Yes, a wardrobe rant.


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Cannot help it. I just cannot help it. There is no reason, no reason at all for SOME of the females on Days to be wearing 6" heels, especially in their jobs, in their home lives, etc.
Tell me, honestly, do you wear those around the house? While caring for an infant? To go shopping? Mall walking? Taking your child to the park? Days needs truly to get real a bit.

And then the absolutely too short skirts/dresses. Those females cannot bend over, sitting down means sitting on your panties, if they are wearing any. never crossing legs. LOL
I see women in pants suits all the time, and yes, in the big cities. Jeans, capri pants, tho now that we are into fall, not any more. Salem is in the midwest. Heck, ever see the folks gathered outside the studios in New York in the morning?

I think Adrienne is a beautiful woman, and yet, there she is, in a dress, getting a blood test at the hospital, walking in the park after, and then going for a boat ride with Lucas. I love her, but.....that just would not be how she would be dressed that day.

Yes, this is all annoying, but mostly, the 6" heels at inappropriate times.
I hated Nicole's pink suit she had on yesterday. I thought Theresa looked pretty good. I don't remember what Kate was wearing because her hair was distracting me.

Eve has been appropriately dressed for the grieving mother so that's been good.

Abigail is close to 4 months pregnant so she should be starting to show soon. Of course her wardrobe is usually suspect as oftentimes they forget to put pants on her.

I think Maggie, Julie, and Caroline have been WAY overdressed for their little meetings at the Martin House. I know that big necklaces are "in" or whatever, but sometimes they just look ridiculous.

Hope usually looks fantastic and Kayla has been dressed awesome lately. She used to appear quite frumpy but I have liked most of her wardrobe in recent weeks.

I know it's his thing, but does Steve ALWAYS have to wear his leather jacket??
Kate and Nicole telling the beautifully dressed Theresa that she couldn't design yet while dressed like a cast member of Working Girl and wearing a chandelier around the neck was laughable.

Maggie, Julie, and Caroline's "Ladies Who Lunch" wardrobe doesn't bother me that much. Maybe because I see ladies like that everyday at work plus my southerness.

Also I need Detective Hernandez to stop borrowing JJ's hoodies.
I know it's his thing, but does Steve ALWAYS have to wear his leather jacket??

I commented yesterday about how both Eve and Lani were wearing flats. I think that's great. Especially for Eve not only because she is in mourning but also because she is so tall. I'm also tall and I know lots of other tall women and heels are one of the things we are self-conscious about. I actually just had this conversation with someone on Twitter last week. Nicole also is rarely in flats.

I do like Hope's wardrobe for the most part but the heels are not cop friendly. I get why they do it with her but it's not realistic.

In terms of Abigail and Jeannie T, their dressy wardrobes are just not realistic for their age range. They should be in dressy jeans and blazers or nice blouses. We saw Marlena going to her office in jeans last week and it looked dressy because she had the right accompanying pieces. Let's see that with other characters.

Kayla has now worn the same dress twice in 2 different colors. Let's hope they don't turn her into Anne.

This is a suburban Midwestern town not NYC. Companies have gotten a lot more laid back in terms of dress code. I can understand dressing up to work at the hospital but most of these other characters should be able to get away with dressy jeans and more casual dresses for work.

Aiden is supposedly self employed as a lawyer. He is not in court everyday. Why is he always in a suit??? Same goes for Chad. I know he does wear jeans but they are way too conservative for him. Especially now that he only seems to run the Club.

And can we put Eric in some color please??? And less frumpy sweaters!

I know folks here are from all over the U.S. and customs/habits differ in various areas of the country. The fact remains that Salem is supposed to be in small town Illinois/midwest. I was born and raised in Illinois, live in Wisconsin, good friends in Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan. What I see in these places, and what I see on Days are miles apart.
Casual seems to be a word unknown in Salem, and yet, is 80% of how the midwest dresses. So, O.K. I like when it is appropriate dress up on Days. A party, celebration a date. But like.....well, I thought Caroline looked wonderful today (9.30/15) but I just do not think Caroline would have have all that dressed up to go visit the renovating mansion.
I am currently a stay-at-home-mum with 3 kids aged 7, almost 5 and almost 3.

