Yep, Cut scenes


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Well...I have been saying that scenes are being cut out, and that here and there, it can make 4 shows out of 5....thus another way to shorten the time between filming & air dates.....

Well, just read the NBC recap for Friday, March 25th.

At the very end of the recap.........this is what it says....

Belle wants Philip to go with her to Brady and Theresa's party. At first Philip says no, but Belle thinks he could use it as an opportunity to make inroads with his family. Philip says he'll think about it. Later, he tells Belle all about the idea for his new venture. He wants to start a record label with Claire as his first artist and use Belle's club as a place to launch his new acts. Philip presents the idea to Claire, and she's excited. She hugs Philip and Belle just as Shawn passes through, witnessing the close moment.

Earlier, Shawn and Lani, having spent the night together, consider staying in bed all day, but Shawn notes they need to get to work. Lani pouts, and while Shawn is in the shower, she goes through his wallet, disposing of Belle and Claire's picture. Later, she climbs into the shower with him and they make love.

NEXT ON: Chad and Abigail plan to lure Ben into a trap.
Ah, yes, interesting, reading the short recaps on the NBC site....Thursday's mention Dario going to see Summer, who is packing, and trying to convince her to go after Maggie for the money. I don't remember seeing that scene either...I only remember Dario with his father, then meeting up with Nicole in the square. Oh, well, how fun. LOLOLOL
There was a recap a while back with the show ending with JJ pointing a gun at Clyde or vice versa. It didn't air that day but it seemed to air a week later?

Maybe they moved the Shawn/Lani scene too? That seems pretty substantial to cut. Though it does explain why the end of this past week was so choppy. I also was wondering why Shawn didn't at least walk in on Belle, Claire and Philip. It seemed odd.
TIIC should give the actors leaves of absence, and allow the writers, etc., a couple of months to organize plot lines and continuity. NBC can show The Little Rascals, Laurel and Hardy, and The Three Stooges shorts in DOOL's time slot. :drunk:
Have to tell you that it was very hard when Days was not shown at all 4 years ago for the Olympics, and that will be the case this year as well. Days regularly takes one week off per month, so hopefully, that will continue, plus if they only film 1 show or 3/4 of a show, that should slow it up even more.

That is why Days has lucked out in the actor dept. They have a slew of vets who know their character, and especially are good at their they have no rehearsals, the actors run lines together, in makeup, in their dressing rooms, etc. On their own. Sure, they cut corners on sets, locations, and overuse that dang town square, but the actors make up for long as they have good writing. And when they don't.....well, they sure are good at making lemonade from the lemons they have been given. :clap::clap::clap: