Whatever happened to?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Jack, Jennifer, Steve, Kayla, Julie, Rachel, John, Bonnie ...............heck, not even a mention in passing...... yes, Marlena was talking to John on the phone........but where the heck is he?
Well, we know poor Pookie crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Rolf needs to work on resurrecting Pookie.

And Harold the DiMera butler, they don't even mention him. Perhaps if they made use of him, people could not just wander in and about in the mansion causing trouble both small and big.
Susan just mentioned that Harold makes a mean fried bologna and mayonnaise sandwich, and Jada mentioned he let her in. Friday's episode.
After he disowned Gwen and moved to run the local paper in not-Salem with one of the Jennifers, I think he got bored again and went on another walkabout. We'll hear about him when he's dead again.

She got some big scoops at the local paper and once again was asked to host a TV show. When Jack went on his walkabout, she again took up with Frankie Brady.

He's got a big storyline that was shelved concerning yet another son conceived during the time he was dead with a totally unrelated mob princess. The producers rightfully cut it.
As the only doctor at Salem U who's not on maternity leave or an attempted murderer, Kayla is quite busy doing rounds and correcting the "mistakes" of Dr Tripp and Dr Talia.
On another cruise.
Boarding school (but anytime she's off-screen is golden in my book).
Ornament shopping (same rule applies to her as for Rachel)