Wish I knew what


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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has been going on behind the scenes at Days. Filming has changed, wardrobe, storylines, and more.

Filming is being done out of sequence, with scenes from mulitiple episodes being shot the same day. This has been mentioned by a few of the actors. Other scenes from the same episodes are filmed another day, maybe over a week later. Thus the different haircuts/different hair do, as noted in Tuesday 1/10 episode on Nicole. So multiple scenes, all shot on different days, are then edited together to form each episode.

Have read so many complaints of wardrobe, which has deteriorated in style. Cleavage runs rampant, and is showing more and more, in inappropriate ways. Today Nicole opened the door to her room, without knowing who had knocked, in her nightie & robe, cleavage in full view. Men on Days are, too often, seen shirtless.

Oh, I know the why, but it is overdone now. And in some cases, pointless. A man just would not greet a newly arrived guest like that. Dresses seem the norm in Salem, tho not in real world, but in Salem....they barely seem to cover the derriere. And on some of the actors, are 2 sizes too small. LOL Marlena always looks terrific, which should tell us something. (I seem to have read she wears a lot of her own clothes, !!!)

Truly is hard to believe Salemites seem to ignore the evil deeds done by some and treat them like it was all nothing. I loved Bonnie punching Xander, in real life, many of the Salemites would not ever associate with each other due to past wrongs......but, tis Salem. Then again, maybe that is why Kayla did not mention wanting to see/talk to Kim when she was dying. Days has a large cast, some say too large, so one has to be creative & very imaginative to come up with storylines to involve so many. It WAS done in the past, but seems beyond Days now.

Days has a problem, with getting rid of a popular actor, only to realize too late, so have a return by the actor as a different character. But what the public liked about the actor in the original character is now gone. Thus we have Adrienne into Bonnie, Ben into Alex........and not working. Rachel is a brat, whose parents never try to correct her, help her, just let her be however nasty & annoying. Kristen is given free rein by the writers, without any payback. She can do as she pleases and all is well. Jake was a very liked character, killed off, replaced by Stefan, whose traits leave a lot to be desired. Rafe is so ill used, it is pathetic. Same goes for Gabi. Days really needs a story to involve them all together, working against someone or something nasty, evil.

Days needs to get back to it's roots, to what made it last so long. Family, adventure, joy, sorrow. Doctors & nurses involved in a patient's life. Family working together to pull the family business back on top.

Friends standing with friends against problems. Troubled teens taken in, children adopted. Sorry, I have rambled on too long
Oh boy, the clothing is beyond ridiculous and lets be real, most of these dresses don't even look attractive on these ladies. It's a real shame because the women are beautiful. i feel like it's the Real Housewives syndrome. Whenever I've seen that show I think don't these women know their age? And Gabi would look fabulous in anything but she's always dressed for clubbing. When she was cooking the other day I would have just loved to see her in jeans and a t shirt.

I was thinking today that Kristen is ridiculous. I've said it before but if you're going to have a villian around long term they need to have something redeeming about them. Family that likes them or something that shows another side. She has nothing. I agree everyone needs something to team up against and it's her.

I'm really leaning towards this show nearing its end since they won't put the resources into it. The lack of family interactions and even interaction with other families is gone. One of the clips of Victor had him walking into a room with probably 15 people or more and that can't even happen today. The Thanksgiving show made that clear. Weird dinner with Roman then Eric is off to see Marlena. Was Allie even around? Christmas was blah. Everyone has to live in absurd settings because there are no sets. Oh and Gabi gets married and Sonny isn't there because he's taking care of Arianna? C'mon. And now that I think about it have we ever seen any cute scenes between Arianna and Stefan or Jake? Do they even know she had a child?

Not sure why we're supposed to be invested in a show when the people creating it aren't. I keep telling myself to just watch it as some campy stupid thing. I need to remember that. Like just laugh at the absurdities like they are meant to be there.
The sets have bothered me for years and are getting worse. I’ve seen patchwork paint and other cheapness indicators visibly on camera in what should have been posh environments (like the DiMera offices).

