Who's been the best villian?

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There have been many to come and go. Crazy ex girlfriends, serial killers galore, and just all out SUPER villains. Who do you think was the best villain?
Back in the glory days... I would have to say Stefano. He was twisted, evil, vindictive and creative. He's lost his touch these days, but who's to say that won't change?
Same goes for Victor. He's mellowed a bit. Will he also rise again?

Honorable Mentioned - Salem Strangler, Andre Dimera, Kate Roberts, Vivian Alamain, Kristen Dimera and Emma Donovan
Dr. Rolf, the mad scientist, who not only did Stefano's bidding, but usually went above and beyond it. Lawrence Alamain was another. Jan Spears........

But actually, the biggest villain is Ken Corday.....JMHO.
Susala - I totally agree. Orpheus was an EXCELLENT villain!
Stefano. I'm a little younger, so he's the biggest one I've seen. Jan Spears was vindictive and scary, but I don't know... Stefano is the quintessential villain for me. :)
Dr. Alex North was pretty slimy and horrible.
As of right now I would have to say EJ Dimera.

Rolf was a really great villian as well as Stefano.
Stefano and Victor


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Ernesto, also was a good villian. Stefano vs Ernesto would have been interesting.
Stefano for sure. Just when you think he is dead and gone, he pops back up to bring the evilness....he is like Jason from Friday the 13th. And he has been reeking havoc on Salem for decades!
Villian - Stefano
Villainess - Vivian

These 2 have done for worse to the people in Salem than anyone else could ever do and they have done the craziest things! Also, who else but Vivian is able to get a one up on Stefano so she could get out of her marriage with him and still live to see the next day! LOL.
I would have to say Vivian Alamain , she has done alot of crazy things in her day and she is back to strike again. I don`t want her to hurt Carly or Melanie but i like her personality for some reason she is interesting to watch.
Stefano definitely imo! He helped make many of the others (EJ, Andre, Kristen, even Lexie with the baby switch s/l then)

As for villainess I have to go with Viv. She is priceless, evil, and you hate what she does but have to laugh at her at the same time.
For really "classic" Villian I would say Lawrence Alamain and Victor K (in the old days, I love him now, but he is more fun than anything else). Some of Days other villians have gotten a little too odd with things, such as Vivian and Stefano.

Ej could almost be in the same class as Lawrence and Victor but he cannot keep his cool, he is always going off ranting irrationally and is too emotional. It is too bad they write him like that because he could pull off that suave European thing that Lawrence had going so well.(I am referring to Lawrence as he appeared durring 1990-93, not as in these madeup "flashbacks" and ghost scenes, as this is not the "real" Lawrence).
Gosh so many to choose from.

My personal all time favorite will always be Victor. He may be more subdue now but he will always be my favorite. :)

But also memoriable ones... Sami was great in her days. And EJ is definitely a prince among villians! I also will have to say Kate has truly done good in the villian department.

As far as Stefano, to be honest I've never really been a huge fan. I like him okay right now because he's more like Victor then the comic book bwahaha villian he use to be. But for the most part I always found him and Dr. Rolf to be annoying. Their plots were always too far out there, to scifi, to... well... lame for me to really take them seriously.

OH!! I just thought of another... Kristen! I always thought she was fun. :)
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