Wednesday, October 10th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Episode #10,973 Taped 9/21 Director – Kathryn Foster

And the beat goes on! The Cheatin Heart is rocking, as we see a repeat of Max going for $500. Stephanie is hesitating on taking the bid, Chelsea steps in, and SOLD! Gals are yelling, the guys are cheering. And Stephanie is obviously green with jealousy. Ford Decker is up next, and we hear the the bidding in the background as little conversations go on all over. Adrienne takes over the mike, as Ford claims, while unbuttoning his shirt, that he likes his beer cold, his pizza hot, and his cars fast. The shirt comes off as he says and here is the body……but you have to pay to see the engine. LOL, as the gals really whoop it up. Stephanie is mad at Chelsea for introducting Max to Morgan. Then she talks to Max, wanting to know what he was talking to Morgan about. Oh, he told her how he got involved in a commuter airline, the guy was a crook he lost everything, including his garage, etc. Steph warns him that Morgan is all about labels, and the first convertible that comes by, she will hop in and adios, Max. He asks why she cares, some talk about being friends, and the cave..and then Max says……but that ended when Jeremy came back to town, drove by in his convertible and you hopped in and adios, Max. (LOL, Loved that). Stephanie encourages shy Cordy to bid on Ford, she does, eventually paying $300. He is very nice to her, and arranges to pick her up the next night at 7. She is scared, rarely dates, hair & makeup, no idea. Chelsea promises she & Steph will come over and help. Morgan comes over, tells Chelsea they are in for sure. Welcome to Alpha (branch of the Sky Ho club) Chi Theta.
The gals eventually raise $1695.00 for the shelter, Chelsea tells everyone to party on, eat up. She gives the money to Adrienne to put in her safe, as Adrienne thanks those who are designated drivers, and offers rides to anyone who may one. (Thank you, Days, that was a nice reminder!) Stephanie is going on and on about Morgan and Max, and wants Chelsea to go with her and follow them on their date. (Lucy & Ethel??? Laverne & Shirley?? Sounds like that kind of caper to me, LOLOL). Chelsea says no, she will not follow anyone. Ha.

At the jail, Kayla is telling Steve about Pocket being sick, and in the hospital, and that Child Protective Services has taken him away. He vows to get Pocket back, but she goes off on him and his stunt at the TV station, holding a gun to a man’s head. Steve protests that he got Roman back, and that was what they were after. They both are heartsick, and worry about Pocket. Behind them, Philip arrives, saying his name is Tyler. Huh? What do you mean. And Philip gives the Cliff Notes version of the in vitro story, telling how Lauren was supposed to abort, but had the baby, he tracked her, etc. And how she left the baby at the hospital. Where is Lauren now. She died. Kayla tells him they no longer have custody of Pocket, he is in the hospital and CPS has another family assigned to him. Philip is shocked that the baby is sick, leaves, and returns with Mrs. Meyers. He talks of this being his son. But Mrs. Meyers says until that is proved, he is in their care, and he cannot see him. She cannot even tell them all how Pocket is doing. She leaves, Philip is upset, so Kayla gives him a picture she took the other day in the park. Philip asks if he can keep the picture……and then leaves.
In comes Stefano, who tells Steve he has dropped all charges against him, has gone to the station manager and paid a handsome sum to cover any problems or damages, and they will not pursue Steve at all. The Johnsons want to know why, but Stefano says it is over, their family is safe, and he knows that Benjy would not want Steve to suffer in any way for what he did. A cop comes in saying Abe signed the release, and to stop and see the desk sargeant on the way out. As Stefano leaves he says something about Benjy’s death not being for revenge. Steve and Kayla are wondering what happened to make Stefano do this.

Earlier, at the Pub, Stefano is saying the annulment is a done deal. He saw the Bishop of her Diocese, and it is all legal. They evidently are good friends. Lucas takes the paper, and tells Sami to start a fire with it, and tells EJ that Sami is HIS wife, and to go get his own girl. LOL. Stefano says his father has set the terms, EJ has agreed to make the sacrifice…….whoa, that sets Sami off. Sacrifice??? Stefano finally leaves, and EJ continues to insist that he & Sami must marry. Lucas tells Sami there is no threat. Andre is out of commission, Stefano not long for this world. EJ claims Bart & Andre were not the only people Stefano depended upon to run his empire. Lucas hands EJ his cell, tells him to call whoever then, and tell them that he & Sami are not cooperating. EJ makes no move for the phone, Lucas called his bluff. Now Lucas tells Sami he knows she wants to do this for her family, and therefore she should talk to them all first, and see what they say. EJ tries to dissuade her, but Sami gives it some thought. Lucas says the vendetta has been going on for decades. 24 hours should not matter. Sami agrees. EJ tries to talk her out of it, but she is adamant. This is HER decision, and she is now going home with her husband. Lucas reminds EJ that he needs two signatures on that paper, which he picks up, saying tell your Bishop friend thanks, but no thanks, and they leave. EJ is standing, looking at the closed door, as he says “A lot can happen in a day”.

"A lot can happen in a day"....

Reminds me of the shows old slogan -- "Miss a day, miss a lot." Of course, back then, it wasn't true....
"A lot can happen in a day" - anyone care to wager on just how long this day will last?

Thanks for the previews Barb!
I am guessing maybe EJ will forge the signatures needed and thats how the annullment will proceed.
Maybe he'll forge the john hancocks needed for the anulment. Who knows? I thought yesterday's days was great. There was so much hostility between Ej and Sami in the kitchen. It seems like you love the ones you hate the most sometimes.. The last sceene between them was special. I gave a AAAWWW out loud. Ej can be quite the charmer when he wants to be.. I loved it.. Great work!
hey im new to this site and i think that it is so nice of you to post the days ahead for us that have to miss it all the time and i have one theory in the limo with ej stefano
tells him that he gets everything he always wanted what if this "marrige" is all a lie and there are other terms to end the vendetta we only know what the folio said after andre had it for so long and they could have faked this all stefano kept saying that whatever the terms where it would devastate the bradys the only persons devestated in the "marrige" are sami and lucas what if the real terms were grampa shawn had to die because they blame him for collens death just a thought
Welcome veronica!! We have already discussed the fact that EJ and Stefano MUST have changed to contents of the folio. I just wish I knew what the original contents where. And given that they have changed the contents, is this marriage really going to end the vendetta???
"A lot can happen in a day." OOOOOOOH!! Sounds like the EVIL EJ is coming back, if only for a little while. I love when he like that!!! I do love the sweet and charming EJ as well, but then again, everything about hime i LOVE!!!