Who/What do you like


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Wherever I am
Almost every post is about who or what folks don't like about the show. I'm curious if there are some you do like.
I like Marlena and John. They are the supercouple right now.
I like Steve and Kayla and I hope he will be home soon.
I like Jennifer and Jack now that he got is memory back
I like Eric and Nicole. Always have and guess I always will.
I like Chad and Abby and can't wait for them to come back.
I like Doug and Julie but I will be so glad when she gets a new heart and this story is over.
I don't mind Sarah with Xander. I hope they get together and the baby is actually his.
I absolutely loved Kate and Stefano
I still like Kate as the resident pain in the rear and I am happy she survived.
I like most of the other characters but I am sick of Eve, Kristen, Gabi and Vivian.
Rafe has never been a favorite of mine but he's ok. Ben and Ciara aren't faves either but not awful.
I think Dr Rolf is a hoot and as long as they don't go toooooo far he's ok.
I'm sure I have forgotten a few but I still like the show. Not all of the storylines are good but I will never stop watching.
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Trying hard to like anything about the show now....
I do like the "softer" side of Xander we are seeing with Sarah....
I also like the bully side of Xander
John and Marlena are a pair I enjoy
Steve and Kayla are enjoyable
Jen is barely watchable but perhaps Jack can change that..... fingers crossed
Rafe just wish he'd have a decent story....and NOT with Jordan that time has come and gone
I like Gabi..... she can be annoying.... but she amuses me....
I do like that Doug and Julie have been given a story an actual story.....not just potted plants in a room story.....sadly it should have ended already but dragging out story lines is what soap do.....
Kristen, Vivian, Kate can all go on a long vacation..... and this current version of Vivian should NEVER grace my screen again.......
1. Jack & Jen !!!
2. Marlena & John
3. Hope [sorta, sometimes]....adored Bo & Hope
4. Kayla.......waiting for Steve to return!
5. Invisible Roman
6. Invisible Maggie
7. Lucas!

For now that is all I can think of as my break is over r.

ADDED: Eric & Nicole
Dr Rolf
Vivian when it is Louise Sorel!
Bella & Shawn
Chad & Abby
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Unfortunately, I don't like much about the show either. Still, here are the few I do like :

- Jack (I was a fan of him and Jennifer, but not anymore, not since Jennifer tortured Nicole and toyed with DanTheMan and Jack and came out smelling like roses)

- Gabi, but with JJ. Alas, not going to happen, apparently.

- Kayla and Steve

- Steve and John, and Black Patch (if only the "writers" would do something with them)

- Ben (amazingly enough), put him with Steve and John to complete Black Patch

- Nicole. I wish, and I've said this many times before, she would be paired up with Jack. They would make a terrific couple. And Jen Jen and Eric could eat their hearts out.

- Lucas, without Kate and all her drama. As a true leading man. No Sami, not nonsense. Just him as a business man. Or other. Just something interesting and worthy of the actor's talent.

And... that's it. That's all I can think of.
I guess maybe we like to complain more than compliment, so let me say.......I would not be still watching Days if most of it was not liked. Yep, some storylines are ridiculous, but others are great.

I love Steve & Kayla, Jack & Jennifer, Eric & Nicole, John & Marlena. I think both Doug & Julie have shown younger actors how to do it! :) This last story has at last put them out in front.

I like that the Deveraux family is back and whole again, that Chad & Abby will be returning. I love that Lucas showed up for his dying mother, tho disappointed she is still here. I hope the show finds more for Lucas & doesn't have him having to go babysit Allie again. (I sure wish Sami cared about her children, instead of having others do the parenting)

I like Roman, tho he is not given much to do anymore, just as I like Rafe, same goes for him. And Rolf's latest visit has been fun, for sure. Am liking Xander, but not sure about his intentions, which is probably just as the writers want it.

And too bad Anne Milbauer is not being shown any more. Enjoyed her. Really liked Paul, too.
John & Marlena
Steve & Kayla
Nicole [but NOT with Eric!] -- she might be good with Rafe??
Ben & Ciara
I'm not a fan of Kate, but I do think she belongs on the show. I guess she might fit in that "love to hate" category -- tho' I have NEVER "loved" her!!
Dr. Rolf is entertaining.
I used to really like Brady, but he needs to get control of himself.
Xander: He has the fine art of scowling down pat.

Rolf: His accent and manner are worth the price of admission.

Rafe: He comes across as a genuinely good guy. Of course I'm prejudiced because at the New York book signing the actor who plays him went out of his way to say hello to me.

Kayla: Although she's constantly beset with problems, she always keeps her cool and treats people well.

Kate: The behavior of her character is awful, but is entertaining at the same time.

John & Marlena: A pair of old favorites who always give it their all regardless of what nonsense the writers hand them.

Victor: Sometimes he's unbearable, but when he's on a roll, he can really be entertaining.

Lucas: Another fan favorite who doesn't get enough nearly enough screen time.
In no real order of importance but as they come to mind:
I love Jack & Jen
I love John & Marlena, but we need more of them together.
I kinda like Gabi & Stefan
Dr Rolf... he's so perfect.
Whenever Nicole is happy and isn't being tortured by the Wheel of Misfortune (the one the writers spin to see what horrible thing will befall her now) - she just lights up everything when she's happy.
How hard Xander is trying to care for Sarah and make her believe in him - it's great. I hate his character usually, but I like what they're doing with him and Sarah.

