SPOILER !! What I'm hoping for in the Historic Event


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
With the time jump rapidly approaching...

I am hoping that there is an initiating event. That is - some reason we're jumping ahead a year. A coma. A plague. A fire. Something.

I am hoping that not even one of the allegedly "fake" spoilers seen on facebook & twitter a few months ago happens.

I am hoping that characters act like themselves and pay for their actions when they do a misdeed.

I am hoping that there is an end to the reign of endless crime dynasty families.

What are your hopes for this "historic" event?
Also would like an end to the Godfather/Mafia junk. (I always secretly wish Chad would go back to being Peterson, & always wanted Stefan to have retained the name he was raised with...Sam Maitland). Victor has turned over the running of Titan to various family members again and again. It is time to just break up the company, having different family members (or others) own the various different companies. In other words, stop being conglomerates. Those cannot be run from cell phones, and tables in a cafe.

I do not know what is in store, just want some tech with a conscience to disable that program in Gabi's phone, and for her to be outed big time. Would then like Ari to, at some point, tell Gabi she would rather live with Will and Sonny, she knows her mom doesn't love her, only her dead husband.

O.K. I know that won't happen, but if Days is being "reset" then do so. Enough with the gloom, misery and despair constantly, and it has been constant. Same goes for the look alikes.
I love the godfather/mafia junk. I LOVED Stefano and I still love Victor. In my opinion, without a bit of evil and big time rich folks it would be just like any other love story.....or maybe not so much a love story as a drab town and story.
There is a difference between being a good villain - one you can love and hate at the same time - but who keep you intrigued - think Victor and Stefano. And then there is a bad villain who you despise and want off your screen NOW - think Eve, Kristen, Jordan, Claire, Princess Gina, Dr. Rolf (all whackos). Then there is the middle ground - think Gabi (who I can't stand at the moment, but who might be redeemed) and Ben (who seems to be coming around, but I am still withholding final judgement as he could go off the deep end at anytime).

No matter what I will always love Victor!
I know it wouldn't be a soap without them, but if there is one thing they can do that has never been done before, STOP the who's the daddy stories!

I also know that I am in the minority, but I really wish they would stop bringing back old characters, especially if the people they bring back are not the same as the original portrayers.

I also appreciate the idea of having people get real consequences for their horrendous actions. Especially, as mentioned by @65days.

I would like the stories to be planned and implemented and not have to go back and try to undo something that didn't work as planned, in a timely manner.
The potential of being able to right so many wrongs off screen in the year that we will jump through could have been great!

Unfortunately, all of the things that we have been complaining about, like Princess Gina, the terrible Gabi, etc, seems like are time traveling with the rest of them and will continue, but more unbelievable than it is right now.

Can you imagine Princess Gina pretending to be Hope for a whole year and no one catches on????
And is Gabi going to be holding her phone for a whole year ready to push the button. etc, etc, etc
I do agree about Stefano........I liked when he would appear, wreak a lot of havoc & misery, then was gone, may a year, or more, then back again, lengthy stays, but he would vanish again. Victor....yes, as witty as he can be at times, his nasty snark has become tiresome. He insults everyone who enters the room........except Maggie. I did like what he did when Deimos fooled with Maggie's meds, and demanded the empire to bring her back to what she had been........but since then....nope. But then, I don't want him sitting in the garden, playing with the grandchildren, as Stefano eventually had to do. The time of Titan & DiMera is past........the torches have to be passed, or put out would be even better.
From JasonDiSpeech:

I am hoping that characters act like themselves and pay for their actions when they do a misdeed. [Good idea -- this would put Gabi back in prison where she could do her I-hate-Lani-and-Julie act for Hattie and Bonnie. And joining the parade to women's prison could be Vivian and Kristen.]

I am hoping that there is an end to the reign of endless crime dynasty families. [Good point. No living DiMera can match the mighty Phoenix and it's high time that Victor packed it in and started spending his time playing bingo at the Salem Senior Center or visiting Salem's never-seen Greek Orthodox church where he can seek forgiveness for his countless sins.]

From look of love:

No more people in comas. [If this happened they could probably close University Hospital, meaning that Kayla could go back to tending bar at the Pub.]

No more raised-from-the-dead storylines. [This would be very bad news for such possible resurrection candidates (who should never have been killed off) such as Andre, Dr. Trent Robbins, Deimos, and Nick Fallon.]

Please, a little comedy now and then. [A big yes here -- it would mean the possible return of Rory and T.]

