Wednesday, October 24th

Ok I agree with MrsDee61, in the excitement over Sami and the twins and Lucas finally getting a back bone with Kate and EJ, we are over looking another fairly boring sl with Belle, Shawn, and Philip. What are Belle and Philip thinking? Yes, I believe that Philip is taking advantage, but Belle should have enough sense to not sleep with Philip! In Shawn's own bed! Why is she even in need of money?? I am sure that John probably left her a portion of Black or some other inheritance, and now that Mommy is living in the PENTHOUSE by herself why couldn't they move back in, and also what happened to Brady's loft? Shawn I can kinda understand trying to find a career and make some money. It looks like Victor would try to help Belle and Shawn now as a way to make some peace since John's death.

I really do think that Sami and Lucas aught to get a restraining order on EJ. That way he is not cramming himself down their throats all the time...Sami would be crazy to think that if she married EJ he would keep things in name only. He already raped her once and can't keep away from her now.

Thanks for the posts! I can't wait to read them everyday!
I think we're definately going to have a "who killed (or shot, or tried to kill) EJ storyline soon! But then what is the saying???? There are only so many stories that anyone can think of?
I can't believe that they would do that to Belle and Shawn! I don't think they will be a future for them after all. It's so sad! I wish it could all be a dream about Belle and Philip....that way Belle and Shawn would still be the same.

I'm so sad that they killed off John! I can't believe they would kill a great character like that. But, then again....he is not listed in the coming and going so you never know...he might come back. I hopes so! :?:
I think Marlena was in the right to slap EJ. If I were in her position, I would too. He is being really disrespectful about this situation. His attitude confuses me. One minute he is admitting that he raped Sami, then apologizing to her for all the vile and inhumane things he's done to her and yet he takes such pleasure in tormenting her and especially sticking it to her family. Can't he be a little more civil about this whole situation?! And why the hell is Kate hanging around? She is wanted or invited so she should just go hang around Stefano.
This is my first time posting. I have been reading everyday for almost 6 months, I think! Thank you Poirot for all of your hardwork. I just wanted to comment on the EJ thing. I cannot believe that anyone would defend the villian. Raping someone is a pretty big crime and EJ deserves everything he is getting and then some. I really hope that they are going to kill EJ off the show. A whodunit would be great. EJ is completely pathological and seems to have a split personality. I cannot believe they are going to do a DNA storyline again,I mean how many times have we been through this? I hope that they bring John back as John. I really like the idea of him being killed as a cover so that he can take the Dimera's down. I have to say that the vendetta storyline kind of ended up being a let down, so I hope that Colleen is still alive and John is secretly trying to find her.
I used to like the Belle character when she was waiting for marriage before going to bed with Shawn.. Was so dissappointed when she slept with and married Philip. Now she is cheating on Shawn .. Not liking her much anymore...
Ya know? I'm beginning to think that Marlena's girls both need to grow up! Belle really doesn't deserve either one of the guys. Why would any man want someone who loves someone else . . .it's stupidity in my book. And Sami, you don't deserve Lucas.

I agree with the person who basically said "everyone's had their day". I too think it would be great if John's "death" were a hoax to bring down the Dimeras. By the way, does anyone know where Will is? I hope when he comes back, they've updated his haircut.

Also, where is Victor? He showed up at the funeral but hasn't had a s/l in awhile.

Fan from day 1: I agree with Lucas being blamed s/l if EJ dies
So this is Marlena's new hobby since her husband died, tossing around orders? She's never really been there for Sami before, I couldn't believe the way she treated her own daughter times in the past... now she wants to boss her and everyone else around, do this do that, you get out, you come here! I love Marlena, but they have got to find something better for her to do than play Queen of Salem.

If you ask me, if Lucas can forgive Sami for all the horrible things she has done in the past, he should be able to forgive his mother.

I can't believe how hard everyone is being on Belle. She just lost her father who ment the world to her. Her husband to be is either never around, or constantly giving her the third degree. She's practically a single mother going to school, jobless, and terribly depressed. Is she not human? It makes perfect sense for her to fall back on Philip, he's stable and makes her feel safe. She needs that terribly right now. If Shawn would give her the time of day he'd realize that she has needs, and for the love of goodness her DAD JUST DIED!!! I can't believe how self absorbed he's being, Belle was there for him when he was burned and devoted all of her attention to him, can he not try to do the same for her in her time of need? He has no right to complain about her being with Philip, she's lonely and needs someone, and it's not like she has many friends to talk to.
If you ask me, if Lucas can forgive Sami for all the horrible things she has done in the past, he should be able to forgive his mother.

The difference though is that Sami has changed, Kate has not. She is still up to no good and her going after Sami all the time ends up hurting everyone even more, especially the grandkids (twins and Will). I can't believe I am sticking up for Lukas, but Kate was so overjoyed that Sami is marrying Ej and is helping the DiMera's. She can't be trusted and it's most often that not that Lucas ends up alone because of Kate. It's partly because of her he looks like such a looser. Kate needs to stop meddling and look after her own problems and her own life. Does she really have nothing better to do with her time?
Realhope wrote:
This is my first time posting. I have been reading everyday for almost 6 months, I think! Thank you Poirot for all of your hardwork. I just wanted to comment on the EJ thing. I cannot believe that anyone would defend the villian. Raping someone is a pretty big crime and EJ deserves everything he is getting and then some. I really hope that they are going to kill EJ off the show. A whodunit would be great. EJ is completely pathological and seems to have a split personality. I cannot believe they are going to do a DNA storyline again,I mean how many times have we been through this? I hope that they bring John back as John. I really like the idea of him being killed as a cover so that he can take the Dimera's down. I have to say that the vendetta storyline kind of ended up being a let down, so I hope that Colleen is still alive and John is secretly trying to find her.

ITA....EJ is one "sicko"....and nobody wants to see it. He has been written this way for a reason and they CAN'T change him now!! That would make an even bigger mess than they have now....they do have "plans"...all I can say.
He won't be dead....we will just think he it always is with Stefano. He and Stefano will probably kidnap the boy, BEFORE finding out whether he is even a father, or not. They have to have that heir....and will stop at nothing to get one.
It will be another great way to "dig" Sami & Lucas.

Shawn and Belle---she's not good enough for him, let Phil have her. He thinks his money will get him (in/out) of anything!! Have a feeling papa Victor may reign him in again, would LOVE to see that. He should have kept it going the last time, but felt sorry for him because of his "war trama"....

John--can't get over one of the best actors on the show being gone--when they need him the most!! His s/l's could be endless.

Hope they don't name the baby sick of the name...all it reminds me of is the "v"....and that I can't wait to forget!!