Who's the daddy, again?

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Now that Abby/Gabby slept with Stefan, we sit here and wonder if we'll get another "who's the daddy?" storyline.

Back in November, Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) posted this backstage picture of their 52nd anniversary:

Here's the thread:


Here was my observation of that picture:

Marci Miller's (Abby) dress in that picture sort of makes her look pregnant. Wonder if Abby is pregnant in the spring?

Hmmmmmm. :huh:
Who can say, the actress, Marci Miller (Abby), has unusual taste in clothes, shops in vintage stores. No idea if that dress belongs to her or wardrobe.

But as I noted in another thread.......Days has just done a variation of Who's the Daddy with Lani/Eli/JJ, and doesn't seem likely they would go that route again. Especially with the backlash they are getting from the Stefan/Gabby sex episode...Abby's body, no matter how much the sick Stefan is in to Gabby.

Besides, in MY opinion, he just wanted Abby, and any way he could.
Especially with the backlash they are getting from the Stefan/Gabby sex episode.
Except they weren't aware of what the backlash would be six months ago when they were taping all of this.

Not saying she is going to get pregnant, but six months ago, her dress caught my eye. Just thought it was ironic.
Yeah, I know. Just want to think current writers have more imagination than that. Sure do hate that Days characters do not know the meaning of protected sex. Stefano sure didn't!!! Amazing no one in Salem has come up with an STD
I admit the thought crossed my mind! At first I thought that it was time for Chad and Abby to have a bro/sis for Thomas then after the Friday episode I thought they wouldn't do it, would they?
JS, thanks for posting the picture.

I hope we won't another "who's the daddy" storyline, but
it happens a lot in soap land.
At times, storylines have to be discarded, rewritten, etc. when something happens with the actor, as occurred when Drake Hogestyn (John) was injured on set, and when Kassie dePaiva (Eve) was hospitalized for an extended period of time. Or they have to write around a real life pregnancy, as they just did with Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe).

It is possible that Days MIGHT change something already filmed, cut scenes, replace with a few new ones??? Who knows?
Lani is supposedly almost 5 months pregnant and is barely showing. Hard to believe Abigail would be showing that much less than a month after sleeping with Stefan.

I think it's probably just the actress' personal wardrobe. There was a period of time in October/November where I thought Marci Miller (Abby) was pregnant but then when I saw her in tight jeans at Day of Days, I figured it wasn't true.
That is what I think as well......she has a very unusual taste in her personal wardrobe.
I shouldn't, but I usually do overlook Mike Horton because a) his parents were the rooting couple but, b) they were apart and rape was how soap writers created drama for couples in the '60s-'80s. (Then in the '80s they switched to "I slept with him to save your life!" type stories - still rape-y.)

In this day and age, we should be long past this. Especially after the terror that was the years of the so-called "golden couple." I am NOT willing to hear "he's the father" or any crap like that. StefanNo is completely, totally unrootable. Sorry, this is a whole thing for me.

I will say I do still hold out hope that they do something unexpected with this. Like, they did use protection and there's never ever ever any mention of a pregnancy. But it's like Chekhov's gun - why have them do it if not to generate more story? Having them just kissing and in bed when Chad found them would have been just as climactic.

I am afraid of what is to come.