brush his teeth, making Belle laugh. Phone rings, tis Philip wanting to see Belle, just to talk. A public place. She tells him not to call her, and that she & Shawn are being married on Thanksgiving. Shawn comes out of the bathroom, she says the phone was a wrong number. (Boy is she becoming adept at the lies, huh?)
Downstairs, Lucas has arrived, telling Bo & Hope about EJ arranging for the wedding tomorrow, and Sami agreeing. He wants them there. Bo says no way…..but Lucas says he wants all the Bradys there. Sami needs an intervention.

EJ has gone to see Stephano, telling him about the wedding tomorrow. Steph is one happy camper, and talks of going to Tuscano right after the wedding. Johnny will be brought up as a true DiMera. EJ tells him he will not be going to Toscano with him, that he loves Samantha, and he would not do that to her. Stephano reminds EJ that the future of the DiMeras is with his son, and to always keep that in focus.


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All I can say is poor litle girl. Her parents don't want to name her and her step father doesn't even want to see her or include her...and her real dad doesn't seem that happy it is going to be her and him.

Poirot, I love your signature! I said it out loud at work and got all embarrassed and my coworker said "what did you just say?" Too funny. Not something I should be saying out loud in a quiet room - but I was thinking out loud! LOL!
I swear it seems like that nameless baby girl is treated like an orphan or something. These twins are going to be separated from birth, and raised across the hall from each other? That is disgusting.
Well as someone who knows what Baby Girl Horton's name will be (don't even bother trying to get it out of me ;)), I don't mind that they're waiting until this rapemi wedding nonsense is taken care of first, before announcing it on air.
Norma wrote:
Well as someone who knows what Baby Girl Horton's name will be (don't even bother trying to get it out of me ;)), I don't mind that they're waiting until this rapemi wedding nonsense is taken care of first, before announcing it on air.

Okayyyy, not trying to get it out of you, but how do you know???
Well, Norma you certainly did get everyone's attention! Worth waiting for?
Seriously, what has happened to Sami??!! Is she really going to let her only daughter be tossed to the saide like that??? This is SO not the Sami that we all love!
Days sure does seem to be full of women who evidently seem to want two men at the same time. Belle has Shawn/Philip; With Chelsea it was Nick/Jett; Lexie was Abe/Tek; Stephanie was Jerkemy/Max; Marlena was John/Alex or John/Roman; even Caroline got into the act with Shawn/Victor, and of course Sami with Lucas/EJ. Did I mention Carrie with Austin/Lucas?

Colleen says to Sami something to the effect that if she did not want to marry EJ, nothing would make her do it.

So vendetta or no, whatever Sami's excuses are for going thru with this, however noble she feels..... that is the thing that is puzzling to most viewers who have known Sami for years. And what will prbably be the final straw for Lucas. Sami definitely would be deserting him and their children, whom she claims to love more than anything for what she currently claims is a loveless marriage. It is even hard to believe that every time EJ says Jump.....Sami says how high?
Yep and like I've said before, I am displeased that they didn't even give Sami and Lucas a chance to be happy. I hate that Days never gives anyone a chance to be happy before pulling the rug out from under them. I know it's a soap, but some happiness in the show would be nice, not so depressing.
how do you keep dools fans in suspense? :shocked:


spill it, girl, or i'll have to start drinking again! :pint:

did someone say doughnuts? :donut:

norma, you're mean!
Norma is that a picture of Lucas under ur name? I am in love!
Yea, I know Baby Girl Roberts/Horton/Wells/Dimera name too. Sure I do. I just won't tell it until they announce it.

Great post, Poirot.
I have spent my life living seperate from my half brother, it happens. It doesn't mean that we have a weaker relationship or that we love eachother any less. The babies have two different fathers, each that want to raise their biological child. There isn't much that can be done, we can just hope for the best.

I'll be so happy when Lucas is out of the picture and Sami and EJ are finally married. He can just go off and hate his mom, the only person that actually seems to love him. I mean really, I'm just so sick of the new Lucas. :roll:

What does Belle mean what was she suppsed to, "NO!".
Thanks for the info, Poirot! I love your little comments you make as you write your synopsis...they're GREAT!!!
Jewbacca wrote:
I have spent my life living seperate from my half brother, it happens. It doesn't mean that we have a weaker relationship or that we love eachother any less. The babies have two different fathers, each that want to raise their biological child. There isn't much that can be done, we can just hope for the best.

I'll be so happy when Lucas is out of the picture and Sami and EJ are finally married. He can just go off and hate his mom, the only person that actually seems to love him. I mean really, I'm just so sick of the new Lucas. :roll:

What does Belle mean what was she suppsed to, "NO!".[/quote]

Twins are very different....and yes, it makes a BIG difference!!

And what about not being with the mother...that's just sick. I know it's her fault....but I think she was actually silly enought to think they would live across the hall and she would be able to run back and forth with them......stupid is as stupid does...Sami will find this out...
Jewbacca.....I hope Lucas is never out of the picture. He is the father of Will, and of the twin girl. He has more of a right in Sami's life than EJ does. IMO.

And freckles....I agree. Sami certainly has not thought this entire situation through. I cannot imagine Sami ignoring the welfare of her children, and yet that is what she is doing. Does she honestly think she can mother both babies equally?