Wednesday, September 5th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Episode #10,648 Taped 8/9 Directed by Kathryn Foster

Nick is lunching at the Pub with the boys, who are showing remarkable knowledge of the signs for chemical elements. (i.e. Helium, Hydrogen, plus others). As he shares his fries, Billie arrives (at his request) and he sits at a nearby table with her. He is worried, as he does not think the boys are really China Lee’s sons. They are very intelligent, and very educated, they speak French, and another language he cannot identify. One of the boys comes for more ketchup, says please and thank you, Billie is surprised. Nick says that is what he means. He wants Billie to try and see what she can find out about them. He is scared they might have been kidnapped, but Billie says if so, it would be all over the papers. Nick says not if blackmail is involved. Nick gives her their names, birth dates, and Billie promises to do what she can do help. She leaves. Nick goes over to the boy, teases them about eating all his French fries, and they leave. As they exit the Pub, a man in a white Panama hat appears behind them, and evidently follows them.

At the hospital, EJ refuses to give Sami back the letters, and they argue about Santo & Colleen. EJ thinks it was all so romantic, while Sami insists that Santo did nothing but badger an innocent girl. EJ refuses to get off the bed, and proceeds to begin reading a Santo letter, yes, with all the flowery language imaginable. Santo knows he has caused problems for Colleen, so decides to “ride to the rescue” even if it damages his reputation.
Sami & EJ argue some more, she even tries to push him off the bed, but he will not leave. She starts reading Colleen’s letter. Colleen is beside herself, back at the church, and confronted by Father Mallory and Sister Mary Ann. She is silent as they question her about being in Mr. DiMera’s room, the 10 toes hiding behind the drapes, and her scarf on the bed. Sister MaryAnn claims her silence is answer enough, and she is not fit to be wearing the veil. Finally Colleen is still no longer, and says no, she was not in Mr. DiMera’s room. Sister Mary Ann saw the scarf, but Colleen says lots of people have scarves like that, and the good nun claims that Colleen’s was distinctive. Just then Santo comes up behind her, along with Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who is wearing the scarf. He apologizes, saying that Sister MaryAnn came to his room a while ago, and he misled her. He and Mrs. Fitzpatrick have both recently lost spouses, and have been consoling each other in their grief. (Pardon me, while I roll my eyes here). When the good Sister knocked at the door, he did not want Mrs. Fitzpatrick’s reputation to be sullied, so had her hide behind the drapes. He is really sorry. Colleen is dumbstruck by all this. He offers a donation of money for the children to make up for any trouble he has causes. Sister MaryAnn tells Colleen she is sorry, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick does make note that the scarf belongs to her.
All seems well, and Sister MaryAnn leaves, Mrs. Fitzpatrick wants to talk to Father Mallory privately. Colleen tells Santo because of him, she lied to Father Mallory, and in the House of God, and she had never, ever, in her life before, spoke a single untruth. She tells him to go away, stay away from her, and never come back. In her letter, Colleen talks of how she asked God to help her, but was far away from her as she asked. She is praying, gets up and Father Mallory comes up, telling her how Mrs. Fitzpatrick has been caring for the neighborhood children, and it has been getting to be too much for her. So Colleen is to go and help her out, since she is so great with the orphans, and with young Shawn. She will be at the inn, and it will just be 3-4 days a week. Colleen is shocked.

And we are treated to the sight of a a plane flying in beautiful blue skies, as we then go inside Air Vegas. Chelsea is asking Max if he wants a drink, no thanks. He is really on a downer. Chelsea tells him Stephanie told her about the smuggling of the illegal aliens (never tell a secret to any of these young people, I swear) and Max moans about losing his money, his garage and goodness knows what other trouble he might encounter. But he is determined to try and make this right. Meanwhile, Jerkemy has gone back to talk to Steponme, telling her he intends to skedaddle as soon as the plane lands. She tells him that she told her dad what he was doing, the Jerk has a fit. He is going to Canada, Mexico, not sure where, and wants her to come with him. She is not sure. He has money stashed away, but she knows how terrible it was for Shawn & Belle on the run. Ah, but they do not have a baby. He says it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t ever see friends and family again, they would have each other, and they would be together. (More eye rolling from me, lol) Jeremy goes back to help fly the plane.
Chelsea finds Stephanie in near tears, and of course Stephanie blurts out Jeremy’s plan to run off as soon as the plane lands. Jett talks to Max, telling him that when they get over to the casino, everything will be going down immediately. Max asks him for more time, do something, but Jett claims he cannot. Jett talks to Chelsea later, telling her that when the plane lands she is to go to her hotel room, lock the door, and not to let anyone in. He says it is going to get very ugly. It is obvious she knows something, and finally gives it up, telling Jett about Jeremy’s intention to bail as soon as the plane lands.
Max talks with Stephanie, and brings up their kiss. She mumbles a bit, but he assures her he felt the same way, like ripping off all their clothes. She looks surprised. He says it is o.k. They can talk about this when they get back to Salem. Nope, sez Steph. I won't be going back to Salem, Jeremy is going to run away, and asked me to go with him, and I decided I will.

