Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....(and more from Skam)


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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short and,Bless the man!

Well, I have really been watching the show lately...IMO, it has gotten really good! However, it just happened that TODAY I didn't watch it. Just got through a few minutes ago and thought it was another good one...except they had to throw the Chelsea/Stephanie pledging crap in there. :-( I can tell you briefly what happened...

Stephanie and Chelsea are called to the sorority house and given a challenge. Everyone is put in teams and must raise money for (some) charity and which ever team raises the money is in. Chelsea isn't excited but agrees to go along with it. They end up at the Cheatin Heart (Adrienne is in these scenes, but I didn't pay much attention). Their great idea is to hold an auction, auctioning off guys. Chelsea thinks it's stupid, but Stephanie flirts with some guys and finds out that they would be willing to do it. YAWNNN!!!

Steve was (on TV live) threatening to kill Stefano unless Andre brought Roman to the TV station. Andre, Sami, EJ and Roman (at the bar) saw the broadcast. Lucas joined Bo and Hope at the hospital (I think that's where they were) and all went down to the station...Bo called in telling the cops he would handle it personally. Andre stopped the timer with one second left and decided he would do as told. But before he left, he tied up EJ & Sami in the kitchen, opened the oven door and turned on the gas, leaving them there to die. Once everyone gathered at the TV station, Stefano berated Andre, calling him (his famous line) "you IDIOT"...and a fool as everyone tried to get him to release Roman. The whole time, Lucas was demanding to know where Sami was, with Andre hinting that he was too late...and that she and EJ were already dead. Back at the pub, EJ and Sami struggle to get free. They break a bottle and manage to cut the ropes. Sami rushes outside for air but EJ collapses on the floor. Back at the TV station, Bo tries to talk Andre into exchanging Roman for Stefano. But Andre doesn't want Stefano, so he grabs Hope instead and escapes. That's what I remember, so feel free to use it if you want to.
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

Thanks Lainey. Sounds like another good show tomorrow sans Chelsea and Stef. Ugh on them.
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

Sorry to take so long. I had a last minute call that my son was supposed to start hockey, so I got home a little later than I planned. Here is the summary for tomorrow (Wed).

Steph and Chelsea are at the sorority house. Chelsea isn’t excited about being at the house, she would rather be studying. The sisters tell the pledges that they are beginning the process of deciding who will be joining them. Their task is to pair off and raise funds for the Women’s Shelter, legally. Those who raise the most get voted in and get to miss the rest of Rush (which pleases Chelsea). The girls get singled out for giving Morgan a hard time. She promises to help “Pledge Johnson” reach her full potential if she gets in. The two girls end up at the Cheating Heart brainstorming ideas for the fundraiser (babysitting, dog walking, bake sale… to which Chelsea says the point is to make money, not get sued…lol!) After a few more ideas and some mockery of Morgan, they get into a discussion on the benefits of being part of a sorority, (resume for Chelsea, hot guys for Steph) and a short discussion on Jeremy and Max. Steph wants to go meet guys, and wants to get Chelsea drunk so that she will, too. Adrienne takes their orders (well, Steph’s order for both) and then asks if they could help out. Turns out it’s college football night and her waitress called in sick. When told that the tips could easily be a couple hundred dollars, Steph’s in. After talking with Adrienne, Steph has an idea for their fundraiser. She wants to auction off hot guys to coeds. Chelsea, thinking she is the voice of reason, comes up with lots of ideas why it won’t work, and is basically all doom and gloom. Stephanie, after getting Adrienne’s opinion, finally convinces Chelsea to do it.

