SPOILER !! Week Mar 6

Rachel need a good old butt whipping!
I totally agree! What made it worse is it was in public and Brady looked like a deer in headlights. She needs a major time out and needs to learn she doesn't run the show.

I've been watching Beyond Salem so I can catch up on these prisms and all of the stuff they are referencing now. Ben doesn't have many lines, does he? lol
I won't advocate corporal punishment, but if she'd been disciplined in her life, she wouldn't act this way. A butt whipping now is just going to make her even more bitter and angry. Brady should take advantage of Kristen being in jail to sit his daughter down and get real about her mother's obsessions, crimes, and clear mental illness. She's old enough to be told more than "Mommy has some problems." He can also remind her that Tate is managing with his parents not being together. Or is he supposed to reunite with Theresa too? Turn it into a competition, and maybe Rachel can be tricked into a change of attitude.