Days of Our Lives - Tues. Oct. 20, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Episode #11,190 Taped 8/26 Director – Phil Sogard

Sami is talking to Johnny, about behaving for Missy, the babysitter. He runs off to the bedroom, she tries to call Nicole again, leaving an encouraging message, and asking where she can get in touch with this guy Chad.

But Chad is busy with Nicole, who is coming on to him, offering to use her talents to help him with his “needs”. He does that line “Mrs. DiMera, are you trying to seduce me?”, lol, and then turns her down, as he begins to walk away. She tries another tack, saying something about him being right, that perhaps he is too much man for her….which causes Chad to stop abruptly. Seems he is quiet familiar with that line, straight out of a porn movie (Hmmm, wonder what else those boys at the boarding school were up to, lol). & recognizes her as Locker Room Lolita. For a few seconds Nicole tries to deny, but admits it, talking of mistakes in her youth, having paid for them dearly, and bringing the conversation back to Sydney, loving her, giving her a good home, etc. etc. She warns Chad that EJ is pretty angry right now, but he loves that baby, and he is not one to mess with. Chad retorts that his parents are pretty powerful themselves, and that in his case, with them both being attorneys, it would all be legal, and not a thing she can do.

Brady shows up at Sami’s door, wanting to talk about Rafe. Sami has not heard from him, guesses he is doing this for Arianna, and they are back together. Brady denies, then admits that is true, but warns Sami no one must know. Sami is sympathetic, the Hernandez family seems to have their secrets that they refuse to tell. Brady wants to help find Rafe and will be trying his best.

Arianna meets up with Roman, and talks of Brady, and the problem with Victor, who thinks she is a drug dealer for real, and has warned her to stay away from Brady. However, that has proved difficult, she is back with him, on the sly, and wants out. Roman is understanding, reminds her of how he warned her it would be dangerous to get involved with Brady, comments on being young and foolish and get involved in dangerous things himself, but is not going to let her off the hook. They made a deal, the Salem PD has held up their end, she has to hold up hers. She says she knows she would probably have to go back to prison, Roman agrees. Arianna doesn’t want Brady to ever know she was ever in prison, agrees to stay on the job.

Carly is tending to Rafe, who is burning up with fever, needing antibiotics. Omar says they are pulling into Salem Harbor, Carly wants to go ashore, get something to help Rafe, and return. Omar is not happy with this idea, Lawrence’s men are looking for her, but agrees to help her. He wants to leave Rafe on the dock for some other good Samaritan to find, she refuses. He gets her a hoody, and next we see her scurrying along the dock, hood pulled over her head.

Bo shows up at the hospital to see Lexie, who has forgotten their appointment. Something about volunteers, but needing two paid people to be in charge. Bo says the dept. has no money in the budget, can’t even find the dough for more cops, let alone pay for a Director of Volunteers. Lexie suggests he get someone to underwrite the cost, perhaps Hope. This leads into a conversation about the troubles between Bo & Hope. He tells Lexie how Hope returned with Ciara, but doesn’t want to live in the house with him, how all of a sudden she is dredging up all these things from the past that he thought they had worked thru….Patrick Lockhart, him giving the keys to the car to Chelsea the night Zack …..Lexie wonders if these issues were ever really resolved. And as they sit and talk, we see Carly, in a white coat, walk past them, sort of hiding her face. She goes over to the drug cabinet, manages to get it open, grabs some stuff, shuts the door, saying some things never change. She is leaving, hears Maxine talking to Lexie, turns, sees Bo. She leaves. Lexie gets a page and takes off.

Sami has come into the Java Café, is on the phone with Will, telling him to stay with Mia, and she thinks she has found Chad. She orders a Café Latté, asks if he is Chad, wants to talk to him about Sydney. Chad (who is finally out of that ugly shirt) gets someone to cover for him, and joins her. She only says her name is Sami, she know Sydney, and how much Nicole loves and cares for her, and has lived thru what Chad is trying to do, and just wants to offer some advice. She doesn’t think Chad really wants to be taking care of a baby, but wants to get back at someone, and talks of how she tried to get this man. Chad assumes it was the father, but Sami says none of that matters, she loved her baby with all her heart, but tells Chad the responsibilities of raising a baby are huge Sami talks of all the attention a baby needs, changing diapers, feeding, walking the floors. She asks if he is going to take that baby on dates, to class if he goes to college, what about if he wants to travel….how about his honeymoon.. Chad tells her she is the first person who has actually talked sense to him.Sami tells him to then do the right thing, leave Sydney with Nicole.

