SPOILER !! Week June 18


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Dec 29, 2012
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Spoilers from http://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-our-lives/spoilers

Monday June 18:
Will has a flash of memory.

Tuesday June 19:
Eric, Jennifer, Lucas and Chloe have a celebratory dinner.

Wednesday June 20:
Ben confides to Ciara a disturbing moment from his childhood.

Thursday June 21:
Kayla is caught while snooping around Kate's room.
Hope is relieved when Ciara calls her, but is upset by her daughter's news.

Friday June 22:
Kate makes a huge confession to Chad.

Spoilers from http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/11078231/3/

Monday, June 18, 2018
JJ rushes Lani to the hospital.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Hortons rally around Eli and Lani as she undergoes an emergency c-section.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Distraught about Ciara, Hope lashes out at Tripp.
Will keeps a secret from Paul.

Thursday, June 21, 2018
Steve blasts Stefan for what he did to Abigail.

Friday, June 22, 2018
Gabi is released from prison but her reunion with Ari isn’t quite what she expected
Lani is only six months pregnant, right? Will the baby live?

Does Kate tell Chad she killed Vivian or that she's working with Leo?
Or maybe she tells him why she colors her hair blue

Poor Gabi. She's finally home and Ari is probably mad at her because
she wasn't at home when she woke up that one morning.
The baby could cartwheel out as a "you-never-spent-enough-time-with-me" angsty teen ready to get in a triangle with Tripp and his/her distant cousins (Claire and Ciara) and I wouldn't be surprised.

For those keeping track: The baby is Ciara's half first cousin, twice removed, and Claire's half second cousin, once removed.
So I did a little research, based on her conception date she would be 28 weeks pregnant when she gives birth. 90 percent of babies born at this time survive. The baby may have some permanent complications and will obviously have an extended stay at the NICU.

I had the same condition Lani has, placenta previa. My complications started at about 23 weeks, I did a total of 4 hospital visits. The last visit was at 26 weeks and I stayed there until I had my son at 33 weeks. He stayed in the NICU for 17 days. He was tiny but a fighter. And now he's in the 95th percentile in height. My home bed rest started at 24 weeks after my 2nd hospital visit.

With the amount of complications Lani shouldn't be working, she should be on bed rest.
And how the heck is Ciara related to Eli & Lani's baby? Never mind.........Eli is Julie's grandson, Julie is Hope's half sister. I truly detest so many Salemites being related in some manner. Reminds me always of how Rose Nyland on Golden Girls talked of St. Olaf, and how everyone in town descended from this one couple.....or maybe it was a brother and sister....Ugh.

Or maybe she tells him why she colors her hair blue
So I did a little research, based on her conception date she would be 28 weeks pregnant when she gives birth. 90 percent of babies born at this time survive. The baby may have some permanent complications and will obviously have an extended stay at the NICU.

I had the same condition Lani has, placenta previa. My complications started at about 23 weeks, I did a total of 4 hospital visits. The last visit was at 26 weeks and I stayed there until I had my son at 33 weeks. He stayed in the NICU for 17 days. He was tiny but a fighter. And now he's in the 95th percentile in height. My home bed rest started at 24 weeks after my 2nd hospital visit.
My granddaughter was born at 25 weeks. She weighed 1.5 pounds. Tiny, tiny, tiny. Today she is a 19 year old honor student in college. Has a bit of ROP eye issues but with contacts she can see almost perfectly. She was in NICU FOR 4 months. We were blessed for sure!
Oh that's amazing. My husband and I felt blessed as well. My first incident was major bleeding, so much so that we thought we lost him. Thank God we were able to stop the bleeding or I would have had him at 23 weeks. I was lucky enough to be able to keep in there for 10 more weeks. If course at the time I felt like a failure that I delivered him so early. And now my little boy is almost 20 months and doing or saying something new everyday. He is our miracle.
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It would be wonderful if Days had used this opportunity to show viewers the importance of NICU units. Many many people think of it as a standard 'nursery' but will oxygen equipment. We can save the tiniest of lives many times. These babies are miracle stories!
Heck, writers cannot be bothered to even google for ordinary info.....they would never consult with live people. To be fair, though, the ACTORS have talked to various live people when they know a specialized storyline is upcoming. However, they can only say and do what the script says.
Noel - do you work in a NICU?

It always bothered me when Rafe and Maggie learned to walk again that they used crutches instead of a walker. Crutches are not stable enough for someone who is not stable on their feet. No physical therapist would recommend that. That's just common sense. Like Poirot said, Google it.
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Monday June 18:
Will has a flash of memory. [Hopefully, it isn't of the infamous "hate boink." This would set Will's recovery back to square one.]

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Distraught about Ciara, Hope lashes out at Tripp. [Ex-convict Hope is really on a roll. First, she gets in poor Marlena's face about Ben's release and now she's giving LIttle Trippy grief. Instead of harassing the innocent, high-and-mighty Hope might try doing her job for a change.]

Thursday, June 21, 2018
Steve blasts Stefan for what he did to Abigail. [Verbal blasts just roll off this vile pervert's back. If Steve wants to give McSleaze a blast that will have some effect, it ought to come from a double-barreled shotgun.]

Friday June 22:
Kate makes a huge confession to Chad. [If it's that she murdered Vivian, Chad just might take her to a festive dinner at Chez Rouge.]
@GrkPebbles - Yes, Noel does work in an NICU...she is on the road today, I believe, otherwise she would have answered you.

And you are right about walker vs. crutches in learning to walk again. Have had to do it twice now......Hubby, being thoughtful, went out and bought a set of crutches for me 1st time. LOL, they are still sitting, unused, tags still on, 15 years later. Definitely a walker.

Currently, a friend who fell, broke her leg, yep, walker for her as well.
I'm not really enjoying this Hope/Ciara saga of "I'm going to break up with you and then I'm going to blast you for what you do after that". Should Rafe or Tripp have jumped on someone else so fast? Probably not, but neither Hope nor Ciara have a right to play victim.