SPOILER !! Week Dec 18

Nicole took the baby: Not again. Didn’t she learn any lessons from the disastrous Sydnapping?

Stephanie has no memory of the night before with Harris: How can that be? A night with the Action Hero would be the highlight of most women’s life. Forgetting it is like forgetting a tryst with James Bond.

Xander and Sarah are surprised to see Maggie with Konstantin. The Grinch, not the grifter Greek, would have been a better choice for Maggie.
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So what was the point in trying to make it look like it wasn’t Nicole if it actually was? This story doesn’t make any sense. We see a set of hands with gloves and a coat on take the stroller away when Nicole was wearing a hoodie. Then she supposedly leaves the stroller behind the pub and comes back home through the tunnels? But Leo manages to see her or at least spots the stroller and uses it as a blackmail opportunity? There is potential with all of those pieces to have a more well-thought out story but alas we won’t get that.
If Kim & Shane Donovan are the parents of Andrew, and Holly is the daughter of Nicole & Daniel Jonas.........then how are Andrew & Holly siblings????

(Holly called Andrew her brother when on phone with him)
(or was that Theresa? 4 a.m. was way too early for me today, so could have gotten it all wrong)
Young vapid women totally interchangeable fill Salem. I believe these are also per the head writer also supposed to be complicated women. They however failing to achieve that high bar settling for the bar that will over serve them.

So it's easy to confuse one with another when on screen and only paying half attention because there isn't anything interesting on. At least with Gabi you would watch and wonder which girl would fall out first.
Young vapid women totally interchangeable fill Salem. I believe these are also per the head writer also supposed to be complicated women. They however failing to achieve that high bar settling for the bar that will over serve them.

So it's easy to confuse one with another when on screen and only paying half attention because there isn't anything interesting on. At least with Gabi you would watch and wonder which girl would fall out first.
Amen. At least Gabi’s too-tight/too-short dresses, smart mouth, bad temper, and total lack of ethics kept the viewers attention. The cookie-cutter crowd are only of use to viewers suffering from insomnia.