In winter I wear jeans, long sleeve tops, and ugg boots at home, sneakers or ballet flats if I'm leaving the house. In summer I wear shorts, short sleeve tops, and thongs (flip flops). I have 2 pairs of heels, both are quite high, but I wear them maybe twice a year. Weddings, funerals, job interviews, that kind of thing. Not for dragging the kids to sport and therapies/volunteering at school/ doing groceries.

When I did work in a corporate environment, I wore corporate stuff. Skirts or pants, shirts (blouses), or conservative tops, sometimes dresses. Heels for client meetings, but often ballet flats around the office, especially when I was pregnant. If I forgot to put pants under a shirt a la Abby I'd have probably got spoken to.

I assume Nicole is an actual reporter (on air) and so I think some of what she wears is ok, but for the actual investigative journalism bit, its a bit much.

I think Hope dresses nicely and appropriately for her job, minus the heels maybe. She's usually in pants and a nice top, which makes sense since she'd occasionally have to get down and dirty but also needs to look professional since she's senior.

I think Jenn is sometimes overdressed for the hospital admin role, and actually think Anne's wrap dresses are more appropriate.
I have to admit I love Jennifer's quirky wardrobe. There a few items that were a bit questionable but for the most part she's not afraid to step outside the middle age mom attire.

Nicole has a killer figure. Some of the wardrobe choices are not so attractive and way too tight but she always looks put together.

Kate dresses like a gypsy gone wild at a yard sale. Way too much going on. The only thing missing are the neon lights.

Theresa always looks nice. The only thing I find odd is that she's always in a dress. I would think her generation would be more drawn to slacks or jeans, more like Hope's.

Hope is perfect, in my opinion. She and Maggie are always on the mark. Love their choices. The female population of Salem looks like they're competitors for the fashion section of Will's magazine.

Although dresses seem to be making a comebak, women just don't dress like June Cleaver and Donna Reed today.
I actually like Maggie's wardrobe now. Much more casual yet still classy.

I once worked remotely from NY for a company based in Austin, TX. The first time I flew out I asked my boss what the office dress code was and he told me business casual. So I packed a dress and a few pairs of slacks. I show up and everyone is in jeans including him and he was also wearing Birkenstocks.:eek: Wardrobe really does depend on the company type more so and then the region. I've worked in corporate America since the late 90s and since 2006, I've worked for companies where jeans were allowed everyday. While Basic Black may be a fashion house, if people are working from someone's living room, the is no reason whatsoever they should be dressed to the 9s.
I work in a professional office in the Midwest and we are allowed to wear jeans to work everyday, except for when the board of directors comes in and then we dress up. Not that I wear jeans every day, I usally wear casual slacks and a top. I've worn my dressy flat sandals every day for the entire summer (still wearing them too, I'm just not ready for socks yet). I'd fall on my face if I attempted to wear 3 inch heels. I think 6 inch stilettos would send me on a trip to the emergency room.

These wardrobe people are crazy. They need to get out and visit some Midwest companies for a clue on how we really dress. Quite frankly the fashions in some ways remind me of my dearest angel Grandma, God bless her, she wore heels and slacks or skirts every day of her life until after a car accident that broke her pelvis and required her to wear sneakers.
I agree Poirot! I watched clips from the 80s and 90s saw that back then they showed the women just wearing a pull over sweater and jeans at home. Was nice to see Marlena dressed down in sweats with Sami and Roman.

Nowadays it's not realistic. I mean yes I love to get dressed up myself but I won't be wearing my get ups or a suit if I'm just watching Netflix at home drinking beer lol. They need to show more home life so us viewers can relate more.

Let alone WHO just shows up randomly at your doorstep knocking especially someone you don't like lol. Everyone knows call before coming, you know.

Fashion okay. Eric's sweater sucked! It looked like something something Caroline would wear on a rainy day.

Nicole's Barbie gone to work pink and white, suited her.....but that hairstyle was not going with the outfit, she could have done it like how she had it when she served Xander with court papers.

