Who remembers way back when days still did this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Canada, Eh?

I'm not asking you to watch the whole thing at all. Only the first 2 seconds.

I remember it well. Back when they still did the nice little intro's:). Not only that! They had such variation in the sets they filmed on. What is it now?

Dimera Mansion
Kiriakis Mansion
The Brady Pub
The peer
University Hospital
Maggies house
Chloes appartment

Anyone else miss the good old "days"? :(
Redsquirrel: Sorry about that. It's a days of our lives clip from 2008. If you watch the whole thing, there are scenes from Paris, and the University hospital and other places. But they all have this nice pan-intro at the beginning before the scenes:(. I miss that. No idea why. I just do.:(

And it's called: DOOL August 4, 2008 Episode Part 1 of 4. You can probably go find any episode online from before 2008 and they still do it.
I miss it too - it gives you a visual, and that makes things more believable for me, they have cut and slashed a lot of stuff (my favorite set used to be the balcony @ the hospital), but what are you going to do-they don't seem to care.
Yup! Exactly. It made things make more sense! It's all chopped and to the point.

Nothing could make me stop watching days, because at this point, I've been watching it my whole life. But I don't know if thats going to stop some other people from stopping. :(

It will be interesting to see where the show goes in a few years.
You DO know that the NBC drastically cut the amount they pay for Days, don't you? Twice! You do know that it was a big cut the first time, and 40% cut of what was left the 2nd time. I remember figuring out once that ...for instance, (this is just an example, not the real figures) that the cuts amounted to slashing a million dollar budget to $400,000. And that means cutting sets, corner, staff, cast, etc.

This is why the show films 1 1/2-2 shows per day. Why one set seems to be used for several days in a row, as are clothing items. Days had to tighten their belts, and then tighten them again. Actors took pay cuts.

Be happy our actors are not standing on a stage in front of mikes, ala radio days. :wink:
A Sign of the Times

Yep - belt tightening!

I guess no exotic adventures for Bo and Hope once they pardon her and The Dear Old Warden is put in the slammer for good with Lee along with her.
Oh I know, Poirot! That'd be terrible.

But it's just something I was thinking about from the old days! Haha.
It's such a little thing but you do miss it. i hope they get their ratings up way more and I think they need to stop with the budget cuts.

One more and they might just have to be on stage with microphones!:(
Could you imagine?!:puzzled:
What would it take to stop the budget cuts, does the whole NBC network need to soar in the ratings, is it just the time frame, all programming? I don't get that even though Days keeps getting renewed that their budget never increases, for at least more sets, etc.! This isn't mean't to sound snarky, just curious.
I have another question..... and call me crazy if you must, but is there a Boxed Collection of "Days" from the beginning??? I was reading some of the bio's and backgrounds on Spectra-Pedia and would love to watch it from the beginning... bringing it up on YouTube isn't the same. Any suggestions?????