Last but not least, romance, not bed-hopping! [This sounds like a good pitch for Xander in trying to win over Sarah -- no more quick stops in the beds of losers like cheating Rexy or gloomy Eric, but instead night-after-night of real romance with him.]
For the time leap, I’d like to see:

-An original story written- nothing sensational and cheap like what has been written the past few years. A story with heart, that will draw viewers in and get them to want to watch everyday. A story with romance, mystery and adventure....again, all have been lacking in the writing for many years now.

-I would like the home sets used more (Hope’s house, Jennifer’s house, Kayla’s house, etc) instead of people living only at the Kiriakis mansion or Salem Inn.

-I would like to see the blue room gone! The one that is used for everyone’s office at the hospital and often made into a hotel room, and any other miscellaneous room. I’d like to see some creativity in the sets again.

-I would like to not see Hattie or Bonnie....please, please don’t bring them back...ever!

-I’d like to see others return...Peter Reckell as Bo (or perhaps a new character). I’d also like to see Kim and Shane return (without Theresa). They always had great chemistry.

Other Bradys I’d like to see are Sami’s kids as teens return (with Lucas as a single father or the kids could live with Roman or Marlena). And I would love Paul to return. I have missed him. He is such a great character and the actor is very good.

- I actually don’t mind a little sci-fi or scary stuff. Just not anymore Dr. Rolf and his serum and raising the dead. That’s gotten old.

- I want to see certain people leave Salem... Sarah, current Kristen (I would prefer Eileen Davidson in the role or no one), and Rafe (he is attractive, but very boring and he has not had an interesting story in many years).
I would like to see Gabi punished. Maybe Ari would be the one who gets a hold of Mommy's phone and plays with the app her Mommy is so fascinated with all the time. Ooops.

I would like to see people after the event to not have hooked up with regrettably strange pairings (As in, what if Jack was with someone else while Jen is in her coma, I don't want Gabi to be with Eli, etc)

If there are new characters on the canvas, it could be fun just seeing them without introduction as long as they're woven into storylines really well, and we can see how they showed up in flashback. Likewise for returning people (let's not have a throwaway "I came back because..." statement in the course of conversation) - if Kim and Shane were to show up, Kim is already doing something at the hospital, Shane is wherever he is. No showing up at the pub and having Roman hug them like he hasn't seen them in ages and saying "I'm so glad you came back after [incident that brought them back that we haven't seen or don't know about]"

If you're dead, stay dead. If you're sleeping with someone, you're in a relationship and not bed-hopping. If we're going to have a crime family, then let's have a crime family and not people who do random evil misdeeds for their own service (cough, Gabi, cough). If you're going to write something comedic, then do that and integrate it with light storylines and not interspersed with the heavier stuff. Humor is a good thing if it's well written and well acted, and I was hoping for some more of that with Jack and Jenn before she ended up falling over the balcony. If you're going to do sci-fi stuff, maybe not take it off the rails (I love Dr Rolf, but I'd love to see him a little less kooky and over-the-top in that 1940s twirling mustache sort of way - also, you're not Phil the homeless bum on 'Night Court' anymore, so don't get manic either).

If you're going to have a relationship storyline, how about letting it be happy and boring - we see you together, we're ok that you're together, there aren't things every 10 minutes trying to tear you apart.

We're not stupid viewers, we can figure some stuff out for ourselves without being whapped over the head with a rock so write better.
getting a chance to sing a bit.
The problem with that is the music is outrageously expensive now. They have to either find stuff that's so old, it's in the public domain, or write new music specifically for the show.

Years ago, I read an interview in SOD with a girl who worked at Y&R. She said due to the prohibitive cost of most music, she used to search for independent artists on MySpace (gives you an idea how old the interview was) and if she found music she liked or thought would work for their needs, she'd contact the artist and ask to use it for free, in exchange for the publicity of being used on a nationally aired soap opera.

Just recently, the Osmond brothers were on The Talk. Sheryl Underwood was joking with Donny and asking him to sing a little bit of Puppy Love and Marie (who is now a host of the show) screamed "NO, we can't afford it!" Same thing happened when Donny was on several years ago and started to sing a few words of Puppy Love and Julie Chen got a horrified look on her face and screamed the same thing to him.
I'd like the women to be self-assured, strong, funny, smart, kind and non-judgmental - - like in real life. I'm so sick of weak, vindictive and stupid women characters!!

I certainly agree that when someone does something wrong they should pay in some way!

I'm a bit skeptical about this whole time leap idea!
I agree, dtkssk. I am tired of seeing the women of Salem scheming and plotting against each other. If Gabi wanted revenge against Lani, all she had to do was refuse to give Julie Stefan's heart. I would like to see strong, confident women who support each other.