Wow! Thanks, Barb! I really hope "Steponme" isn't really THAT stupid..........
Wow. Santo has come up with someone to lie for him and even lie to get him more time with Colleen....interesting. Thanks for the days ahead...I don't know what I would do without my daily "fix" at work.
Wow thanks for the heads up on tomorrow's show. Maybe the young set story line's will be finished soon. I can't wait.
It just seems to be the same thing over and over and over.
Gosh, how many more letters can we tolerate? I am with Lucas enough already. :)
I do like Kate and Roman together. Sick of Belle and her lying and whining all the time. Maybe I should just read Days on here and forget about watching for a while. Might be better for my health. :)
Ok everyone enjoy the rest of your day.
Poirot, your names Jerkemy and Steponme are just too too funny!!

This letter Santa/Colleen s/l makes AirHo look good. I can't watch Super Mario and his really bad bad bad accent any longer. I don't believe there could be anyone that can find this romantic or entertaining. He's a dirty, coniving, lying, lowlife. And EJ isn't any better. Heck, Jeremy is a better person than either of those two.

AS for Nick and the boys...looks like it's going to be more than just Nick the nanny s/l. I like Nick with the kids. This could be an amusing as well as interesting s/l. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And wondering who the guy in the white hat is and if these kids are like little Einstein pod people.
Oh PAllison....even worse is that EJ adopts the Italian accent as he begins to read Santo's letter. It was just toooooo much.

The letters are actually becoming very boring. As anything is that gets dragged on and on ad infinitum.
The storyline with TTS is getting better finally.But the letters is okay but i hope it will be better and when they will revealed the secret!!!
Poirot wrote:
Oh PAllison....even worse is that EJ adopts the Italian accent as he begins to read Santo's letter. It was just toooooo much.

SAY IT AIN'T SO JOE!!!! That's just more than I can stand. Just shoot me now.
Listening to James Scott read those letters - Well let's just say IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! He has THE most romantic voice ... the bit of Italian accent in the beginning was cute but when he read in his own voice .... awwwwwwwwwwwww!
Now, I've got two questions for all of you:

1. When Allison Sweeny plays Colleen, is she wearing a wig or is that her real hair?

2. Wouldn't it be funny if Allison Sweeny did her Colleen voice for "Biggest Loser"?
C'mon André........Do YOU think that is Allison's real hair when she plays Colleen? Her Hair is way past shoulder length, and Colleen's does not appear so, at least to me.

And honestly, why, in heaven's name would Allison even find a reason to use that accent on Biggest Loser? What would be the point?
Whenever I see Colleen's hair, I always think I wish I knew what kind of shampoo that is. She has some thick hair full of body. What a great wig!
But no, I don't think that is her actual hair. Length is off..and so is body.
Poirot wrote: And honestly, why, in heaven's name would Allison even find a reason to use that accent on Biggest Loser? What would be the point?

The point would be comedy! Sorry, it was just an idea! Also, if Allison's real hair is pas shoulder length, how come Colleen's isn't?
André DiMera wrote:
.......Also, if Allison's real hair is pas shoulder length, how come Colleen's isn't?

Because of the worst wig in television?
I'm sorry that I brought up the subject of Collen's hair! The thing about her hair was an honest question! I wanted to know the answer! Now i know the answer, great. And that thing I said about Ali Sweeny on Biggest Loser, it was just an opinion! I thought it would be funny if she did that voice on Biggest Loser. It was just my opinion.
- André
LOL André! Personally, I think she would make a good voiceover on a new Lucky Charms commercial! :rotfl:
André, never thought about the joke aspect, to tell the truth, but you just reminded me of when Eileen Davidson was a presenter at the Emmy's. She was introduced, the curtains parted and out walked Susan Banks, in all her glory, teeth and all. The audience went wild.
So you are probably right. I don't watch Biggest Loser, but there could probably be a time or situation where she could just drop right into her Irish brogue, and cause a lot of laughter.
well sure! as an inside joke and "shout out" in a wink, wink, sort of way to her Days fans? I am sure there must be at least one contestant of Irish decent on this season of TBL. Would be easy for such a thing to have a chance to happen.

That would be way cool. I've got the tivo set to record TBL this season to watch!

Thanks, Kristen, Poirot, & HourglassFan. I'm sorry if I snapped earlier. I wasn't trying to.

But, anyway, I know that it'll probably never happen. However, if at any time Ali Sweeney does do her "Colleen" voice on Biggest Loser, please tell us! Also, has anyone ever noticed that she doesn't seem to be able to pronounce the 'th' sound as Colleen? Every time she means to say "thing" she says "t'ing"

Oh and, Kristen, you're probably right. She would make a good voiceover for Lucky Charms. Can't you just hear her saying...
ALLISON SWEENEY (in Irish voice): Eat "Lucky Charms" T'ey're magically delicious.

LOL :rofl: