Will's funeral


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Wherever I am
Am I the only one that thought it was strange to see Sonny sitting on the second row while Eric was seated in front with Sami, Lucas and Marlena at the funeral? Even though Sonny and Will had been fighting, they were still married. I also noticed Adrienne and Justin weren't there....Will was their son in law. Oh well, just my observations.
No Aunt Kim, no Theresa, no Grandpa Bill, no Julie and Doug, no Carrie, Austin, Belle or Shawn Douglas. No Maggie and Victor.

Will is related to just about everybody ever born in Salem, but they had a handful of Salemites at his funeral.
I thought that it was strange. I think that Sonny, Sami, Lucas, Gabi w/Arianna Grace, Marlena, John, Roman, and Kate should have in the first row. While Abigail, JJ, Jennifer, Abe, Joey, Eric, Rafe, Hope and Abe should have been in the second. I have NO words for Ben's being there.
There were only 5 or 6 seats per row. And if Roman & Kate sat in the 2nd row, then so should have John & Marlena. Sonny belonged in the lst row, as did Arianna, w/Gabi.

And really, if the family itself was fine with the sitting arrangement, then we should not be critical.
Didn't think about Sonny not on the front row until now, but DID think it was odd so many characters close to Will weren't there, mainly Carrie and Austin, since Will went to live with them for several months!!!

Victor, Maggie, Julie, Doug, Adrienne and Justin not being there was odd, since they live in Salem, maybe there was a church service they didn't show, and this was just the burial, and not everyone always goes to both.
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Yeah, we can note these odd things.....but....budget, folks, it is budget, always budget. They had two characters there who are short term, and of Lucas is recurring, plus the good Father Louis. Actually, I thought this a much better funeral than Paige's.
Plus we got Andre' and the full Pub. Plus the special cemetery set.
I loved JJ asking Jennifer who Andre was and Jennifer whispering she'd explain it later.

Andre's appearance at the pub and his speech about getting therapy, changing, being sorry, wanting to atone for his "prior unpleasantness", etc., all mirrored when Kristen first came back to Salem, spouting the same drivel. Must be a DiMera thing.
They also should have brought Tad back. He was friends with Will for a long time. I agree about the missing relatives too. The show also dropped the ball with Paige's funeral.

I like how it was implied people were there yet we didn't see them there. Case in point Joey. He was wearing a suit but I never saw him at the funeral or at the Pub.

As annoying as Sami is, I enjoy the twin scenes with Eric.
Joey was at the funeral. I'm pretty sure I saw him during one of the camera pans of the people there.

I think it was a huge FAIL to not have Carrie and Austin return for the funeral much less not even mention them once from the time Will died to his funeral. FAIL. Epic FAIL. Yes, I know some people here hate Carrie and/or don't care for Austin but for a time Austin thought Will was his son and they both helped raise him when he went to live with them for a time during his tweens/teens. If the writers really wanted this death to be such a huge impact then they needed to do more. It feels so rushed. Sure people are still talking about it but there were literally only 6 episodes from time of people finding out Will died to his burial and yet there were close to 20 for Paige. FAIL. I feel like they just rushed through Will's death to move on to Hope's wedding and the Bicentennial/Bo Story. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL.

-end rant.