The cast limitations are also a problem. It makes for weird scenarios where family who should be there aren’t even mentioned. Even if they can’t travel, they would FaceTime a dying loved one. Also, some of the inconsistencies in how characters behave is because the cast is limited, so you plug people in to do things they would never do just to serve the plot.

My main problem right now, though, are the deaths. They have zero drama because I don’t believe any of these people are actually dead and gone. I fast forwarded through some of Kayla’s death scene stuff. Kayla—an important legacy character—died, and I kind of don’t care because I’m assuming she’ll be back in a month. I guess if she’s really gone (like Abigail allegedly is), I’ll go back and watch the episode and all the grieving.

My emotional commitment to the show is becoming as shallow as its commitment to consistent characterization and story. I don’t trust their stories because they can all change on a whim, so why bother getting attached to how a story will play out?

Like the mysteries they try to have. The whole point of a mystery is to know where you’re going and drop enough clues so a portion of the audience can figure it out and feel good about being right. And the rest can look back and be delighted that the clues lined up all along. (See the Knives Out mysteries.) But when you rewrite history, including shooting fresh scenes not shown before that change what was on screen, that undermines the mystery. They do crap like that over and over these days. There’s no canonical history. They’ll change anything. Overdoing revisionist history is death for a soap, in my opinion, unless they’re gaining a hoard of younger viewers, which I doubt.
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The cast limitations are also a problem. It makes for weird scenarios where family who should be there aren’t even mentioned. Even if they can’t travel, they would FaceTime a dying loved one.
I agree. I don't get why they can't mention direct family members during a crisis, or like you said, pretend they are video chatting. Even just holding a cell phone or tablet with the back of the item facing the camera and the in-person actor acting like they were wrapping up the call with a "Bye [insert name], love you."

When Caroline Brady "died" during the Salem Stalker storyline, Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) and Patsy Pease (Kimberly) weren't with the cast at the time. When the family had gathered at the church for her funeral, there was a brief mention how Kim and Kayla were "downstairs with the kids", and I think when they were back at the pub after the funeral, Kim and Kayla were "upstairs feeding the kids", which included the characters even if the actresses couldn't be there.

When Mickey died, while Sarah wasn't seen, she was "in the other room" and later "out in the car" to go to the airport with Melissa.

When Peter Reckell (Bo) left that one time, they had the character around for a while by saying he was "upstairs" at the pub, taking Ciara to school, ran to the store, etc.

How hard is it throw in a quick line?? Why no mention of Rex's twin Cassie when their mother died? Austin, Billie, Chelsea? Even a quick "Glad mom got to talk to Cassie, Austin, Billie, Chelsea and Noah before she died" would be nice.
The filming delay will continue to kill the show slowly. I'm interested to see if they reconsider with the episodes planned for Peacock.

My emotional commitment to the show is becoming as shallow as [its] commitment to consistent characterization and story.
I agree completely with this statement.
Days needs to get back to it's roots …
This is so true. The 50th anniversary book was filled with photos of lavish, romantic weddings. If a new book came out covering more recent years, these would be entirely lacking. What would be there instead: St. Lukes’s exploding, the Gabi-Li wedding imploding, Aiden Jennings trying to murder Hope after their wedding, Marlena being shot off the altar, Nick and his heart pillow, or Rolf injecting the victim of the moment with some serum? About the only thing they could include that could really entertain the readers would be Xander in his towel or kilt.
has been going on behind the scenes at Days. Filming has changed, wardrobe, storylines, and more.

Filming is being done out of sequence, with scenes from mulitiple episodes being shot the same day. This has been mentioned by a few of the actors. Other scenes from the same episodes are filmed another day, maybe over a week later. Thus the different haircuts/different hair do, as noted in Tuesday 1/10 episode on Nicole. So multiple scenes, all shot on different days, are then edited together to form each episode.

Have read so many complaints of wardrobe, which has deteriorated in style. Cleavage runs rampant, and is showing more and more, in inappropriate ways. Today Nicole opened the door to her room, without knowing who had knocked, in her nightie & robe, cleavage in full view. Men on Days are, too often, seen shirtless.

