Who Doesn't Read the Spoilers in The Crystal Ball?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2012
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Whitby, Canada
I very seldom go on the The Crystal Ball forum and read the spoilers...as I like to be 'surprised' (is this the right word?) as much as possible when I watch DAYS.

In checking The Crystal Ball today, there are 4 'locked' items at the top of the list showing that there were over 28,000 Views and 547 or so Replies to stuff that hasn't yet aired.

I am just curious to know how many of you prefer to watch the show first and then read the comments following the daily Re-cap as I do.

And are there others out there who like me don't read the Spoilers in The Crystal Ball?
I very rarely read the daily recaps because I stay at least a week behind on watching Days. Right now I'm over 2 weeks behind. I catch up, or get close to catching up, when Hubby's on night shift and I get control of the remote. :p I do read the spoilers so I know what's going on. Most shows I don't like to be spoiled on but for some reason Days is different. I think it's because other shows don't have as many episodes. Like I've avoided Downton Abbey spoilers like the plague because there's so few episodes that I want to savor every twist and turn firsthand.
I don't much care for suspense and surprises (not that Days has much suspense anymore, lol) so I read all of the spoilers. But I also read the daily recap first thing after it's up, when possible. I like to read it before I watch the show. I used to never miss watching an episode, no matter how long it took me to catch up but I read the recaps first anyway. Now, I'm sad to say, there are many things on Days I won't watch so I ff a lot and don't watch at all some of the time. The daily recaps help me to know whether I want to watch an episode.
There are many who don't read spoilers, which is why they are kept in a separate forum, and our members are cautioned over saying something within Daily Days or a recap.
Me, I love spoilers. Maybe because I used to get the show a day ahead for so many years. I just loved knowing on Friday morning what was going to happen on Monday. LOL

However, that is no longer possible. But I still love advance information, heck, admittedly, sometimes, when reading a book, and in the middle, I jump to the last page. (but only the last page) because I just want to know if certain characters are still alive, or together, etc.

Serials are somewhat different, because of "filler material", and the necessity to drag out a scene.
As to "locked threads".....either they got too long, which is usually when they get to over 100 replies........or else someone tries to stir everyone up, making posts that get the dander up, and thus, it is better to just roll up the carpet and call it a day than let someone get their jollies by making a path of hot coals in order to get everyone hopping. :)(
I used to read spoilers when I first started watching DAYS, but the excitement for me was gone you know? I'd rather be surprised at the twist and turns, makes it more fun to watch. So I try and steer clear of Spoiler Threads. If I miss something on the show, I do read the recap too.
There are many who don't read spoilers, which is why they are kept in a separate forum, and our members are cautioned over saying something within Daily Days or a recap.
Me, I love spoilers. Maybe because I used to get the show a day ahead for so many years. I just loved knowing on Friday morning what was going to happen on Monday. LOL

However, that is no longer possible. But I still love advance information, heck, admittedly, sometimes, when reading a book, and in the middle, I jump to the last page. (but only the last page) because I just want to know if certain characters are still alive, or together, etc.

Serials are somewhat different, because of "filler material", and the necessity to drag out a scene.
As to "locked threads".....either they got too long, which is usually when they get to over 100 replies........or else someone tries to stir everyone up, making posts that get the dander up, and thus, it is better to just roll up the carpet and call it a day than let someone get their jollies by making a path of hot coals in order to get everyone hopping. :)(

Poirot, because I feel the way |do, I really appreciate the fact that Spoilers are kept in a separate forum (thank you)! I also used to get the show a day ahead and loved to watch on Friday to see what 'would happen' on Monday's show...but again I didn't know beforehand what was going to happen due to something I had read here or elsewhere.

I love to read books but never go to the end page to find out what happens...isn't it great that we all think differently!:)

|understand your explanation as to why threads are locked...I was just amazed at the number of
people who appear to read and comment on threads in The Crystal Ball.
Actually, in re: the book, I don't read to "see how it turns out or who dun it". I only scan to see if the characters I care about are still there.And it is only certain books.
You have to understand, I do not like sad stories, or ones where 1/2 of a couple dies of some illness. Enough of that goes on in real life. I used to love reading historical novels, though. And Inever do that for a mystery, or spy novel. LOL

But I do love the spoilers for Days. Ha. Especially when they really do not come to pass. Ha.
I always read the spoilers, in books as well, even for movies online! I'm not watching the utter crapfest playing out on our screens now, so I read the spoilers and recaps so I still don't technically miss an episode.
Sometimesd a book is just driving me nuts and I have to look at the end for my own peace of mind!