...I need Steve back, so that I can love the couple that he and Kayla are.
I'm not sure I've been really engrossed in anybody since Bo (and Hope) are no more. I like Nicole, Rafe, JJ, Kayla and probably a few more. I hated Stefano because I didn't like the actor. I still like Hope, because I always did, but wish she had something good to do. Do not like Ben and Ciara. Too forced. This Vivian is so over the stop as to be stupid. I can take or leave many more. I like Josh Taylor (Roman) --he's from my neck of the woods.
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I am desperately trying to catch up. Why oh why is my Brady so hung up on Kristen? Geez. Evil in a red dress. Yuck!!! So. That being said, I love Brady and Nicole. Eric is too tragic now. I love love love Maggie and Victor. Her bringing up Bo and Doug's dislike of him made me love Maggie even more. I love John and Marlena, always. Finally, I love all the quirky storylines. It is a great escape, close-ish to the eighties adventures.
I like the romance when it happens in Salem.

I like John and Marlena, Steve and Kayla, Doug and Julie

I'm enjoying Dr Rolf because I like the funny stuff.

I miss the good old Days.

Welcome to the board, Texasredwolf75
John & Marlena
Jack & Jennifer but I also only like Jennifer when she's not acting needy and obnoxious
Steve & Kayla
Belle & Shawn (please put them on contract)
Claire (same as her parents)
Carrie & Austin (Patrick Muldoon version)
Chad & Abby
Stefan & Gabi
JJ & Gabi
Rafe (please give him some good story)
Kate & Roman (only with him and Lucas is she tolerable)
Ben & Ciara are ok but they're gotten into a bit of a rut and they're too young for that. I'm glad Victor is speaking out against Ben.
Bo & Hope (she's really only tolerable around Bo or her kids)
Eric & Nicole
I like recurring characters like Melinda, Dr. Rolf and even Dr. Shah before last week. They're all interesting and shake things up when they're on. Unfortunately this show likes to throw good recurring characters under the bus.
I think Dr Tripp Dalton could have a nice future at the hospital
The Chad & Abby web series. Please try to watch that on the app or online. I think the show could use all the support it can get right now if it's going to continue.
Bo and Hope are my all time favorite couple. I wish now that Peter Reckell's (Bo) daughter is a little older he could be enticed to come back to the show even on a recurring basis as Bo.

Shane and Kim.
Steve and Kayla.
John and Marlena.
Jack and Jennifer.
Chad and Abby (only with Kate Mansi as Abby).
Ben and Ciara (just give Ciara something to do other than champion Ben, have her go to work at Titan or go to school to further her education).
JJ and Haley.

Individual characters I like are Lucas, Gabi, Chloe, Theresa, Kate, Victor when he is snarky (but not nasty), and Eric when Greg Vaughn first assumed the role, but not so much recently.
I, too, have really enjoyed the Chad & Abby web series. I think they have grown into a great couple, and the series is giving a good back story / lead up to their return to Salem.

I know I am in the minority here, but I actually like Eric & Sarah. Though their pairing was short-lived (so far), they seemed to have the potential for good chemistry and couple development. They'd need some redemption for their past in order to go forward, but I think it could be done if written well. It would be nice to have a young family actually present on screen. I haven't enjoyed Eric & Nicole together since they were really, really young.

I can still hold out for a Sami & Rafe coupling again.

I like the relationship that Will has with his grandmothers. It's a neat generational connection and typically brings out a nice side in Kate.

I like Rolf's humor. Story lines are crazy far-fetched, but he can be really funny! The whole bit between he and Kristen and her wanting him to help her get pregnant had me in stitches.

Victor and Maggie are great.

Doug is wonderful. At 94 years old, Bill Hayes continues to play him convincingly with charm.

The twins who play Holly are heartbreakers -- so lovely and sweet.

"That's a fact" from John never gets old for me.

I like that Jennifer can still express a sense of wonderment and joy with a sparkle, given the right material.

I like that Ciara rides her dad's motorcycle. Oh, how I miss Bo Brady!

I like Belle & Shawn, but I really wish we saw a whole lot more of them.

Rafe's eyes.

Ben is really growing on me.

And, I like that Days is still on every (almost) weekday to provide a bit of an escape and smiles from the sometimes challenging reality of real life!
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I like Rafe - and I wish the writers would come up with good story line!
I like Ben and Ciara - looking forward to their growth as a couple and as individuals.
I like Maggie and especially like that she gives Victor "trouble" sometimes!
I really like the recent scenes with Jack and Jenifer.
Loved the JJ/Jack interactions!
Looking forward to Chad and Abby coming back.
Of course I love John and Marlena, Steve and Kayla and Doug and Julie.
I think Rolf is a kick!
Really like Lucas.
I like Will and Sonny most of the time.

Thanks Oldsoapie - that was fun! Nice to think positive!:):clap::love::hug::drunk:
I love Kate, Stefan and Gabi (sad today), Will, Brady, John, Marlena, and Victor. I like the current role of Xander so much that I'm warming to Sarah. I like Sami in small doses. I appreciate that no one gets away with pushing her around. I like Lucas, Justin, and Adrienne. I miss Theresa. I like Nicole with anyone except Eric.

I like Rafe, and I wish they would give him a real, true love. Rafe and Kate were a fun, unlikely pairing, and I like that they still have a special friendship. I like Ciara and Ben. I like the current Abby and Chad, and I look forward to their having more time together on the main screen. I like Tony/Andre.

Kayla is better when Steve is on screen. When he came back after his long departure and said, "Hey, sweetness," I melted a little.

Dr. Rolf is funny in small doses. I actually liked Leo and wouldn't mind his return. Original Vivian is a blast.
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