Bo and Hope watch Steve and Stefano on television, questioning him. Bo tells Hope about the phone call from Sami, and he tries to call her back, while Hope calls the station to ask if there were any reports of explosions at the Pub. Andre is watching Steve, while Sami and EJ argue with him. With 15 seconds left, EJ pulls Sami back and yells at Andre to defuse the bomb. He does pull the wire. Sami rushes her dad, but Andre pulls a gun on her and EJ. EJ tells him to call the radio station and talk to Stefano himself. Don’t doubt Steve, as their family programmed him to kill. Stefano talks to Andre and tells him to follow Steve’s orders. Steve wants Roman brought to the television station, but Andre wants neutral ground. Stefano intervenes and wants the phone. He promises everything in his power to help Andre, but he has to listen to Steve. He has 10 minutes to deliver Roman, so he grabs him to leave, but as Sami starts to follow they go back and forth about not trusting each other. Andre says that Sami and EJ have been the bane of his existence and he should do something about it.

Lucas rushes into Stefano’s hospital room asking if the radio report was right. Finding it was, he asks if Bo knows where Sami is, and Bo tells him the story. He wants more details, but they turn to watch the tv as Steve announces that Andre is on the line. He offers to trade his Stefano DiMera for Andre’s Roman Brady (he is so good at this). Andre tells him he has a deal, which makes Steve happy. Lucas, Hope and Bo rush out, with Bo telling the police station that he will handle this.

The station director greets Bo and co. by telling them they can’t come in because there is a mad man trying to kill someone on live t.v. Bo introduces himself, and the guy is relieved, until he asks who the other two are. Bo then introduces his wife, Hope, who is on the force, and Lucas. The guy wants to know (and do we) if he always brings his family along on assignments? He wants to pull the plug, but Bo orders him not to. He tells him to keep people calm and keep the cameras rolling. He goes to talk to Steve, and Lucas tries again to get a hold of Sami. Bo confronts Steve, who holds a gun to Stefano’s head. Stefano wants Bo to disarm Steve, but Steve rants about Benji and they get into a shouting match. Steve warns it could be messy if Andre misses the deadline, but Bo is certain that no one will die.

Without taking her eyes off the guys, Hope tries to reassure Lucas that Sami isn’t answering because she’s on her way. As he leaves to go look for her, in come Andre and Roman. Lucas demands to know where Sami is, which sets Andre off again. Bo tries to reign in Lucas, and Stefano tries to tell them the vendetta is over because Sami and Elvis will marry. Andre tells the crowd that Samantha is probably a distant memory, which upsets them all. Bo holds him back and asks Roman to verify it. Since his mouth is back behind duct tape, he nods his head and off runs Lucas. Even Stefano is not happy with what Andre’s done. He tells him that everything he has done has been for Elvis. Andre is very upset. He has done everything for Stefano, including trying to save his miserable life, and everything is for the bloody Brit? Stefano promises he will get what he deserves (ooohhh, please, please!) After a nod from Hope, Bo goes for Andre, who ends shoving Roman and grabbing Hope. Bo offers to trade for Hope, and Steve threatens Stefano. Andre tells him to go ahead, he’ll rejoice, too. He is very jealous of EJ getting Stefano’s attention, and Bo has to deal with him now. Bo makes Steve release Stefano in hopes that Andre will release Hope. He has had a change of heart, Hope is much more valuable. Stefano orders her release, but he pretends not to hear. He uses her to get out as Bo trains his gun on them.

Meanwhile, EJ and Sami are tied up in the Pub kitchen with the gas on. She is starting to panic, but he is trying to keep her calm by asking her questions. He makes comments that she doesn’t like, and she is trying to get out of the ropes. They try to get to the counter together, but they bump into it and knock over a bottle of oil. Sami panics because something is wrong with the twins, and she wants out. EJ tries to get the oil on his hands to see if he can slide them out of the ropes. When Sami makes a comment about the knives, it makes EJ think about the broken glass and they try to get a piece. EJ finally gets it (he would rather it be him that get cut). She passes out as he tries frantically to cut the rope. He gets her awake, and then gets the ropes off. She opens the back door for fresh air and calls him to come along, but it’s his turn to pass out. She begs him to wake up. He can’t die – she hates him, but the vendetta will never end without him. She hates herself, but she cares and doesn’t want him to die. She cradles his head as she tries to wake him up. Lucas peeks in as she is holding him.
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

THis show just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait for tomrorrow's episode. Sounds like Ej and Sami will have another moment. AAAWWW! :clap:
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