And Brady sits in the library, at a desk, when Nicole walks in. He is surprised, stands up, she starts talking of when he first came back to town, and she was all about EJ, and Brady stood by her all the time. And what a mistake she made. She hugs him, telling him how much she needs him. And then says she wants to go away with him.. She wants them to go away from Salem together…….forever.

Thanks for the great write up!
Sounds as if Sami learned a thing or two from Marlena over the years. Glad to see her growing up and acting more her age.
Thanks, Poirot!!

DON'T DO IT BRADY!!!!!!!!!!! You are a doormat for Nicole and she knows it!!!

This whole Nicole/Brady thing is really aggravating me!! Poor Brady gets the shaft everytime. He lies for her, helps her to manipulate people and the moment something bad happens, she rails at him for it. HELLO!!! The bad part never would have happened had YOU not put him in that situation Nicole!

So glad that Sami was the one to mention all these things to Chad. All the yelling and screaming around Sydney was starting to bother me. That baby doesn't need that kind of negativity around her. She is an innocent bystander in all of this. She didn't do anything to anyone.

Bo/Hope/Carly - I don't think there is much that hasn't been said there.....
Sami ~ well she is doing what a parent should be doing-- talking some sense into that boy. She is right Chad just wants revenge on Mia and to hurt her again... all about him.. do we think he will listen to Sami??
Brady~ well, is he not got the hots for Arrianna?? again- they are back on.. I think he is done with Nicole..
Ok, now I know I have heard Mia plentu of times tell Chad about all the work involved in taking care of a baby, and how would he do that while in school. Even Nicole has asked him, now Sami tells him & Ta-da, he gets it??

Nicole is desperate and that is why she came on to Chad & now to Brady. She loves Sydney with all her heart. Hopefully Brady will stay because of Arianna now. Maybe he will even knock some sense into her that taking Sydney on the run is not good for her.

It still amazes me how easily drugs are taken at that hospital. Don't they believe in keys?
Ok, now I know I have heard Mia plentu of times tell Chad about all the work involved in taking care of a baby, and how would he do that while in school. Even Nicole has asked him, now Sami tells him & Ta-da, he gets it??

I think he just didn't want to hear it from Mia & Nicole because they are the ones who decieved him. Then you have Sami come along, who as far as Chad knows, only has interaction with Sydney. He doesn't really know the whole story about Sami being Will's mom and how "close" she & Nicole are. By hearing these things from an outsider, plus it being someone who has been there before, it does tend to put a different perspective on things. Not to mention that when he talked to Mia & Nicole, there was yelling and threats being thrown around left and right so everything went in one ear and out the other.
I just keep thinking how stupid EJ will feel (if that's possible) when he finds out that Sydney is really Sami's and his especially after he told Nicole to leave and take "that" with her. I hope he never even gets visitation with her. It's what he would deserve. Let Sami & Rafe raise her and Johnny, especially if he gets the family in the drug business. That would be true justice that a judge would find him and his house an unhealthy place for the kids to live.
Wow! The anticipation is building up for me with the whole when will Bo & Carly see each other thing!!
The way Hope is being written, I am pulling for a nice reunion between Bo & Carly! Just a nice friendly reunion right now!

Run Brady Run!!! Stay away from Nicole!!!

Way to go Sami. Glad she was honest & truthful to Chad & not trying to manipulte him. I mean his is being a jerk...but someone needed to talk to him like a person, & Sami did that!

Sami will be ticked when she realizes she helped Nicole keep her baby! Just wish the baby story would wrap up soon!!
Thanks for the summary. Looking forward to the talk with Sami and Chad. It should be good. Ohh so Arianna was in jail before. Wonder what for. This is getting very interesting. Sure hope the undercover ends soon and that Arianna does not go to jail. Really like Brady and Arianna together.
a Hoody? a White coat?

I never knew these two items had such hidden powers... put them on and no one can see you or notice you are someplace you should not be....

