SPOILER !! Week July 23

I usually like the "evil" types but NOT Gabi and Ben. It seems to me they are not evil but just mean or whatever.
Whatever Ben was in the past, he doesn't seem, so far, to be the same. But, time will tell.
Gabi however, has only shown to be a nice person on rare occasions. She was a schemer & manipulator when we met her, and still is.
Wonder what Ted is up to? This could be interesting with Ted Leo and Kate along with Sonny AND Will.
I wonder if he (Ted) really knows or is just fishing to see if Will will crack and admit something? It does seem strange that the note went to Will not Sonny, who was Leo's target and the one who pushed Leo... hmmmm???
But it does seem now that Ted purposely has cozied up to Kate, not worried about her admonition about Will at all. Oh, yes, he has to be working with someone else. Too much of a cat that swallowed the canary look on his face..... :)
@ShaSha. The writers have produced some endearing stories for Gabi, having us
rooting for and loving her, however past history confirms she was and still is
a trouble maker. It is disappointing to have her revert back to the nasty, conniving Gabi.
Although her out loud thinking indicates she understands Abby was mentally compromised
she still chooses to execute unthinkable revenge. I find I am curious as to how she ends this
tragic saga.
:fan: TobyJ I so agree and I am also questioning if Gabi caught Abby's mental conditions...Multiple Personality Disorder. Characters on Days, via The Writers, revert back to old behaviors and never get well or move on..... :whack: :sad: ShaSha
But it does seem now that Ted purposely has cozied up to Kate, not worried about her admonition about Will at all. Oh, yes, he has to be working with someone else. Too much of a cat that swallowed the canary look on his face..... :)
