Wednesday, October 31


Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry folks, I had an early morning dental appointment today and didn’t get a chance to watch the show until just a few minutes ago. In case there is anyone out there still waiting to know what happens tomorrow, here are a few highlights:

A mournful Marlena is at the pub with Bo and Hope. They are supportive and offer to do anything they can to help her, including finding John’s killer. Marlena says she could use some help with Sami to stop her from marrying EJ, so Bo offers to go and talk to her and leaves. Marlena says if Bo can’t get through to her, there is another kill EJ. Marlena freaks Hope out, who tries to talk sense into her.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Lucas is still trying to change Sami’s mind, but to no avail. She tells him they have to go to Santo Domingo for a divorce.Belle shows up and Lucas excuses himself. She tells Sami all about her tryst with Philip, leaving Sami stunned. Belle says it was a mistake and Sami assures her that she must make that clear to Philip and see that Shawn never finds out. Then Belle stuns her yet again, telling her that HOPE (of all people) knows about it. Sami advises her to stay away from far as possible.

EJ meets up with Kate and puts their scheme into motion. EJ assures her that Lucas will never know the truth and shows her a gun. She steps away from the car as he shoots holes into it. An angry Kate demands that he will buy her a new car. Again, EJ assures her that Lucas will never know the truth and they take a piece of glass and cut her just to make it look good. Later the cops come and take pictures of her car and Roman tries to take her to the hospital, but she insists she is okay. Lucas rushes up as Kate turns on the dramatics. Roman wants her to come to the station later to make a statement and after he leaves, Lucas asks why she is way out in the middle of nowhere. Kate lies, saying she just needed a drive to relax. Lucas doesn’t understand why the DiMeras would target her as she points out that her son is married to a Brady...and that’s close enough for them. Lucas thinks that Kate needs to be able to protect herself, so he gives her a gun. (Man, are we setting up for a “who shot EJ?” or what?). She doesn’t want it, but Lucas forces it on her.

EJ visits Sami bearing gifts and flowers. Sami says Lucas will be right back, but EJ informs her that Kate had some kind of emergency. EJ assures her that Lucas will probably call her when he gets all the details. He asks her about the divorce and she says that Lucas won’t go along with it, but EJ thinks he may change his mind. Sami throws him out as Belle comments something about him being strange. After Belle leaves, Bo visits to talk to Sami, but he gets no where, as she tells him her mind is made up. Lucas comes back, telling them that Kate is fine but wants to talk to Sami in private. Bo hugs Sami and leaves. He tells her what happened to Kate and tells her that he has changed his mind...they need to go to Santo Domingo. Bo returns to the pub as Hope tells him she is worried about Marlena’s behavior.

EJ tells Stefano that the divorce may happen soon and that he wants another DNA test, he believes the boy is his....and that the stem cells could safe his father’s life. Kate shows up as Rolf insists that Stefano get some rest. Once he is out of earshot, Kate tells EJ that Lucas came running, but she still fears he is going to be the one to get hurt. Kate shows EJ the gun that Lucas gave her and assures him that if Lucas ever finds out what they did, EJ will find out what a good shot she is.

Wow thanks so much for the heads up on tomorrow's show.
No rumors if EJ is leaving the show, but it sure sounds like it with all the threats and all.
I miss John.............

I can't believe they are still going back to the stem cell crap. I thought it was no longer possible to get the stem cells without killing the child, and that's why EJ was determined to stop Stefano from harming Sami. The kid is already born, give it up already!

Why on earth would Sami listen to Bo? It's not like he has played an active role in her life before. If she will not listen to her mom what makes anyone think she'll listen to Bo?

Belle needs to stop taking orders from people and do what she wants, and finally stop feeling guilty for it.
How can they get stem cells now even if the baby is a Dimera? Wouldn't they need the umbilical cord for the stem cells? I assume the hospital...or rather Marlena got rid of that by now?

Not happy EJ brought that up. I keep waiting for the baby girl to be EJ's and not the boy. And it is killing me that Sami and Lucas haven't named their daughter yet. Is there really more things important than naming the child you share?
Not happy EJ brought that up. I keep waiting for the baby girl to be EJ's and not the boy. And it is killing me that Sami and Lucas haven't named their daughter yet. Is there really more things important than naming the child you share?

Flying to Santo Domingo, getting a divorce and marrying someone else. Just shows how the writers can't make up their mind if EJ is good or bad and Bo's lecture to Sami is a sad attempt. If anyone should try to reason with her, it's Roman. I think EJ trusts his father a little too much. Wasn't he the guy who didn't want to give him his Liver because of the bad things he did, or was that my imagination too. I give up, this show is starting to give me a headache.
Can anyone tell me what happened to the DNA that Stefano had on Sami? Did we ever find out what that was about? I must have missed something. If it was concerning the twins, then he missed a shot at the big news. Something tells me we are in for a big shocker.
Alligato wrote:
...I keep waiting for the baby girl to be EJ's and not the boy. And it is killing me that Sami and Lucas haven't named their daughter yet. Is there really more things important than naming the child you share?

When Lucas & Sami didn't name their daughter, when we know they had known they were getting a boy and girl and had discussed names for both, I immediately saw things working out to where EJ somehow gets to have input on her name. To me, that means it's likely that the girl actually turns out to be EJ's, therefore he as the father gets to help choose her name.
Thanks so much Laney for all you are doing this week. We DO realize you have a life outside the "soaps." It's just fun to read what you write and forget about my health issues for a while. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON!!

I agree... Belle has a LOT of growing up to do, wants both the men like Marlena on the island w/John & Roman years ago when John finally came to his senses and spent the night with Isabella (to me his REAL true love!!)

Chelsea, Stef and that whole scene makes me throw up in my mouth!! I'd never stoop to get any male (men shouldn't to get a woman, either!).

The story lines are WAY TOO LONG. Maybe Marlena will get re-posessed (LOL!!) and kill all of the DiMeras. I'm waiting for Colleen to "appear" to Sami and hear what she has to say to her.

This would really be a GOOD soap if: the story lines were shorter (3 months, not 10 years), the characters had more depth and weren't so wishy washy, and the writers stopped recylcing all the OLD story lines and actually came up with something original.

Everyone is Salem has at one point or another: been on an island, been kidnapped by a DiMera, lost their memory, been killed and came back to life. Geez, talk about having 9 lives - they all have 100.

Anyway, Happy Halloween to everyone, and thanks again, Laney for your tireless efforts.
Funny you bring that up Linda!
When Marlena talked really slow and serious about killing EJ, I was waiting for that possessed voice and her eyes to turn yellow. She got really creepy for a minute there!
Still don't get why she is up for killing EJ and not Stefano. Seems like Stefano is the one who would go for revenge...EJ might not since Marlena is Sami's mom.
You can't forget that everyone in Salem in one weird way or another is related! How many of us can say we dated our adopted uncle or my sister is also my step-mother? More fresh faces please! :clap:
I think Marlena wants to kill EJ because he is going after her daughter. Its different when some one goes after you..than when its your kids. I totally can see her behaviour.

And as far as Bo goign to talk to Sami, Bo's the one sami goes to when she needs stuff... sometimes.. I think she identifies with him a bit or him with her, because he don't always do things by the book.

I also sssssssssoooooooooooo appreciate these write ups!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!