SPOILER !! Week April 11

Why does Chanel need comforting again? Is Allie going to dump her next? Or maybe Johnny will be done being the demon and will want her back? Gwen is REALLY getting desperate if she thinks Abby will do a favor for her.
@katmouse, that is kind of what I am figuring since we know that Allie will be the one to deliver Ciara's baby, so she would be the perfect next host for the demon. Once we know that the demon has left Salem (until the next time), I wonder what will happen between Johnny (the real one) and Chanel and Allie? I would not think that Tripp would want Allie back after all of this.
Uh oh, will Gabi Chic start rivalling Black Patch? LOL
Not a chance. All the sleuthing ability in the Hernandez family went to Rafe.
Why does Chanel need comforting again?
Good guess. Needy Chanel is one of those people who always require comforting.
Thank you, kat.

Nothing there to get me excited. Good thing I'm in schools 5 days a week for the next month (except for Good Friday)
Lucky you. God help those of us whose school days are far in the past.
Spoilers from https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/spoilers-for-the-week-of-april-11th-t43655-s30.html#p2111497

Monday, April 11, 2022
Victor presents Sonny with a life-changing offer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Belle confides in John about Shawn and Jan.
Paulina comforts a heartbroken Chanel.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022
Gabi goes undercover to get the goods on Ava.

Friday, April 15, 2022
As he and Gwen prepare for their double wedding, Xander is taken aback to learn the identity of the other couple.
Eric Brady returns to Salem!
Hmmm, these all sound like....does Victor now offer Sonny the CEO title.........or does he offer him the boss job at some overseas location.......??? (Since Will's portrayer only will come on occasion for a short spurt)
Looks like the Allie/devil said/did something harsh to Chanel...otherwise why would she need comforting from others?
Don't like any devilish antics at a gender reveal party.....yuk.
So........Nancy should stall the divorce.......guess the game is afoot to get the nitty gritty on Leo's con...to prove to Craig he is being taken.
YAYYYY for the Eric return.
So if Allie-devil does something to mess with the gender reveal won’t that make it hard for her to be trusted delivering the baby?

Oh wait - this is Salem — no one will notice a little thing like that