SPOILER !! Week June 12

It's sad. I actually now miss when the teenagers would take over the summer with insipid stories. The last blast crew and their summer romances and stuff, it was much better than what we are watching now. But maybe the writers are waiting for the actual first day of summer to do something spectacular???

We do have some stuff coming up that I can't mention because of the spoilery possibilities, some stunt casting with Marlena and John and 8 minutes of show devoted to Victor to "look forward too" the other 30 minutes will be spent on Talia and Colin or other useless characters. I'm sure Victor can't even get a decent send off with this writing staff.

I do so hope that the actual writers are out talking with other writers and learning things while on the picket line. The head writer seems to be having a great time on the east coast going to the beach, and summer parties.
The last group of teens was horribly mis-written, blindingly mis-directed, and mostly mis-cast, so maybe they've given up?

(I'm counting Ciara/Claire/Theo/Henry/Jade/Joey/Chase as the last teen group, perhaps I've missed one?)
They did a good job with Will & crew, but now they're geriatric by teen standards.
I feel like they tried to make Allie, Chanel and whoever's attached a substitute for a teen crew but I don't care about any of them. I seriously don't care about Stephanie and her men either.

I think they just can't think of things to write for existing characters and there answer is to bring in "new" people and just write poorly for them. I didn't need any of the people they've brought in.
They definitely have not successfully brought on new characters at all. No idea if it is the casting, or poor storytelling, along with lousy intro. And then there is their trying to meld Beyond Salem stories and characters into Salem, without any forethought. No, the entire viewing public did not see Beyond Salem, have no idea about stories, or new characters. Someone appears who we've never seen or heard of, and we are just supposed to know background, etc.

Plus they film so many months in advance, they have no idea if a character or scenario is working until it is over, bored viewers stopped watching, die hards are miserable & complain constantly....and the list goes on. The shame of it all is Ken Corday's parents (Betty & Ted) would never have let this last so long, They had their eyes on it all, & could quickly see when something wasn't working.

But they also wrote the show.....Their son does not. Heck, hard to believe he even watches, lol. Am really surprised Albert Alaar (exec producer)is still around, as Corday relies on his advice, opinions, & it does seem he is not doing the show any good these weeks and months. They should have kept Greg Meng, he was on the ball.
Hmm. They could age up Ari more next year to 15 or 16. She, Thomas, and Parker could be the start of a new teen crowd. I say next year, because Will and Gabi will be 31 this year. They could "retcon" them to being teen parents. Next year, they'll be 32, Ari would be 16. It'd be perfect.
I remember someone posting that Alice (she was alive then) would have to be over 110 with the aging of her children, who grew older as their kids were quickly aged, then the grandkids....etc. etc.

Makes me laugh at times, because in their story, they married perhaps mid-20s , but the rapid aging of descendants would probably in some cases, change the marrying age to 14-15. LOL Heck, a couple can get married in 1995, and rapid aging of their children makes it "gotta be around 1980 or a bit earlier. Ahhh, the soap world. Well, we said...once they reach 21, the exact age is never mentioned again.
Let's hope Black Patch is better at finding Abe than the Salem PD.


Steve "What's this a picture of?"
John "I'm not sure. It looks like Paulina took Abe in the elevator in a wheelchair"
Steve "So, why are we looking for Abe if Paulina took him" <ha, ha>
robinsnest, this thought is spot on. Imagine Nicole, Rafe, and a couple of uniformed cops following Pookie from the Pub to the Town Square to the hospital, and then Paulina’s place, everywhere except City Hall where the do-nothing mayor never goes. Finally, Pookie’s nose leads them to Nurse Whitely’s place. As Abe is rescued, Pookie is rewarded by being able to use some of the nutty nurse’s stuffed cats as chew toys.
Why do I feel like just because it's summer, writers figure school is out, people on vacation, not that many watching, doesn't matter what junk we give them?
Sadly, it doesn't seem WHAT time of year it is. Even during the sweeps months, the storylines have been meh, at best. It almost seems like they've given up on ANY kind of good story writing.

Megan - I can't stand how they are writing Megan. Not even in a good kind of bad guy (girl) way, and I really hate when she chortles away nearly every day that she is on. Sadly, I'd rather listen to Kristen than Megan, and she makes Kristen look tame compared to her.

Sloan - I see occasional glimpses of a softer side to her, except for her misdeeds to cover up the true paternity of Nicole's baby. Since she just recently asked Eric about making a mini Sloan/Eric, and he subsequently turned her down, who wants to make bets how long before she goes off her birth control pills and tries to intentionally get pregnant?

Whitley - Crazy cat lady. Nuf said.

Gwen/Dimitri - What's funny is he is going to all this effort to impress her and get her to marry him, when probably all he would really have to do is to tell her what the gig is and she would probably play along, for the money's sake. Somewhere along the line, perhaps they could actually fall in love, and turn the tables on his mother. I've noticed that on a few levels that he's not all on board with her world domination plans. Would love to see him and Gwen flip the switch on her, and take all of the money/power that Megan is wanting to take control of. Right now Gwen/Dimitri seem more appealing, and have more potential than Gabi/Stefan.

Gabi/Stefan - I really used to like them, and even without knowing that she is leaving soon, they just don't seem to have the fire that they did before. I mean the palpable, passionate tension between them. Now they are kind of boring and don't really seem to have a purpose other than hitting it between the sheets and talking about how much of a power couple they "think" they are. Who are they trying to convince? Not working for me.

Belle/Shawn D - I see him going down the path that Brady has traveled, as far as full-blown alcoholism. There honestly could be some good storyline possibilities here. He could lose his job, have to go into detox/rehab, seek help from Marlena. There are a few angles they could go with this. It would be nice if they continue with this path, to see him struggle, but see Belle stick by his side, instead of seeing her stray again.

EJ/Nicole - We all see the writing on the wall that eventually the baby secret will come out and probably will bring Nicole and Eric back together, leaving EJ yet another reason to be an angry, vengeful jerk. He really needs to get a hobby. I do like that even he wouldn't stoop so low as to go along with Megan's plan to be a part of, or look past, her scheme to have Stefan killed.

At least he had intended to go warn him. I really would like to see these two brothers, team up for real and do some good things, and take the DiMeras into the new era. I know this will never happen but it's a nice thought. If EJ and Nicole break up, I could totally see him and Sloan teaming up both in and out of the bedroom/office. They could be a better power couple than Gabi/Stefan.

Honestly, everything else is just really boring. There's not anyone to really root for as it stands right now.