O.K. folks, better late than never......this is it. Wow, and I have to miss the live show tomorrow, (I bowl on Wednesdays)

Thank you Sandra.....really appreciate this.
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

thx can't wait for this episode
Can we all say Sami had finally made some progress. I hate you, and I hate myself, but I care about you, and I don't want you to die, I need you Ej. Feelings nothing more than feelings... and all that other stuff. Sami, Lucas, and Ej s/l have me holding on to my seat. I can't bear to read or watch Stephanie and Chelsea. I wish there s/l was more of interest to me. I'm only 23 myself, but they seem so much like airheads. Maybe I feel this way because all of my closest friends are 30 and up, but I just can't relate to those girls.
Love, love, love Patch and the way his vigilante ways of handling the handle. I see why Kayla chosen Steve. Roman your a good father always, glad the curtains are not dropping on you. I can't wait to see Andre's disappointment when he hears yet again Ej is the chosen one not him. Stefano will always choose blood, any family man would. Yes, Dear Old Stef is eccentric indeed, but he will choose his family fate no one else. So Andre will pay for Benji, and trying to off Ej, and last but not least and the never forgotten Reena.
So, O.K. all of you. I want input here Wednesday, as I will be unable to watch the show live. hit the nail on the head in re Stefano.

And I truly appreciate your input as to the zzzz Alpha SkyHO story. We are all different age groups here, so tis heartening to know that the way that age group is being portrayed on Days is not appealing to the group at which it is aimed.
I have a sister in college and we talk about Days (in fact yesterday we had dinner and she asked me if I ever dreamt of Days and that was a thread I responded to yesterday - talk of coincidence)...and she can't stand the AirHo/CollegeHo crowd...none of her college friends can. She thinks they are airheaded witches.

She (and her friends)watch Days for EJ. Hey, at least it is something that we can bond over.
Oh man i can not wait to watch this weeks episodes. Sami and EJ scenes are my fav!!!! I am so excited for the show lately. Andre has brought so much needed DRAMA to the show, especially after the summer storyline which really wasn't so great. I really really can't wait until Sami has her twins, shouldn't they have been born by now? Was it christmas eve, or new years eve that lucas was trapped in the cabin??
Alligato.....Here is something you may enjoy direct from SOD in the MY OPINION, By Carolyn Hinsey....

Can someone at DAYS OF OUR LIVES explain the purpose of that "Touch the Sky" storyline? A jerk named Jeremy came to town (sorry, that pious doctor, Robin Jacobs, and Mike Horton would never have raised such a {bleep}) and started an airline full of hookers as stewardesses. Weak nuStephanie and talented actors Rachel Melvin and Blake Berris (Chelsea and Nick) were sucked into it and completely wasted. For the millionth, trillionth time, people do not watch soaps to see strangers or porn. Especially not together. ShaSha :clap: :rotfl:
Hey, can anyone tell me the tape date for this episode? I'm really interested in the tape dates?
sounds like the babies will arrive soon. How much do you want to be that EJ gets into the delivery room at least once?!
I love this Andre SL and hope that they keep it going for sometime.
Re: Wednesday, October 3rd..........from Laney....

Skam wrote: Chelsea isn’t excited about being at the house, she would rather be studying.
Alright! Who is this girl we're calling Chelsea??? She'd rather be studying?
Amen! ShaSha!
Whoever wrote that deserves a medal for getting that in a soap magazine! I pray that Days people read our comments and stuff like that and change the way they do things. Whoever thought that story was a good idea should be canned! Right away! Before they do any more damage!
Oh, sounds like a great one today! Thanks for the spoilers! I've been coming to this site for a while, but am new to this board and love it already! There's nothing like getting Days spoilers and having previews to look forward to. :clap:
Alligato.....This was written by one of the writers for the the Section ......MY OPINION by Carolyn Henley
I just want to thank you for the updates. I can't believe that they are getting rid of John and keeping Chelsea and Stef. I'm sorry - I just fast forward through them. :bored: I have been watching days since it first started.