Thanks for the write up...
I am actually getting excited here which is something that hasn't happened with this show with me since Jack and Jennifer returned. Carly actually made it to Salem so now maybe we can get somewhere. I am glad she say Bo, now I am just waiting for Bo to see her and then maybe we can find out what it is she is looking for. I have my theories but I am probably way off here.
I would love to see Sami take Nicole and Sydney in. Sami and Nicole could raise Sydney together and NEVER let EJ know that he is the father! Between the two of them, I think they could pull it off.
Thanks, Poirot!!

DON'T DO IT BRADY!!!!!!!!!!! You are a doormat for Nicole and she knows it!!!

This whole Nicole/Brady thing is really aggravating me!! Poor Brady gets the shaft everytime. He lies for her, helps her to manipulate people and the moment something bad happens, she rails at him for it. HELLO!!! The bad part never would have happened had YOU not put him in that situation Nicole!

So glad that Sami was the one to mention all these things to Chad. All the yelling and screaming around Sydney was starting to bother me. That baby doesn't need that kind of negativity around her. She is an innocent bystander in all of this. She didn't do anything to anyone.

Bo/Hope/Carly - I don't think there is much that hasn't been said there.....

ROFLMAO! yepper.... for once I would love to see Brady actually back down from trying to be the gallant knight in shining armor.
As for Sami....kudos to her all the way.

Bo and Hope...hopeless!
Just saw the show. To me the best line was Carly to Omar when she was leaving the ship and Omar told her to be carefull. Her answer was Don't worry about me nothing ever happens in Salem. I think she is having a case of CRS (Just learned what that means a little while ago) She was drugged and baried alive in Salem. I just had to laugh at that one.
Loved the scenes with Sami and Chad. She seemed to get through to him what looking after a child at his age was like and how it would end up affecting the child. (It reminded me of my niece telling her class that she has a big advantage over them because she was their age, but they have never been hers. Don't even try to pull anything over on her because anything they can think of she has been there and done that. ) Sami was telling him the same thing. She has been a teenager alone bringing up a child. I am wondering why he did not seem to know that Sami was Will's Mom. He knows Will and knows that Mia and Will were a couple. Ohh I was just so glad that Chad turned Nicole down. Loved Nicole's dream of Chad going after her and the police coming and her pressing charges.
Sami has come into the Java Café, is on the phone with Will, telling him to stay with Mia, and she thinks she has found Chad. She orders a Café Latté, asks if he is Chad, wants to talk to him about Sydney. Chad (who is finally out of that ugly shirt) gets someone to cover for him, and joins her. She only says her name is Sami, she know Sydney, and how much Nicole loves and cares for her, and has lived thru what Chad is trying to do, and just wants to offer some advice. She doesn’t think Chad really wants to be taking care of a baby, but wants to get back at someone, and talks of how she tried to get this man. Chad assumes it was the father, but Sami says none of that matters, she loved her baby with all her heart, but tells Chad the responsibilities of raising a baby are huge Sami talks of all the attention a baby needs, changing diapers, feeding, walking the floors. She asks if he is going to take that baby on dates, to class if he goes to college, what about if he wants to travel….how about his honeymoon.. Chad tells her she is the first person who has actually talked sense to him.Sami tells him to then do the right thing, leave Sydney with Nicole."

WOW. Cue Sami to have the Salem Brain. Maybe Chad will leave Sydney with Nicole and just take the visits like Nicole has offered him.
I loved when Sami said that when they placed the baby in her arms she loved him with all her heart, but the novelty of if wears off very quickly. Her whole talk with Chad was amazing.
Who would have ever thought that Sami would be the one to give out advice? Not so long ago she was the most screwed up character on the show. She has now given good advice to Mia, Will, Lucas, and Chad. She even tried to help Nicole, EJ, and Brady. Goodness, maybe Sami is Caroline's granddaughter. :) We need to send her to talk to Hope next! :)
Sounds like a decent episode. Looking forward to it. Thanks Poirot.

I love the idea of Nicole asking Brady to take her away. It almost sounds like it's Brady fantacizing. I can't stand Arianna Hernandez and I know that Nicole is just using Brady, but there was once something between them and I think there could be again. Recently, several characters have noted that Brady is still in love with Nicole. I haven't heard him really deny it. I say, go for it Brady!