Theresa looked great, and I can see her dressing up in nice dresses and fixed hair as she wants to impress Brady as much.

Hope, Marlena, and JJ probably dress the best in my opinion.
Nicole is growing her hair longer again. I really liked the short cut, but whether she wants it longer, or the show. definitely is growing out. Maybe she had it cut short because of all the coloring???

I have loved some of the clothes/outfits that we see on the characters, but there is a lot to be desired for some choices. I know folks have outfits that can be dressed up or down so no need to change clothes 5 times a day. LOL. I just really think seeing the women in stiletto type shoes when walking thru the mall, working at the hospital, hanging around the house, chasing down bad guys, etc. is just toooo stupid.
:OT:Regarding "high" heels, the stiletto type. A few years ago I went to Riga, Latvia. It was lunch time and we ate outside on the patio in old Riga where the streets are cobblestone. As we dined, we hear a "gun shot" and then a bunch of women IN HEELS were running down the cobblestone street.

It was a daily sprint race and the top 4 finishers would go on to the finals. These women were RUNNING. We asked and apparently at the Summer Solstice Celebration, there is a small monetary prize, along with a Golden Shoe trophy, given out to the winner. It is a badge of honor. I had issues walking in my flat soled shoes. :back:
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I have loved some of the clothes/outfits that we see on the characters, but there is a lot to be desired for some choices. I know folks have outfits that can be dressed up or down so no need to change clothes 5 times a day. LOL. I just really think seeing the women in stiletto type shoes when walking thru the mall, working at the hospital, hanging around the house, chasing down bad guys, etc. is just toooo stupid.
I work at a hospital. Many of the secretaries wear the stiletto platform shoes, fancy dresses, jewelry etc. I myself have had different jobs throughout my life and I always wore 3-4" heels to work, sometimes slacks and other times skirts or dresses. I still wear heels to work, only 3" now and I gave up dresses for a nice jacket, blouse and slacks. I remember watching soaps when I was younger (not that I am old ) and the women were always dressed to the 9s and the men in suits. Times change but everyone does not fit in the same mold. I would never wear jeans to work, but some do. Just sayin'.
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I always wear "heels" to work, but these days they are only an inch high. Nice slacks, nice top and a blazer, nice jewelry and I'm set for the day. I have been working for 50 years so I've seen all the styles come and go. I agree Marlena usually looks the best, but then again, she's in my age group.
I work in the office for a fairly large company in northern Wisconsin. I wear 5" heels almost every day. Most of the time I wear slacks and a nice top, but often I wear a dress. We used to have more of a dress code here, but now some business casual is allowed. Most of the time I wear my flat shoes into the building and change into my heels when I get to my desk.

The rest of the women in the offices wear a mix of levels of casual to dressy. Some wear heels and some wear flats. Up until they lightened up on the dress code, I wore a dress every day of the week. My daughter works for an accounting firm in Milwaukee and she has to dress up for the job every day with the occasional business casual days where she still can't ever wear jeans.
I just really think seeing the women in stiletto type shoes when walking thru the mall, working at the hospital, hanging around the house, chasing down bad guys, etc. is just toooo stupid.

LOL at least Days got realistic when Serena pulled off her stiletto heels barefoot ready to fight Nicole as she pulled out her earrings, classic hehe.
LOL, hey, I did not talk of 1,2,4" heels. It was the stiletto ones, 6". Some actresses have complained of having to stand in background in them, feet killing them. (I wear 2-3" heels when I am "dressed up", but will say, not with jeans...that is just me. )
My daughter wears heels to work every day, but when caught in a downpour, street flooded, car flooded, she had to leave the car and walk home. Took off the shoes, it was about a mile.

It is one thing to be at a desk most of the day, and wearing those extremely high heels. It is another to be on your feet most of the day, as hospital workers are, and those constantly in that mall, teachers, But around the house, taking care of kids, cleaning, picking up children from school, off to dance class, piano lessons, scout meetings, playground??
A little off topic but to hear Abby tell it, she sounds like has years to get ready for the baby :rolleyes: Queen of Denial?