What if............


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Many here are darn good at doing scenarios, with their terrific immaginations.......so let's play a what if......

What if Paul is really not John's son. (I like it that he is, but...). So...if he were Tony's....he is dead. Paul is back to having no father. If Stefano's.....gosh, I do not want to even go there. I would rather go into another area.

Chad. What if Chad is really not the son of Stefano? What if he really is John's (or even Roman"s) son. What if Madeline is really not his mother, but Marlena is? When Marlena was missing, held captive on some island, Stefano played games, a lot of them, with Dr. Rolf's help. She carried Rex & Cassie who were the eggs & sperm of Roman & Kate. She really had no memory. What if her egg was taken, implanted in Madeline, and there is Chad. Only actually, John is the father. Not Stefano, who is taking credit. Only because Madeline thought that was the case. Oh, those tangled webs, etc.
What if...o.k., here the imagination goes wild....Aiden's wife somehow was involved with Clyde? A partner in the drug trade? They were having an affair. Aiden learned of her financing and making money from drugs, led to huge argument. Chase is playing with Mom's gun. Right here, no matter if Chase or Aiden shot Meridith. But Clyde's snooping has him learn what happened, and how Aiden took the blame. (So Meridith met Clyde while on vacation, in rehab, at a spa, ). Crafty Clyde wants to insert himself into Aiden's life, so...help my son, help me make a will, a trust, blah, blah.
But Aiden has dropped Clyde, who doesn't like that one bit.
I love that entire idea, Poirot....however, I doubt if there is any way that they even knew each other...altlhough writers can work miracles if and when they want.... after all, SOME writers have even sent actors to the moon (and back?) :confused:
Guess it is a lazy Sunday, no other "what if's"??

Well.........what IF, while he was gone for a year, Chad was married and divorced?

What if....hey....what if Autumn shows up in Salem with a little child? You all remember Autumn, right? Lucas's ex-financee' , the one he left because Sami crooked her little finger at him, so he fell for it, only to have her do just as she did before, and not only to him, but Rafe as well.....she dumped him. Anyway, if Sami can have children by another man, why not Lucas as well??

Has Eve met Clyde yet? What if HE was Paige's dad. I don't think we will ever meet that guy, or even hear what his name was.

What IF some new neighbors down the hall from Daniel have the cutest little son and daughter. The daughter is older, the son is just about the age Nicole's baby would be. She gets to babysit at times, or have playtimes arranged with parker. And then learns how the couple adopted both of their children, luckily having a relative or friend who knew/worked with a couple of doctors. Doctors always know when a female is willing to put her baby up for adoption.
Usually I'm full of What Ifs, but the Travesty that the show's been lately has broken me, LOL.

I always wanted Autumn to return with Lucas' child. I wanted Melissa Archer (Serena) to play that role (in my 2012 fanfiction series - which I still kick myself for not keeping up with - I did just that). Alas, it was not to be.
Before EJ was SORAS'ed and brought back to Salem as Sami's main squeeze, I always thought it would've been interesting if Sami found out she wasn't Roman and Marlena's daughter. I thought it would've been a great twist to find out she was born from an egg sold by Samantha Evans (while she was a struggling actress) and fertilized by Stefano, and that Stefano somehow managed to implant the embryo into Marlena when she was newly pregnant with Eric.

Imagine Sami's horror to discover she was really Stefano's child and not her daddy's beloved "Peanut".
She'd probably just find a way to blame that on John, too. LOL

What if Stephanie Johnson's computer nerd friend, Ian, didn't really change the Parker Jonas paternity test results? What if Chloe faked an email from Stephanie to Kayla in order to try to win Daniel back? What if, even after losing Daniel to Nicole and Jennifer, she decided to keep the switch a secret in order to win him back eventually? How would Victor deal with Philip vs Daniel for custody of Parker? How would Maggie react?

What if John was still the son of Daphne (Tony's mother and Stefano's mistress - and for all we know, he could be) but his biological father was still Leopold Alamain? What if the two had had an affair in Tuscany without knowing the other's full identity? And Daphne gave the baby to her sister (Philomena - I always imagined her to be the corrupting influence on Lawrence's life), unaware she was giving the boy to his biological father?

What if the baby girl that Nicole lost was Brady's, not EJ's? And what if Stefano knew this, and switched her embryo (since they can apparently do that...OK - I'm going SciFi here but only to salvage a story, LOL) with Sami's so EJ could raise his own child? But Nicole switched the babies on her own after miscarrying...?

What if someone went through Nick Fallon's belongings, and found check stubs for large payments from Stefano DiMera in 2006? And what if Hope, investigating the matter, determined that Nick was forced to switch some paternity test results that year?

What if the Kristen we've been seeing since 2012 is another Banks sibling, and the real Kristen is still in the Harem?
LOL, Jason, you truly had your imagination flying. But I would just LOVE the 2nd one, mostly because, in MY opinion, John definitely is the child born to Daphne, & raised by the Alamaines. (It already has been proved that Colleen was mistaken in her belief that John was hers. DNA proved it)

LOL, as to the last "what if". Heck, The Banks triplets became quads, why not quints. Ha.
What if the Samantha Gene we've been seeing since the hate blink is a Stefano clone and the real Samantha Gene has been in captivity with Bo and Jack this entire time? This would mean she is still married to Rafe. What if she also was pregnant when kidnapped and now has 3 year old twins by Rafe?

What if Paul is really Stefano or Tony's son and not John's?

What if Cameron was on the Dimera payroll and kidnapped Daniel Rafael at birth? He has been getting paid all this time to take care of him and hide the truth? What if Eric somehow stumbled upon evidence of this and secretly starts to investigate so as not to get Nicole's hopes up...

What if Daniel Jonas is really a fraud and just after Victor's money? The whole egg baby thing was staged too.

What if Belle and Shawn had a set of twins offscreen?
Heather4CU--I have always thought that Sami has been an imposter since the reunion with EJ. She wasn't that in love with him before he kidnapped Sydney.

What if...all of Sami's kids are really Lucas' and, even though that is the case, she and Rafe find their way back to each other after the whole imposter issue is resolved? I could see Sami, Rafe, & Lucas co-parenting as rational adults. And it would be a lively group with flour fights in the kitchen and family trips to the lake. (Of course, this means the matured, yet light-hearted, Sami returns from CA.)
Many here are darn good at doing scenarios, with their terrific immaginations.......so let's play a what if......

What if Paul is really not John's son. (I like it that he is, but...). So...if he were Tony's....he is dead. Paul is back to having no father. If Stefano's.....gosh, I do not want to even go there. I would rather go into another area.

Chad. What if Chad is really not the son of Stefano? What if he really is John's (or even Roman"s) son. What if Madeline is really not his mother, but Marlena is? When Marlena was missing, held captive on some island, Stefano played games, a lot of them, with Dr. Rolf's help. She carried Rex & Cassie who were the eggs & sperm of Roman & Kate. She really had no memory. What if her egg was taken, implanted in Madeline, and there is Chad. Only actually, John is the father. Not Stefano, who is taking credit. Only because Madeline thought that was the case. Oh, those tangled webs, etc.
Lots of what ifs here. I think we are to forget all about the outer space kids. I sure do hope so!!!
What if...all of Sami's kids are really Lucas' and, even though that is the case, she and Rafe find their way back to each other after the whole imposter issue is resolved? I could see Sami, Rafe, & Lucas co-parenting as rational adults. And it would be a lively group with flour fights in the kitchen and family trips to the lake. (Of course, this means the matured, yet light-hearted, Sami returns from CA.)

I really did enjoy Sami and Lucas together romantically, especially around the time of the green wedding. That was one of my favorites. However, once Rafe came along and Sami matured, I really thought he was her calling. I still love Sami and Lucas as best friends but I think Rafe is her true love. And wouldn't it be a fun scenario if they all lived together with Gabi and Arianna too?