Oh, I know the why, but it is overdone now. And in some cases, pointless. A man just would not greet a newly arrived guest like that. Dresses seem the norm in Salem, tho not in real world, but in Salem....they barely seem to cover the derriere. And on some of the actors, are 2 sizes too small. LOL Marlena always looks terrific, which should tell us something. (I seem to have read she wears a lot of her own clothes, !!!)

Truly is hard to believe Salemites seem to ignore the evil deeds done by some and treat them like it was all nothing. I loved Bonnie punching Xander, in real life, many of the Salemites would not ever associate with each other due to past wrongs......but, tis Salem. Then again, maybe that is why Kayla did not mention wanting to see/talk to Kim when she was dying. Days has a large cast, some say too large, so one has to be creative & very imaginative to come up with storylines to involve so many. It WAS done in the past, but seems beyond Days now.

Days has a problem, with getting rid of a popular actor, only to realize too late, so have a return by the actor as a different character. But what the public liked about the actor in the original character is now gone. Thus we have Adrienne into Bonnie, Ben into Alex........and not working. Rachel is a brat, whose parents never try to correct her, help her, just let her be however nasty & annoying. Kristen is given free rein by the writers, without any payback. She can do as she pleases and all is well. Jake was a very liked character, killed off, replaced by Stefan, whose traits leave a lot to be desired. Rafe is so ill used, it is pathetic. Same goes for Gabi. Days really needs a story to involve them all together, working against someone or something nasty, evil.

Days needs to get back to it's roots, to what made it last so long. Family, adventure, joy, sorrow. Doctors & nurses involved in a patient's life. Family working together to pull the family business back on top.

Friends standing with friends against problems. Troubled teens taken in, children adopted. Sorry, I have rambled on too long
So well said!!! Couldn't agree more!
My emotional commitment to the show is becoming as shallow as its commitment to consistent characterization and story. I don’t trust their stories because they can all change on a whim, so why bother getting attached to how a story will play out?
True. Can't get invested in the show or any of the characters or couples.
In addition to not caring about people "dying," the other story lines are so darn predictable, it kind of seems useless to watch. We know what will happen weeks before it does. Which is why I am a little concerned about the drastic change in Eric lately. Even though it has been fun to see some personality, the things he has done, such as holding a gun to Kristen, sleeping so quickly with Sloan, agreeing to help 'kidnap" Rachel, etc. make me so afraid that he is either someone wearing an Eric mask, or worse and that we will have another under worldly visitor return. No spoilers on either, but just my thoughts.
Greg Vaughan (Eric) was tired of playing the goody 2 shoes image of Eric, so he returned with the understanding the character would be toughened up. Just wish there was some sort of happy medium between the two types of personalities. Heck, John Wayne did it, so it can be done.
I agree oldschool. I also felt that way about Marlena's last coma/death storyline.

Greg Vaughan (Eric) was tired of playing the goody 2 shoes image
Then they should have shown him the door. I can't imagine he's that much of a draw. Or cast him in an idiotic Beyond Salem dream storyline.
Right, and they should have said, "No, Mr. Vaughan, there's the door. Go play a baddie in a Hallmark movie," or something.

Bringing Eric back and not reuniting him with Nicole or having the character be recognizable in any way is not good business for a soap, especially one that purports to be ready for streaming.
I don't like this version of Eric at all. When he and Nicole finally married, I think most of us were rooting for them. Then he goes to Africa, and that was the beginning of the end. Even if Nicole hadn't slept with Xander, the marriage was doomed as soon as he left. He put his good deeds ahead of his new family, Nicole and Holly. Now he is a disgrace. Definitely the best scowler on the show, will give him that!

I go to Twitter (no I don't tweet) read the comments. What I note is that they mostly come from Days & from GH. I get very confused at times, just scanning over the comments....as GH seems to have a lot of characters with same names as Days characters. I don't watch GH, no idea who named them, etc. Or which soap named a character first...... But there are thousands of names for males & females, just surprising so many similar between the two. Too funny......

I only noticed when seeing the name Austin.....& thought Austin was returning to Days. LOL
You folks have all put my feelings down here. I just watch Days as a way to kill somewhere between a half and whole hour. Who can feel emotional over these women's deaths? These stupid "heaven" scenes really bother me. Days has become a science fiction show, not a family dealing with normal problems.