What do you think so far?


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
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What do you think of the new regime? characters? storylines? So on....

-I love the Kate/Nicole/Theresa Basic Black story. Theresa has become much better now (wish they would have done this when she got Tate, but better late than never).

- Love Chad/Abby/Ben storyline. Abby and Chad has so much chemistry.

- Steve and Kayla: Always happy too see them, but Joey reminds me of JJ when he came back to town (not my favorite storyline).

-Yay for John and Marlena, Rafe having a purpose on the show. Same with Doug/Julie. They have focus on the vets, and dialogue.

I'm a bit disappointed about the serial killer storyline. Daniel and Nicole should have been there for Eric one week ago. Why haven't we seen more of JJ after Paige's death? Why hasn't anyone told Jennifer/Abby/Theresa about Paige? Even Dr. Dan cared about her. When there are no reactions to the death, it makes it a bit boring.

I do have too say kudos to Kassie DePaiva (Eve). I don't really care for Eve, but her acting after Paige's death made me cry! Hoping this is a new start for Eve (no more ''I will destroy JJ/Jennifer").
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I would agree that there is only so much they can do with just 38 minutes. They already had to cut a slew of wonderful flashbacks (with Julie, Maggie & Caroline) this past Friday because of time restraints. Paige's death just occurred, they have concentrated on showing her mother's reaction, and the aftermath of it, thus finally were able to get Eve out of the teen crowd, and in with the adults, which is where she should be. And the investigation, and the main suspect's bewilderment.
I say kudos to the writers, cast & crew, staff, and all responsible. They had a lot to FIX, and are doing a wonderful job.
They have a huge responsibility....making room and story for popular characters returning, writing out characters no longer needed, doing it within their budget constraints. They have even managed to bring back sets, homes, etc. long in disuse. Hopefully, this means LESS of the overused square & tiny park area.

JJ returned having been kicked out of school, dealing drugs, using, etc. Joey is not happy over the neglect, not only by his dad, but I think by his mom, as well. He seems to feel she just doesn't listen to him, care what he would like to do, etc. I think we are still going to be learning what his problems are, as so far, we really have not.

I liked Nicole trying to get Basic Black, but I honestly am wary of Kate & Theresa's involvement, since I have yet to like anything with Kate.
Looking forward to what is coming with the returnees, I still love a mystery! LOL
While I agree that the show does need to be edited and fixed, it also needs to make sense. And so far I am underwhelmed by the serial killer storyline. The murders are not suspenseful and the aftermath has been pretty much non-existent. We should have seen Eric's reaction and him interacting with Nicole and Daniel 2 weeks ago. Same goes for JJ, Jeannie, Kayla, Daniel and Jennifer this week. A bonus would have been actually seeing Shane and Kim on the phone reacting to the news if they weren't bringing them to Salem. I really hope this changes if more significant characters are killed. There are still a lot of holes in the show.

I'm also disappointed that Steve has not interacted with Adrienne, Jennifer, Abby and JJ yet. His niece and nephew need him. But I do like that we are seeing him in scenes independent of Kayla.

I am happy that the old sets are coming back and we are seeing folks at home again. Long overdue! The cop shop is a relevant set too but let's see cops working on stuff aside from the serial killer case. I suppose Roman is still working on the JJ case for now too. I also would like to see some younger cops too. I would love it if Eric became a cop but we still need some younger ones too.

I'm liking the new direction. You can see differences in the camera angles, lighting, the any scenes are staged, etc.

I like the Ben/Abby/Chad storyline too but it would be better if Ben were redeemed. We saw him have an attack of consciousness yesterday about the tracking app. That's a start.

Love that Steve and Bo are back!! I saw a tweet from Peter Reckell (Bo) saying a photo of him on the Days Facebook page had over 100,000 Likes. That's very telling about what fans want.

Love that John and Marlena are back together and interacting with Brady. They are his parents, not Victor and Maggie. Now I need to see him call Marlena "mom" again and I need to see them all with Tate.

Love seeing more of Doug and Julie too. They have been missed.

I'm not loving the 180 degree change in Aiden. I'm still hopeful he is redeemed.
Heather, I'm sure we will be seeing Jennifer/JJ/Abigail/Daniel on the phone with Kim and Shane probably this week.. At least, I hope so.
Heather, I'm sure we will be seeing Jennifer/JJ/Abigail/Daniel on the phone with Kim and Shane probably this week.. At least, I hope so.
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Eve told Marlena she called Shane and he was devastated. I think that's about all we'll hear concerning Kim and Shane.
I thought the scene with Marlena, John and Brady was an excellent way to clear up all of the nonsense of John's past. We have all been talking about that whole Stefano was his brother thing and they were able to address it all by saying, that he thought he was an Alamain and isn't, he thought he was a Dimera and isn't ... so who is he? Now we know that we can move forward from that horrible storyline thinking is he or is he not a Dimera. He is not!

And it makes sense to me that Stefano hired Aiden. After all, Bo's mission was to bring down Stefano, so instead, Stefano brought down Bo. It works for me.
Who says Stefano brought down Bo via Aiden. That has not been established at all. Bo's captors want some piece of info, we don't know what. And we do not know they have anything to do with Stefano.
Yes, Stefano wants Aiden & Hope hooked up. Why? Who knows. But Abby & Hope are both Horton descendants. Stefano wants Chad with Abby, claiming the Ireland land is the reason (which I think is hogwash) and then hired Aiden to romance & get hooked with Hope. There is something else at play here.